What Goes Around Comes Around

The moral of the story "The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom" is about the consequences of one's actions and the importance of kindness. Collect two  such stories and share with your class.

1. "The Selfish Neighbour"

   Once, there was a selfish neighbour who never helped anyone in the neighborhood. One day, his roof began to leak during heavy rain. Desperate, he asked for assistance, but everyone turned him away, remembering his selfishness. Finally, a kind neighbor helped fix the roof. The selfish man realized the importance of kindness when he needed it most and started helping others too.

Moral:  Kindness begets kindness.

2. "The Boy and the Lost Puppy"

   A young boy found a lost puppy and decided to keep it. However, he soon grew tired of taking care of it and left the puppy on the street. Later, when the boy lost his way in the woods, he was rescued by a kind stranger who had found his puppy. The boy learned that being kind to others, even animals, could lead to unexpected help in return.

Moral: Treat others and animals with kindness, and it will come back to you when you least expect it.

3. "The Farmer and the Harvest Festival"

   A farmer was known for being greedy and never shared his crops. One year, a drought struck the village, and the other farmers' crops withered away. The generous farmers shared their harvest with those in need. When the drought ended, the greedy farmer was left with nothing. He realized that greed had led to his downfall and began to share his future harvests.

Moral: Generosity and kindness are virtues that bring lasting rewards.

4. "The Singing Bird's Lesson"

   In a forest, a selfish hunter captured a singing bird to keep in a cage. The bird, once joyful, lost its song in captivity. One day, a kind traveler heard the bird's story and set it free. The bird's song returned, and it thanked the traveler. The hunter, witnessing the transformation, regretted his actions and learned that freedom and kindness are precious.

Moral: Kindness and freedom are treasures that should not be taken away from others.

5. "The Magic Paintbrush"

   In a village, there was a poor artist who was always kind to everyone. One day, an old man gave him a magic paintbrush that could turn anything he painted into real objects. The artist used it to help his village, painting food, shelter, and clothing for the needy. Word spread, and soon, he was known far and wide. The artist's kindness brought prosperity to his village and happiness to his heart.

Moral: Kindness has the power to transform lives and communities.

6. "The Lost Wallet"

   A young girl found a wallet filled with money and identification cards. She tracked down the owner and returned it. The owner was a wealthy man who rewarded her with a scholarship for her honesty. The girl's act of kindness not only helped her education but also inspired others to be honest.

Moral: Acts of kindness and honesty can lead to unexpected rewards.

7. "The Talking Trees"

   In a magical forest, trees could talk. They shared their wisdom and offered help to those who treated them kindly. A woodcutter who cared for the trees was guided by them to find hidden treasures. However, those who harmed the trees faced misfortune. The moral was clear: kindness to nature brings rewards.

Moral: Treat nature and all living beings with kindness and respect.

8. "The Ant's Lesson"

   A lazy grasshopper mocked the hardworking ants who were storing food for the winter. When winter came, the grasshopper had nothing to eat and begged the ants for help. The ants, despite the grasshopper's earlier unkindness, shared their food. The grasshopper learned the value of hard work and kindness.

Moral: Kindness, even to those who have wronged us, is a noble virtue.
