Weathering the Storm in Ersama

Think About It

1. What havoc has the super cyclone wreaked in the life of the people of Irsama?

A big storm called a cyclone brought heavy rain and strong winds. Most houses got blown away, only strong ones stayed. Dirty water covered everything, and many people and animals died. Trees were uprooted, and it was very sad. People lost family, and many kids had no parents. Not much food was left, and everyone felt sad and helpless. A gloomy feeling covered the place.

2. How has Prashant, a teenager, been able to help the people of his village?

After the cyclone, Prashant felt shocked but then decided to help his village. He became a leader, gathered young and old people, and convinced a merchant to give rice for those in shelters. He organized youth volunteers to clean and help the injured. Prashant built a shelter for orphaned kids. To help grieving women, he encouraged them to join a program offering food for work. He also arranged sports events for children. Prashant took charge and made a big difference in helping everyone in the village.

3. How have the people of the community helped one another? What roles do the women of Kalikuda play during those days?

Prashant led the community to help each other after the cyclone. They convinced a merchant to give rice for people in shelters. Using fallen tree branches, they cooked the rice together. When a military helicopter dropped food but didn't return, the youth made a signal with utensils to show they were hungry. The message worked, and helicopters brought regular food and supplies. Women cared for orphans, and men got food and things for the shelter. Even though the women were sad, they joined a program offering food for work. Everyone in the community worked together to recover from the cyclone.

4. Why do Prashant and other Volunteersresist the plan to set up institutions for orphans and widows? What alternative do they consider?

People didn't like the idea of creating homes for orphans and widows because they thought kids would miss love and widows would feel lonely. Prashant and his group proposed a better plan. They suggested resettling children and widows in their own community, creating families with childless widows and kids without care. This way, everyone could have a loving home environment.

5. Do you think Prashant is a good leader? Do you think people can get together to help people during natural calamities?

Prashant is a great leader. Even though he was sad, he took charge and became the village leader. He helped his people a lot. Young people like him can really make a difference during tough times. They can use their energy and strength to help others in natural disasters and other situations.

Extra Questions 

6. What did Prasahnt do for the orphans?

Prashant found that a large number of children had been orphaned. He brought them together and put up a polythene sheet shelter for them. Women were mobilised to look after them, while men secured food and materials for the shelter.

7. Why was the government plan to establish institutions for the orphans and widows successfully resisted?

The government wanted to create homes for orphans and widows, but people disagreed. They thought kids wouldn't get enough love, and widows might feel lonely. Prashant's group suggested a better idea. They said orphans should stay in their own community, maybe with new families formed by childless widows and kids without parents. This way, everyone could have a loving home and not feel alone or unloved.

8. What were the scenes that Prashant saw during his journey back home?

Prashant was worried about his family's safety, so he decided to return to his village. He took a stick to find the road and figure out shallow water. Prashant joined two of his uncle's friends, and together, they had to move many bodies and animal carcasses. Every village they passed had almost no houses left standing.
