Unit 1- Reading A - Attitude is Altitude
Click Here ➤SSC Model Paper Based Comprehension- Unit 1- Reading A - Attitude is Altitude
Textbook Comprehension
I. Answer the following questions.
1. ‘I call it my chicken drumstick,’ joked Nick. What does ‘it’ refer to? How does it help him?
‘It’ refers to the small foot that Nick has on his left hip. It helps him balance and enables him to kick. Nick uses his one foot to type, write with a pen and pick things up between his toes.
2. ‘His parents decided not to send him to a special school.’ Was Nick happy about his parents’ decision? Why or why not? What do you think about this decision?
Nick was not happy with his parents’ decision. His classmates at mainstream school teased him. But later, he realised that his parents’ decision was the best one. I think that this decision was the best one which made him achieve a degree in Financial Planning and Real Estate. The decision made him independent.
3. How did Nick’s parents help him to become independent?
Right from the start Nick’s parents did their best to make him independent. His father put Nick in the water at 18 months and gave him the courage to learn swimming. He encouraged Nick to get into football and skating. He taught Nick how to type. Nick’s mother invented a special plastic device for Nick to hold a pen and pencil. Both the parents encouraged him to study in a mainstream school.
4. Pick out the symptoms of Nick’s depression. Do you think his depression was normal or something unique about him? Give reasons for your opinion.
Nick was deeply depressed when he was eight years old. When he was in depression, he went to his mother crying and told her that he wanted to kill himself. He felt cold and bitter. He hated God for doing this to him. He was terrified about his future without his parents. At age ten Nick tried to drown himself in the bath. These were the symptoms of Nick’s depression. I think his depression was normal. Any human being born like Nick might have the same depression.
5. Which incident in this text is funny? What makes it funny?
Once Nick was in a car and a girl at traffic lights was looking at him interestingly. She could only see Nick’s head so he decided to do a 360 in the car seat to freak her out. When she saw the torso, she sped off really quickly. This is the funny incident in the text. The idea of Nick showing the girl his torso makes the scene funny.
6. What made Nick choose Bethany Hamilton as his teacher to learn surfing?
Nick went to Hawaii in 2008 and met surfing master Bethany Hamilton. She had her arm bitten off by a shark when she was 12. Nick chose Bethany Hamilton as she was also a disabled person. As a disabled person, she could know how a disabled person could learn how to surf.
7. Which aspect of Nick’s physical condition helps him to do a 360 degree spin?
Nick has a very low centre of gravity so he has got good balance. This condition helps Nick to do 360 degree spin.
8. What are the distinct features of this text? List them.
- It is an autobiography.
- Varied sentences are used.
- Ideas are arranged in a logical sequence.
- Emotive and persuasive language is used.
- Ideas are exemplified very well.
9. What do you learn from the life of Nick Vujicic?
Nick Vujicic uses his life story to inspire people. From the life of Nick, we learn that if we fail, we should try again and again until we succeed. Faith, hope, perseverance and strong will power made Nick successful and disability will not prevent one from reaching great heights.
II. Given below are some of the statements made by Nick Vujicic. Which of these are substantiated by Nick’s life ?
I realised why God had made us like this – to give hope to others.
I wanted to concentrate on something good that / had.
I tell people to keep on getting up when they fall and to always love themselves.
If I can encourage just one person, then my job in this life is done.
I think all the above statements are substantiated by Nick’s life.
i) I realised why God had made us like this – to give hope to others:
When Nick was 13, he read a newspaper article about a disabled man who had managed to achieve great things and help others. Nick was inspired very much by the disabled man mentioned in the article. He got a hope from him. Then he decided to use his life to encourage others and give them hope.
ii) I wanted to concentrate on something good that I had:
Nick was not discouraged with his disability. He knew that he had no arms and legs but he thought that they would never take away the beauty of his eyes. With his positive approach, he thought that his eyes were very good ones for him. He wanted to love his positive qualities such as faith, will power and perseverance. Further, he was quite satisfied with what he had, i.e. a small foot on his left hip. He said he would be lost with it.
iii) I tell people to keep on getting up when they fall and to always love themselves:
If Nick fails, he tries again and again until he succeeds. When Nick was learning how to surf, he was terrified at first but later he did very well. Though he has no limbs, he always loves himself. I know this by his statement, “I decided to be thankful for what I do have, not get angry about what I don’t.”
iv) If I can encourage just one person, then my job in this life is done:
This statement was substantiated by Nick aptly. He encouraged many people in the world. He used his life story to inspire others. He made many people realise their inner beauty and personality. He was able to rise many people from the state of despair to the state of great hope.
Look at the list of adjectives in the box. Which of them describe Nick Vujicic. Tick (✓) them.
- positive: hopeful and confident✔️
- negative: harmful, unpleasant or not wanted
- optimistic: believing that good things will happen In the future✔️
- pessimistic: expecting that bad things will happen in the future
- generous: willing to give money, spend time, etc. in order to help people or give them pleasure✔️
- nervous: worried or frightened about something
- confident: sure that something will happen in the way that you want or expect✔️
- smart: fashionable, clever✔️
- sociable: friendly and enjoys being with other people✔️
- cowardly: not at all brave
- courageous: brave✔️
- reliable: dependable
- Independent: confident and able to do things by oneself in ones own way✔️
- dependent: needing someone or something in order to exist, be successful, be healthy, etc.
- obedient: always doing what one is told to do✔️
- trusting: willing to believe that other people are good and honest✔️
- valiant: very brave in difficult situation✔️
- self-centred: paying so much attention to oneself that one doesn’t notice what is happening
- arrogant: behaving in an unpleasant or rude way
- sarcastic: saying things that are the opposite of what one means, in order to make an unkind joke
- quarrelsome: one who quarrels a lot with people
- rude: not polite and annoys others
- creative: good at using imagination to make things✔️
- stubborn: determined not to change one’s mind when people think one is being unreasonable
- lazy: not making any effort to do anything
- pompous: trying to seem magnificent or very important; fond of display, acting too proudly, self-important.
- level-headed: sensible in making judgements ✔️
- sullen: angry and silent (negative quality)✖️
- sneaky: doing things in a secret and dishonest way (negative quality)✖️
- exuberant: happy and full of energy and excitement (positive quality)✔️
- bossy: always telling other people what to do in a way that is annoying (negative quality)✖️
- cautious: careful to avoid danger or risk (positive quality)✔️
- aggressive: behaving in an angry threatening way (negative quality)✖️
- competitive: determined or trying very hard to he more successful than other people (positive quality)✔️
- finicky: too concerned with unimportant details and small things that you like or dislike (negative quality)✖️
- imaginative: good at thinking of new and interesting ideas (positive quality)
- observant: good or quick at noticing things (positive quality)✔️
- enthusiastic: showing a lot of interest and excitement about something (positive quality)✔️
- outgoing: someone who Is outgoing likes to meet and talk to new people (positive quality)✔️
- haughty: behaving in a proud. unfriendly way (negative quality)✖️
- intrepid: willing to do dangerous things; fearless, brave (positive quality)✔️
- malicious: very unkind and cruel and is trying to do harm to others (negative quality)✖️
- meticulous: very careful about small details and always makes sure that everything is done correctly (positive quality)✔️
- slovenly: lazy untidy and careless (negative quality)✖️
- obnoxious: very offensive, unpleasant or rude (negative quality)✖️
- stingy: not generous. especially with money (negative quality)✖️
- Idealistic: believing that one should live according to high standards and principles, even when they are very difficult to achieve (positive quality)✔️
- affable: friendly and easy to talk to (positive quality)✔️
- logical: reasonable and sensible (positive quality)✔️
- mean: cruel (negative quality)✖️
- cultured: intelligent, polite and interested in art, literature, music etc. (positive quality)✔️
1. boorish2. suave3. introvert4. compassionate5. malicious6. meticulous7. obnoxious8. placid9. extrovert10. timid
Points to be covered | Details of the person |
Name | Stephen Hawking |
Date and place of birth | January 8,1942, Oxford, England |
Information about the family | Eldest one of four sons Mother: Isobel Hawking Father: Frank Hawking, a medical researcher with a speciality in tropical diseases |
Important events in life | Early academic life: recognized as a bright student High school years: third from the bottom of his class Pursuits outside of school: loved board games, constructed a computer out of recycled parts at the age of 16, solved rudimentary mathematical equations Marriage: married Jane Wilde Health: Suffered from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Research: on black holes Discovery: Hawking Radiation |
Awards, prizes, honours | Fellow of the Royal Society at the age of 32 Albert Einstein Award. The Pius XI- Gold Medal for Science from Pope Paul VI in 1975 |
Contribution to his field and society | Contributed to the advancement of science and research |
B reading