Words and Expressions Class 9 Solutions Unit 2

 AP/ NCERT Solutions Words and Expressions Grade 9 Unit 2

Let’s Begin:

Take this quiz to check your knowledge of music and musicians.

1. What kind of music is Ravi Shankar famous for?
(a) Jazz
(b) Classical
(c) Pop

Answer: (b) Classical

2. Which country was Justin Beiber born in?
(a) USA
(b) India
(c) Canada

Answer: (c) Canada

3. How many strings does a guitar have?
(a) 6
(b) 7
(c) 8

Answer: (a) 6

4. What is a group of three musicians called?
(a) a trio
(b) a duet
(c) a quartet

Answer: (a) a trio

5. What is the next note after sa-re-ga-ma?
(a) dha
(b) ni
(c) pa

Answer: (c) pa

6. What is the next note after do-re-mi?
(a) ti
(b) fa
(c) so

Answer: (b) fa

Reading Comprehension:

In this section, you will read three texts on music in different perspectives. The first one will enlighten you about the effective role of music in our lives, the second reflects on the life of the famous music composer, Ludwig van Beethoven, and the third is a poem by William Wordsworth where he appreciates the melody of a song.

Read the texts carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Text – I

Role of Music in Life:
Today, we are rushing through life and everyone seems to be pressurised and stressed about one or the other thing. Stress has become an inescapable part of our lives. Many of our illnesses are a result of stress, and to deal with it, we need certain ways to relax our body and mind. Listening to music, particularly gentle, calming and melodious music, relaxes people both physically and mentally. Music releases endorphins, the natural painkillers in our brain, which relieve us from the sense of pain. Music can normalise heart rate and blood pressure. The common occurrences of fatigue and boredom decrease when we listen to music.

It diverts our attention from everyday anxieties, thereby reducing the stress caused by such concerns. While meditating, listening to music helps us to connect with our soul. Students can improve their concentration and boost their memory by listening to soft music. Soothing music, when played at night, helps us to rest and relax for a good night’s sleep. Listening to good music helps in overcoming negative/traits such as anger or worry, thereby improving our personality. It creates positive energy and happiness. Every cell in the body becomes energetic with increased peace of mind.

Music is a therapy for everyone – plants, birds, animals and human beings – to flourish and rejuvenate. It certainly plays an important part in making the world better for all living beings.
Complete the following statements by selecting the most appropriate options given below.

1. _________ helps in relaxation of our body and mind.
(a) Pop music
(b) Soothing music
(c) Jazz music
(d) Rock music

Answer: (b) Soothing music

2. The natural painkillers released in our brain are _________.
(a) Insulin
(b) Endorphins
(c) Endocrine
(d) Glycerin

Answer: (b) Endorphins

3. Music is helpful in improving the _________ of students.
(a) concentration
(b) emotion
(c) relaxation
(d) anxiety

Answer: (a) concentration

4. Which word from the passage means the same as ‘to renew’ _________?
(a) rejuvenate
(b) enhance
(c) release
(d) relieve

Answer: (a) rejuvenate

5. List the benefits of music mentioned in the passage.

  • It relaxes people both physically and mentally.
  • It releases endorphins, the natural painkillers in our brain, which relieve us from the sense of pain.
  • It thus normalises our heart rate and blood pressure, reduces anxiety and stress.
  • It helps in enhancement of concentration and memory of students.
  • It helps in overcoming fatigue, boredom and negative traits of our personality such as anger.
  • It is a therapy which soothes, relaxes and rejuvenates one’s mind, body and soul.

Text – II

Beating the Odds:

The musical accomplishments of composer Ludwig van Beethoven have been all the more remarkable for the fact that he lost his hearing ability from an early age. He developed the symptoms of tinnitus, a constant sound of ringing in his ears that made it difficult for him to hear. He is compared to Mozart for his genius, and is considered the most eminent musician after Mozart.

Although hip formal education never went beyond the elementary level, he trained in music under Joseph Haydn. He has always been acclaimed as a brilliant piano maestro. His father and grandfather were the court musicians of a German prince. Young Ludwig was often made to perform for his father’s drinking companions in the middle of the night, and was even beaten if he protested.

For the first thirty years of his life, Beethoven could listen to and play music effortlessly. As a result, he understood sounds of musical instruments and the pitch of the singing voices. He knew the harmony between music and singing before he became completely deaf. His deafness was not sudden, but a gradual decline. This slow process of losing his hearing activated his mind to imagine how his compositions would sound like. When he became completely deaf, he started to observe the vibrations of the piano. The observations helped him realise that he could not hear the high notes of the piano. To be able to hear his own compositions, he sawed off the legs of his piano. The piano touched the floor, and Beethoven would press his ear to the floor, banging the piano keys to listen to the high notes in his compositions.

The most significant aspect of Beethoven’s character was that he did not give up. With a brave heart, he confronted the greatest challenge a musician can face, and continued living his dream of composing music. Deafness could not deter him from achieving the pinnacle of musical success. He fought against the greatest obstacle and won.

His quality of‘never giving up’ strengthened him. It made him come to terms with his deafness in a dynamic and constructive way. These qualities led him to become a famous composer.

1. Read the following statements and write true (T) or false (F).
(а) Although he composed a lot of music, Beethoven never learned to play music himself. (T/F)

(b) His deafness was not a sudden loss of hearing. (T/F)

(c) He composed most of his music early in his. life, before he became deaf. (T/F)

(d) His musical skills were compared to Haydn. (T/F)

(e) Beethoven cut down the legs of his piano to hear the notes of the keys from the floor. (T/F)

(a) False (F)
(b) True (T)
(c) False (F)
(d) False (F)
(e) True (T)

2. How could Beethoven compose music despite his loss of hearing?

Beethoven, despite hearing loss, composed using memory, inner hearing, and writing. His artistic genius endured.

3. What realisation made Beethoven continue his passion for music with more determination?

His unwavering 'never give up' attitude helped him accept deafness, fueling his music passion. He composed with determination, becoming renowned.

4. Which word in the following is similar in meaning to ‘skillful’ (para 1)?
(a) brilliant
(b) masterly
(c) talented
(d) genius

Answer: (d) genius

Text – III

Read the poem carefully and answer the question that follows.

The Solitary Reaper
Behold her, single in the field,
Yon solitary Highland lass!
Reaping and singing by herself;
Stop here, or gently pass!
Alone she cuts and binds the grain,
And sings a melancholy strain;
O listen! for the Vale profound
Is overflowing with the sound.

No Nightingale did ever chaunt
More welcome notes to weary bands
Of travellers in some shady haunt,
Among Arabian sands:
A voice so thrilling ne’er was heard
In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird,
Breaking the silence of the seas
Among the farthest Hebrides.

Will no one tell-me What she sings?
Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow
For old, unhappy, far-off things,
And battles long ago:
Or is it some more humble lay,
Familiar matter of to-day?
Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,
That has been, and may be again?

Whate’er the theme, the Maiden sang
As if her song could have no ending;
I saw her singing at her work,
And o’er the sickle bending;
I listened, motionless and still;
And, as I mounted up the hill,
The music in my heart I bore,
Long after it was heard no more.
William Wordsworth

1. Complete the summary of the poem given below with a suitable word/phrase in each blank.

The poet finds a young Highland girl who
(a) _________ alone and”sings to herself. The poet asks us to listen carefully, because the whole (b) _________ is filled with the overflowing sound of her singing. He asks us to either (c) _________ and listen to her sad song, or gently pass by so as not to disturb her. He goes on to say that no nightingale ever sang a more (d) _________ song to bands of tired (e) _________ in the Arabian Desert. The poet asserts that the beauty of the girl’s singing exceeds that of the cuckoo’s in the (f) _________. Her singing is also the only thing which (g) _________ the silence of the valley. The poet tries to (h) _________ what the girl is singing about. He is unable to get the words of the song clearly. He .thinks that perhaps she is singing about old sorrows or (i) _________ fought long ago, or more routine concerns of life or even some (j) _________ which she has endured and may endure again. At the end, he quietly walks away with a feeling that he may never be able to find out the (k) _________ of her never-ending song. Nevertheless, he asserts that her singing has captured his imagination so much that he will (l) _________ the music in his heart long after it is heard no more.


(a) reaps
(b) valley
(c) stop
(d) welcoming
(e) wanderers
(f) spring-time
(g) breaks
(h) ask someone
(i) battles
(j) suffering
(k) theme
(l) bear


1. The following words and phrases occur in the given passages and poem. Given below are the words and their meanings. Match each meaning with the word.

Text 1
1. relieves(a) substances produced by the brain that have pain-killing and tranquillising effects on the body
2. endorphins(b) power to live or grow
3. exhaustion(c) to free from anxiety, fear, pain, etc.
4. rejuvenate(d) tiredness
5. vitality(e) to restore to a former state; make fresh or new again
Text 2
6. prodigy(f) constantly repeated
7. persistent(g) to cut or divide
8. virtuoso(h) to make or become worse or inferior in character, quality, value, etc.
9. deterioration(i) something that obstructs or hinders progress
10. sawed(j) a person, especially a child or young person, having extraordinary talent or ability
11. obstacle(k) a person who excels in musical technique or execution
Text 3
12. behold(l) tired
13. yon(m) girl
14. lass(n) look, see
15. melancholy(o) climbed
16. vale(p) expressing sorrow
17. strain(q) causing sadness
18. weary(r) that
19. plaintive(s) melody
20. mounted(t) valley


Text – 1
Q. 1 – c; 2 – a; 3 – d; 4 – e; 5 – b

Text – 2
Q. 6 – j; 7 – f; 8 – k; 9 – h; 10 – g; 11 — i

Text – 3
Q. 12 – n; 13 – r; 14 – m; 15 – q; 16 – t; 17 – s; 18 – Z; 19 – p; 20 – 0

2. Word search
Look at the instruments given here. And search for their names in the word grid.

A. Find the names of the musical instru¬ments in the grid. They can be found in different directions: up-down, down-up, left-right, right- left and diagonally.
Name the musical instruments.

(1) Tabla
(2) Piano
(3) Xylophone
(4) Sitar
(5) Sarod
(6) Drum
(7) Flute
(8) Dholak
(9) Veena
(10) Shehnai

B. Use the pictures as clues. Write the appropriate name of the instrument in each blank given below. One has been done as an example.

(а) Evelyn Glennie is a Xylophone plaver.
(b) Zakir Hussain plays the _________.
(c) Hariprasad Chaurasia plays the _________.
(d) V. Doraiswamy Iyenger plays the _________.
(e) Bismillah Khan plays the _________.
(f) Amjad Ali Khan plays the _________.

(a) Xylophone player
(b) Tabla
(c) Flute
(d) Veena
(e) Shehnai
(f) Sarod.


1. In the lesson ‘The Sound of Music’ you have read that ‘adjectives’ ean be used before a noun and after the verb 136’.


The book is interesting. The interesting book.
The table is round. The round table.
But ‘adjectives’ can have many forms.


1. He chose a pipe with a natural hollow stem that was longer and broader.

2. Ustad Bismillah Khan was awarded India’s highest civilian award.

3. My mother is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Here the adjectives longer and broader refer to the comparative degree; and highest and most beautiful refer to the superlative degree.
‘Er’ is used for the comparative degree for shorter words and ‘more’ is used for longer words.


Let’s go to the local market. The vegetables are cheaper there. But in Supermarket these are more expensive.

A. Now fill in the blanks with appropriate comparative adjectives.

(a) He was not audible. His voice was not loud.
Can you request him to be a bit _________ (loud)?

(b) There are many peaks in the Himalayas.
Everest is _________ (high) peak in India.

(c) With 9 degree Celsius it was colder yesterday, and with 4 degree Celsius it is _________ (cold) today.

(d) Our police is the _________ (reliable) in the country.

(e) My sister is _________ (serious) than me.

(f) Your dance performance is not good. It can be _________ (good) with practice.

(g) Living in the countryside is _________ (peaceful) than living in a town.

(h) My father is _________ (important) person in my life.


(a) louder
(b) the highest
(c) the coldest
(d) most reliable
(e) more serious
(f) better
(g) more peaceful
(h) the most important

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate superlative degree ‘most’/‘est’.

(a) With so many vehicles, the roads of Delhi have _________ become (crowded) ones in India.

(b) Yesterday was _________ (cold) day of the month.

(c) The book is interesting. It is _________ (interesting) book I have ever read.

(d) This hotel is cheaper. But that oile is _________ (cheap) in the town.

(e) _________(old) member of my family is my grandfather.

(f) Lata Mangeshkar has _________ (melodious) voice in the country.


(a) the most crowded
(b) the coldest
(c) the most interesting
(d) the cheapest
(e) The oldest
(f) the most melodious

2. In the same lesson, use of‘to-verb’ has been explained. Let’s do some more activities on this. Join the two sets of sentences given below, and make one sentence. The first one is done for you.

1. ‘May I help you?’

He offered to help her.

2. ‘Let’s go to the Old Age Home in the evening.’ ‘That’s fine.’
She arranged _________ to the Old Age Home in the evening.

Answer: a visit

3. ‘What would you like to eat?’, asked Shivani’s mother.
‘I don’t have an appetite’, replied Shivani.
Shivani refused _________.

Answer: to eat as she didn’t have an appetite

4. ‘Post the letter. Don’t forget.’
Don’t forget _________.

Answer: to post the letter

5. ‘Can you participate in the music concert?’
‘It’s fine with me.’
She agreed _________ in the music concert.

Answer: to participate


Some words have been omitted in the paragraph given below. Write the appropriate words and rewrite the paragraph.

The following words were written/the tomb off Anglican Bishop of Westminster Abbey: When I was young/free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed/changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered/world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided/ change only my country.

But it too seemed immovable. As I grew/my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled/ changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, I couldn’t.

And now as I lay/ my deathbed, I suddenly realise: If I had only changed myself first, then/ an example I could have changed my family.
From their inspiration and encouragement, I could then have been able/better my country and, who knows, I may have even changed the world.


The following words were written on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop of Westminster Abbey. When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country.

But it too seemed immovable. As I grew into my twilight years, in one last “desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, I couldn’t. And now as I lay on my deathbed, I suddenly realise: If I had only changed myself first, then by an example I could have changed my family.

But it too seemed immovable. As I grew into my twilight years, in one last “desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, I couldn’t. And now as I lay on my deathbed, I suddenly realise: If I had only changed myself first, then by an example I could have changed my family.

From their inspiration and encouragement, I could then have been able to better my country and, who knows, I may have even changed the world.


A passage on the healing aspect of music is given below. You need to listen to the passage read by your teacher/ classmate carefully and answer the question that follows. You may listen to the passage twice, if required.
Music as a Therapy
“Rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul”, rightly said by Plato. Music is often referred to as ‘food’ for the soul due to the several benefits we can derive from experiencing it.

Music can be pleasure for some, and a way to relax for others. It also motivates and energises listeners. ‘Music is, indeed, a universal language, which can bring nations together and unite people with different faiths as it touches one’s soul. In the mainstream, music is mainly known for its entertainment quotient, but the Indian culture also talks about the healing effects of music through ‘Raga Chikitsa’. Raga Chikitsa has helped in reviving an ancient healing practice known as Nada Yoga.

Nada is a musical sound, which is believed to have curative effects on the body i and soul of all creatures. Consequently, its power is therapeutic and is used in curing diseases. Medical research has found music therapy to aid patients in pain management. It is not surprising, as music affects the body and mind significantly.

One experiences positive energy by listening to music. Music lifts one from clouds of desolation. Rhythms, particularly upbeat music, helps one distract oneself from situations that cause stress and brightens one’s mood. Music lowers anxiety levels, relaxes mind and brings optimism. It is said that listening to soft, sedative music once a day can help overcome depression.

Music therapy finds its traces in mythology. The story of Hippocrates, the Greek father of medicine dates back to 400 B.C. He is known to have used music to cure his patients. This therapy also aids stroke victims to heal at a faster rate, since it increases the patient’s emotional comforts and motivates them to move towards the path of recovery. On the other hand, adolescents, too, are benefitted by music in terms of emotional, social and psychological well being. Music is a force that purifies beings from within.

According to you, which FOUR of the following statements are true?

(a) Nada Yoga treats diseases through Raga Chikitsa.

(b) Music is a universal language that reaches souls.

(c) Music therapy dates back to 400 B.C.
(d) Hippocrates played music to treat the patients.

(e) Upbeat tunes help stroke victims recover faster.

(f) Music helps adolescents to discover their identity.

(a); (b); (c); (d)


Two students need to come to the front of the class for a role play. One plays the role of Thyagaraja, a famous singer, and the other the role of the interviewer, Rohit, a Radio Jockey (RJ). The interview is about the singer’s initiatives in helping people through music.

RJ Rohit : Do you think music has any effect on people’s lives?

Thyagaraja : Yes, I believe music surely has a positive effect on people’s lives. It helps when you are stressed, or depressed about something. Apart from these, music is a good way of relaxing and feeling good about life. 

Thyagaraja : Yes, I believe music surely has a positive effect on people’s lives. It helps when you are stressed, or depressed about something. Apart from these, music is a good way of relaxing and feeling good about life.

RJ Rohit : What, according to you, could be the influence of music on young children?

Thyagaraja : Now-a-days, young children get distracted easily. Music helps them in concentrating on what they are doing.

RJ Rohit : How does music help patients?

Thyagaraja : Listening to music relaxes patients. The process of healing becomes faster when they are in a relaxed state of mind.

RJ Rohit : Thank you very much. You are doing a great job for the humankind.

1. Listening to music has become a part of our lives for many reasons. We listen to different types of music today.
Discuss in pairs the following question:
Is the traditional music of a country more important than its contemporary music?
Write your views in about 50 – 60 words.


The importance of traditional and contemporary music varies based on cultural context and individual perspectives. Traditional music holds historical and cultural significance, preserving the heritage and identity of a country. It provides a connection to the past and reflects the values and traditions of a society. On the other hand, contemporary music reflects the current cultural landscape, allowing for artistic innovation, expression, and adaptation to changing societal dynamics. Both forms contribute to the richness and diversity of a country's musical landscape, each serving its unique role in shaping the cultural fabric.

2. The traits of a musician are given in the box overleaf. Use these and write a short biography in about 100-150 words. You may collect more information from the Internet, books in the library and other sources.

A. R. Rahman: Indian composer, singer, song¬writer, music producer, musician and philanthropist; bom in Chennai on 6 January 1967; graduated from Trinity College, Oxford University; famous in integrating Indian classical music with electronic music, world music and traditional orchestral arrangements; recipient of the Padmashri and the Padma Vibhushan awards; two Oscars and a Golden Globe; a notable humanitarian and philanthropist; donates and raises money for a number of causes and charities.


A. R. Rahman, born in Chennai on January 6, 1967, is a renowned Indian composer, singer, songwriter, music producer, and musician. He is recognized for his innovative approach in combining Indian classical music with electronic music, world music, and traditional orchestral arrangements. Rahman graduated from Trinity College, Oxford University. His talent and contributions have garnered him prestigious awards such as the Padmashri and the Padma Vibhushan, as well as two Oscars and a Golden Globe. Aside from his musical achievements, Rahman is also recognized for his philanthropic endeavors, actively donating and raising funds for various causes and charities.


1. Sit in groups of four. Each of you find information on the folk music of your state and of one of the neighbouring states. You may seek information from the community, library, Internet and other sources. Now, ask questions to each other in the group to complete the table below.

  • Names of the folk music 
  • States where they are performed 
  • Any instrument/s used (you may illustrate the instruments) 
  • Performers
2. Prepare a report in your group and present it to the class. Then, share your suggestions in the class to popularise the folk music in your community.


Names of the folk musicPandavani
States where they are performedChhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh
Any instrument/s used (you may illustrate the instruments)Ektara or Tambura
PerformersMale singers 

Pandavani songs are a traditional form of storytelling prevalent in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh. Rooted in the Mahabharata epic, these songs narrate the heroic tales of the Pandava brothers. Pandavani performers, known as "Pandavaniyas," use captivating melodies and expressive vocals to bring the ancient stories to life. Accompanied by a tambura or harmonium, the Pandavani songs showcase the rich oral tradition and cultural heritage of Chhattisgarh, transporting listeners into the mythical world of the Mahabharata with their powerful and evocative storytelling.


Names of the folk musicBihu
States where they are performedAssam
Any instrument/s used (you may illustrate the instruments)Dhol, mohor singor pepa, cymbal, a bamboo instrument called gogona and a clapper made from bamboo known as toka

Bihu songs are traditional folk songs from the northeastern state of Assam, India. These lively and rhythmic songs are an integral part of Bihu, a popular festival celebrating the arrival of spring. Bihu songs typically express themes of love, nature, and the joyous spirit of the festival. Accompanied by traditional musical instruments like the dhol, pepa, and taal, Bihu songs captivate listeners with their energetic beats and heartfelt lyrics, offering a glimpse into the vibrant cultural heritage of Assam.


Names of the folk musicUttarakhandi
States where they are performedUttarakhand
Any instrument/s used (you may illustrate the instruments)Dhol, damoun, turri, ransingha, dholki, daur, thali, bhankora and masak baja

Utharakaadi folk songs are a traditional genre of folk music originating from the state of Kerala in South India. These songs are sung during the festival of Onam, which celebrates the harvest season. Utharakaadi songs typically feature lively rhythms and catchy melodies, accompanied by percussion instruments like chenda and ilathalam. They depict themes of joy, celebration, and unity, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere during the Onam festivities. Utharakaadi folk songs are an integral part of Kerala's cultural heritage, reflecting the spirit and traditions of the local communities.

3. ‘The Sound of Music’ is a biographical piece about Evelyn Glennie, a famous percussionist, who listened to sound without hearing it. Collect information about people/children who have overcome their physical barriers and have achieved success in their lives.


People/children who have overcome their physical barriers and have achieved success in their lives like Evelyn Glennie, a famous percussionist, are as follows :

Name of the personalityFamous forDisability
Nick Vujicic Motivational SpeakerBorn as atorso
Sudha ChandranClassical DancerLost her leg in an accident
Helen Keller PoetBecame deaf and blind at a very young age
Thomas Alva EdisonScientistPartially Deaf
Albert Einstein ScientistDyslexia
Ravindra JainMusic Director Visually Impaired
Arunima SinhaMountaineerLost her leg when robbers pushed her out of the train
Rajinder Singh RaheluPowerlifterLost legs due to polio atrack


  1. This is a very good website.
    Especially for students taking tension and stress of their work.


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