Workbook Unit 2 - Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

Let’s Begin:

1.You have read the story about Nelson Mandela in your textbook, First Flight, and the struggle of the people of South Africa. Mandela draws our attention to the meaning and importance of freedom and leading a life with freedom.

He states that freedom comes with responsibilities. Discuss with your peers, how freedom and responsibilities go hand in hand.

Freedom and responsibility are inseparable. True freedom means making choices and decisions without others' approval. It allows working harmoniously without constraints. However, freedom requires effort and responsibility. Everyone wants freedom, but few work for it. Achieving freedom means accepting responsibility for actions and decisions, facing both good and bad outcomes. This determination leads to continuous self-improvement and success. To truly enjoy freedom, one must fight for what they want or don’t want, leading to a peaceful and content life. Only then can one escape the feeling of imprisonment and truly be free.

Reading Comprehension:

Text – I

Given below is a speech by Sardar Patel, one of the prominent figures of India’s freedom struggle. This is one of the convocation speeches delivered by him. Read the speech and answer the questions that follow.

Sardar Patel’s Call to Youth to build

Character and be Disciplined

I must thank you for the affectionate and warm welcome which you have extended to me and for the love and regard which you have shown to me by conferring this honour to me. Gifts are of many kinds those achieved by one’s own endeavour are good and deserved, but no gift should be conferred on one whose worthiness has not been tested. By selecting me without assuring yourself of my fitness for the gift, you have laid me under a heavy debt and, by your injunctions that I should continue to prove worthy of it throughout my life, you have imposed on me a very difficult obligation. At present, I cannot say anything because I am bound by your love and affection; and, therefore, with your blessing and God’s grace, I pray that I may prove worthy of it. Should I fail, the blame for my failure will be shared by you as well.

On this occasion, I wish to place before you a few thoughts which occur to my mind as incidental to our hard-won freedom. We have now won our freedom. But just as I am doubtful, if I deserved the honour that you have done me, you have also to think whether you have done everything to deserve freedom that you have attained after such a bitter and sustained struggle.

There are people who think that having won freedom, there is nothing more to do about it. Freedom has come to us through sacrifices. Those who made sacrifices tasted the fruit of their efforts and self-denials, but it is for those who are now enjoying freedom to taste its fruit. After the last World War, there is an all-round deterioration in human standards. People have become self-centered. They have forgotten or ignored the wider interests of the country. The essential and noteworthy features of our struggle were: sacrifice, truth, and non-violence.

The weapons of the World War were: violence, brute force, political and military moves, and counter moves. As a result of the churning of the ocean, the world has emitted poison. That poison is spreading all over and there is none to swallow it. The countries which were free have managed to digest it somewhat, but we, who have just attained our freedom, it is hard to do the same. Therefore, those who think that having attained freedom they have attained everything have really attained nothing! The freedom that we have won is yet to be consolidated. The foundations of freedom have to be well and truly laid! This one-year old child has to be nursed and nourished, instructed and strengthened. It is for us to do it and we must do it.

In India today, there is no time for useless controversies and unnecessary debates and disputes. One can indulge in these pastimes when one has time and leisure. At present, we have to occupy ourselves with the all absorbing task of making the foundation of our freedom strong and unassailable. We have to reflect on our place in this broken and destructed worldand what our duty and obligations are! If we fail to make the best use of our freedom to make it worthwhile and turn it to our advantage and advancements, future generations will heap curses on us. They will say that a spiritualist, a great soul gave us this precious boon, but we did not know how to retain it and lost it.

I should like to urge upon those who train citizens of tomorrow and to those citizens of tomorrow that we have yet to stand on our feet. We must concentrate on one thing alone, viz., how to make our country strong and united. We can make it strong when hearts are pure and when we fully appreciate our duty. Now that foreign rulers have gone, are we in a position to sustain the whole burden that has devolved on us ? When we took over from them, the administrative fabric was in tatters. We have to mend and place it. This, in itself, is a heavy responsibility. It is for our universities to train young men to shoulder these responsibilities.

The great university of life is full of experiences, but to make full use of those experiences, all of us students, teachers and professors – have to be cautious and on guard. The most essential requisite is character. If your character is lacking and you leave the precincts of the alma mater without your character fully developed, you will be wasting an opportunity of a lifetime.

You have to realise that India has to attain its rightful place in the comity of nations. The leadership of Asia would be hers if she conducts herself well and if her citizens make their fitting contribution to nation’s resurgence. Whatever trials and troubles we might have passed through, there is no denying the fact that we have a precious inheritance and the teachings we have received from the departed leaders are great assets for us.

India abounds in the resources of nature and manpower. They are awaiting full use. That task must devolve on young men and women. We ourselves were trained in the school of experience. We fought for freedom and we have attained that prize for you. It is now up to you to prove yourself worthy of the same. This you can do only if you work with single- minded devotion to the cause of the country. It is only then that you can deserve this freedom and be proud of it.

The real danger of India lies in our disunity. That poison of communalism was spread in the past. You should draw a curtain over it. Only then could we equip ourselves for the freedom that has come to us.

There are still people in the country whose loyalty to India has not settled down. They should and will leave India. This is the occasion for mutual help and mutual cooperation. We must know what our duty is as true citizens. Your teacher has to impart that duty. Unless we learn to shoulder our responsibility in the true spirit of discipline and citizenship we cannot go ahead. We must strengthen our shoulders and our legs so that we can stand erect and bear the burden that has devolved on us. Then alone would we secure the real objective of freedom.

(Source: The Collected Works of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Volume XIII [1 January 1948 – 31 December 1948], Editor: P.N. Chopra, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)

Complete the sentences given below by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase.

1. The occasion of the speech of Sardar Patel here is ____________.

(а) an address to a public gathering

(b) a convocation address at a university ✔

(c) a speech in Indian Parliament

(d) a speech delivered to civil servants

2. Patel feels that future generations will heap curses on us if ____________.

(а) we fail to protect our freedom ✔

(b) we fail to protect the corrupt people in public life

(c) we wage war against other nations

(d) we understand the need for peace

3. The first and foremost thing Patel stressed to be done is ____________.

(a) to make the country strong and united ✔

(b) to give employment to everyone

(c) to fight a war against those who oppressed us

(d) to make every citizen feel happy

4. One major characteristic of university education, as Sardar Patel believes, is ____________.

(a) character ✔

(b) duty

(c) knowledge

(d) power

5. What did Patel not mean when he said, “You have to realise that India has to attain its rightful place in the comity of nations” ? Tick the right answer.

(a) Friendly and cordial relationship with other nations

(b) Group of nations which wage war against other ✔

(c) Community of people

(d) Nations from a continent

6. ‘India abounds in the resources of nature and manpower’ means ____________.

(a) India has a vibrant economy

(b) India’s natural resources and population are a great resource ✔

(c) India’s lack of manpower

(d) Indians are great resource for development

7. What is the greatest danger for India as Patel believes in his speech?

(a) Climate in India is not suitable for hard work.

(b) Disunity and communalism among the citizens are the greatest danger for India. ✔

(c) India’s lack of manpower.

(d) Indians lack in intelligence quotient.

8. Complete the following statement based on your understanding of Patel’s speech.

The first and foremost duty of the young nation is to make the foundation of nation’s freedom strong and unassailable, to make the country strong and united by assuming responsibilities and performing duties sincerely.


1. Use the following words and phrases in your own sentences.

Precincts : The school playground is within the precincts of the school, meaning it's part of the school grounds.

Comity of nations : The comity of nations came together to discuss global environmental issues and find solutions that would benefit everyone.

Unassailable : Her argument was so strong and well-researched that it was unassailable; no one could find a flaw in it.

Mutual cooperation : The project was a success because of the mutual cooperation between all the team members, who worked together and helped each other.

2. Sardar Patel called upon young students to understand the meaning of freedom and ways to sustain it. Here are two key words which he stressed upon-‘Freedom’ and ‘Responsibility’. Working in pairs, find words and phrases which convey the feeling of these words and write below.

Freedom                     Responsibility
(1) liberty                 (1) Authority
(2) emancipation         (2) self-importance
(3) Rights                 (3) obligation
(4) discharge of duties (4) Power
(5) deliverance         (5) duty
(6) entitlement to         (6) answerable
(7) non-confinement (7) Autonomy

You may have written above at least seven to eight words for each key word. Using the words. Write at least five sentences describing ‘Freedom’ and ‘Responsibility’. One has been done for you.

Example : Freedom is not free.

Sure, here are five sentences describing ‘Freedom’ and ‘Responsibility’ suitable for grade 7:

1. Freedom means being able to make your own choices and do what you want without being stopped by others.
2. Responsibility is about taking care of your duties and being accountable for your actions.
3. To enjoy freedom, you must also understand and accept responsibility for what you do.
4. Having freedom to play after school means you also have the responsibility to finish your homework on time.
5. Freedom allows you to express your thoughts, but **responsibility** means doing it respectfully and thoughtfully.


Use of Articles:

1. You have come across the use of articles ‘a’, ‘an’, and ‘the’ in the lesson. The tasks in the textbook give you the idea that the use of ‘the’ with proper noun carries a special meaning. Read the following paragraph from the speech you have read above. The articles are missing in the paragraph. With the help of your partner, fill in the blanks.

_________ weapons of world war were: violence, brute force, political and military moves, and counter moves. As _________ result of _________ churning of the ocean, _________ world has emitted poison. That poison is spreading all over and there is none to swallow it. countries which were free have managed to digest it somewhat, but we, who have just attained our freedom, it is hard to do _________ same. Therefore, those who think that having attained freedom they have attained-
everything, have really attained nothing! _________ freedom that we have won is yet to be consolidated.

Answer: The; the: a; the: the: The: the; The.

2. Which article most frequently occurs in the passage? Why is it so? Can you replace it with some other article? Why / Why not? Discuss with your peers and make notes.

The article that occurs most frequently in the passage is ‘The’. No, we cannot replace it with some other article. This is because we ought to use the definite article ‘The’ in case of proper nouns, the things which have previously been mentioned and discussed in the textual matter.

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.

(a) ____boy and ___girl were shopping in a market. ____ boy was from Kerala and ___ girl was from Nagaland.
(b) Can you turn off ___ light?
(c) He has taken ___ taxi to station.
(d) Is there ___ police station nearby?
(e) My sister works in ___ bank.
(f) He has been looking for ___ job for the last seven years.
(g) Would you like to eat ____ apple?
(h) He goes to the theatre once ___ month.
(i) This morning I bought _________ newspaper and magazine. _________ newspaper is on my table and I forgot where I have placed _________ magazine.
(j) We would like to have dinner at _________ good restaurant.

Answers: a. A, a, the, the    b. the    c. a    d. a    e. a    f. a    g. an    h. a    i. a, The, the    j. a


1. The following passage has an error in each line. Find the error and write the correct word or words against the line.

1. I don’t mean that some peoples are born clear headed _________

2. and is therefore natural writers, whereas others _________

3. are naturally fuzzy and will never wrote well. _________

4. Thinking clearly was a conscious act that writers _________

5. must forced on themselves, as if they were working ________

6. on any other project that requires logic makes _________

7. shopping list or doing an algebra problems. _________

8. Good writing do not come naturally, _________

9. though most people seems to think it does. _________

10. Professional writer are constantly bearded by _________

11. people who say they’d like to “trying a little _________

12. writing sometime” – meaned when they _________

13. retire from their real profession. _________


    Incorrect            Correct
  1. peoples        peolple
  2. is                  are
  3. wrote           write
  4. was              is
  5. forced          force
  6. makes          making
  7. problems     problem
  8. do not         does not
  9. seems         seem
  10. writer         writers
  11. trying         try
  12. meaned      means
  13. profession  professions


1. Your teacher or any one student will read out the text given below to the whole class. Listen carefully. Working in groups of four, note down in short the important points as you listen. Discuss in your group. Recreate and write the text you have listened to. You need not write the exact text, but the meaning should be nearest to the actual text read out to you. Your teacher will read out the text again for all the groups so that you can check whether you have understood the text well.

Text for listening:

A few minutes ago, walking back from lunch, I started to cross the street when I heard the sound of a coin dropping. It wasn’t much but, as I turned my eyes caught the heads of several other people turning too. A woman had dropped what appeared to be a one rupee coin. The tinkling sound of a coin dropping on the pavement grabs attention. Whatever be the value of the coin no one can ignore the sound of it. It got me thinking about sounds again.


It was only a few minutes ago. While walking back from lunch, I happened to cross the street. I heard a faint sound of a coin dropping. As I turned back to take a look at what that was, I noticed the sound gamering several eyeballs at the very moment. It was the sound of, possibly, a one rupee coin accidentally dropped by a woman. It made me wonder, no matter what the value of the coin is, the tinkling sound emanating from its fall on a pavement invariably invites attention. Soon I realised I was in deep contemplation about the various kinds of sounds.


1.You have read the speeches of Nelson Mandela and Sardar Patel. You know their beliefs and ideas on freedom and responsibilities for a new born nation. Discuss with your partner and put down your ideas on what freedom means to you. Prepare an outline.

To me, freedom means feeling calm and happy in life. It means being free from worries and problems. I think freedom comes from being strong and able to make your own choices. It’s when you can decide for yourself and aren’t told what to do by others. In short, freedom should let you express yourself and find out who you really are. It should help you achieve your true goals in life.

2. Prepare a speech for the morning assembly reflecting on the following questions.

(а) How do you feel today about the country’s freedom?
(b) Are we free and independent?
(c) Are we serious about our responsibilities as citizens?

Respected teachers, dear friends, and honorable principal madam:

Today, I am privileged to share my views on the topic of freedom and its significance in our lives. Thanks to the struggles of our great freedom fighters, we live freely in an independent nation. They fought against the odds and discrimination from the British.

But can we truly say we live in a free and independent nation? Many of us may not feel completely free. We still want to change aspects of our lives according to our wishes. Although we want freedom, not all of us are willing to take responsibility for each other and the nation. 

While we gained freedom from British oppression, we are still bound by social ills. True freedom comes when we earnestly carry out our responsibilities. 

Thank you!


1. Make pairs. One of you takes the role of Nelson Mandela and the other becomes the interviewer.

(a) The interviewer prepares a questionnaire on Nelson Mandela-Mandela as a person and his contributions to the removal of Apartheid.
(b) The interviewee responds to them. The interviewer’s task is to note down the answers also,
(c) The interviewer, through the questions, tries to get an overview of Mandela’s life.

For interviewer Questions to be framed For interviewee Answers by the Interviewee

Question 1: What inspired you to fight for freedom in South Africa?

Nelson Mandela's Reply: I was inspired by the desire to see all people in South Africa treated equally. Growing up, I saw many people suffering because of unfair laws, and I wanted to help change that so everyone could live in peace and dignity.

Question 2: How did you feel when you were in prison for so many years?

Nelson Mandela's Reply: Being in prison was very hard, but I never lost hope. I used the time to reflect and strengthen my determination to fight for justice. I knew that my struggle was part of a larger movement for freedom.

Question 3: What was the happiest moment in your life?

Nelson Mandela's Reply: One of the happiest moments was when I was released from prison and saw the overwhelming support of the people. It made me realize that our dream of a free and equal South Africa was closer than ever.

Question 4: Why is education important, according to you?

Nelson Mandela's Reply: Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world. It helps people understand their rights and gives them the tools to improve their lives and their communities.

Question 5: What message would you like to give to the children of today?

Nelson Mandela's Reply: My message to children is to always stand up for what is right and never give up, even when things seem difficult. Believe in yourself, be kind to others, and work hard to make the world a better place.

2. Make groups of four and find out the background information on Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King. All three of them fought against all odds and used non-violence to achieve their aim. Choose any two of the above stated leaders and do a comparative study of their principles and lives.

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela, born in 1918 in South Africa, was a revolutionary leader who fought against the apartheid system. He joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944 and became a symbol of resistance against racial oppression. Imprisoned for 27 years, Mandela emerged as a global icon for justice and equality. His advocacy for non-violence and reconciliation helped dismantle apartheid, leading to his election as South Africa's first black president in 1994. Mandela's life was dedicated to achieving a democratic and free society, where all individuals could live in harmony and with equal opportunities.

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi, born in 1869 in India, was a prominent leader in the struggle for Indian independence from British rule. He championed the philosophy of non-violence (ahimsa) and civil disobedience, inspiring millions to join the fight for freedom. Gandhi's campaigns, such as the Salt March and the Quit India Movement, played crucial roles in mobilizing the masses against colonial rule. His principles of simplicity, self-reliance, and non-violent resistance left a profound impact on global civil rights movements. Gandhi's legacy continues to influence leaders and movements advocating for peace and justice worldwide.


1. You have learnt about the freedom struggles of many nations after the Second World War and how many leaders spearheaded freedom movements in their countries. Based on the learning from history and political science, write about any two leaders from different nations. The following are prompts that can help you :

(a) Their thoughts
(b) Their uniqueness
(c) Honesty and integrity
(d) Confidence and leadership qualities
(e) Inspirational speeches
(f) Contributions to free their countries
(Hints: You may develop their profiles in chronological order. You may visit the library. Consult social science teachers in your school and elders in your neighbourhood.)

Subhash Chandra Bose

Subhash Chandra Bose, affectionately known as Netaji, was a pivotal figure in India’s struggle for independence against the British. Initially joining Mahatma Gandhi's Civil Disobedience Movement, Bose later became an active member and president of the Indian National Congress (INC) in 1938 and 1939. Opposing British rule, he was placed under house arrest but escaped in 1941. Bose sought assistance from Russia, Germany, and Japan to fight the British. In Japan, he formed the Indian National Army (INA) with Indian war prisoners from the British Indian army. His militant nationalism, fiery leadership, and advocacy for women's empowerment, secularism, and liberal ideas set him apart. The INA's assault, though short-lived, pressured the British to consider India's independence. His famous quote, "Give me blood, and I will give you freedom," encapsulates his dedication to complete, unconditional independence for India.

Kwame Nkrumah

Kwame Nkrumah was a Ghanaian politician and revolutionary who led Ghana to independence from Britain in 1957, becoming its first Prime Minister and President. A staunch advocate of Pan-Africanism, he was a founding member of the Organisation of African Unity. After spending 12 years abroad for higher education and political organizing, Nkrumah returned to the Gold Coast to champion national independence. His administration was nationalist and socialist, focusing on national industrial and energy projects, education, and promoting Pan-African culture. Influenced by African-American liberation struggles and leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., he also connected with African independence leaders such as Kenya’s Jomo Kenyatta. Nkrumah's famous remarks include, “We face neither East nor West: we face forward” and “Revolutions are brought about by men, by men who think as men of action and act as men of thought.” He played a crucial role in establishing the Organisation of African Unity.
