Two Stories About Flying - His First Flight - Short Answers

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Two Stories About Flying - His First Flight - Short Answers

1. Why was the young seagull by himself on the edge? How did he feel being all alone? What were his parents doing during this time?

The young seagull was alone on the edge because he was scared to fly and didn't listen when his parents tried to encourage him to learn. He was hungry, lonely, and very sad. His parents went away for a bit to teach flying to his siblings who were following their instructions.

2. Why was the young seagull afraid of the sea?

The young seagull felt really scared when he saw the big sea from his ledge. He thought it was too far down and he couldn't fly that far. So, he went back to his small hole under the ledge and slept there at night.

3. What did the young seagull watch all day long? OR What did the young seagull's parents teach his brothers and little sister?

All day, the seagull saw his parents teaching his siblings how to fly and catch fish. He watched his older brother catch his first fish and eat it while their parents cheered proudly.

4. How was the young seagull unlike his brothers and little sister?

The young seagull had longer wings than his siblings, but he didn't have the bravery to jump off the ledge and fly like them. He needed an extra day to learn from his parents while his siblings quickly flew away after flapping their wings at the edge.

5. What did the young seagull's family do when he pretended to sleep?

When the young seagull pretended to sleep, his family didn't pay attention to him. His brothers and sister were sleeping, his father was grooming himself, and only his mother looked at him.

6. How did the young seagull ask his mother for food and why?

The young seagull cried out "ga, ga, ga" to beg his mother for food because he hadn't eaten since the night before. His mother refused at first, replying with a harsh "gaw-col-ah" sound. But he kept calling sadly until he saw her flying over with a piece of fish in her beak.

7. Why did the young seagull's mother stop when she got close to him with a piece of fish?

The young seagull's mother stopped because she wanted to tempt him with food and help him overcome his fear of flying. She hoped he would make an effort to fly to get the food. But when she stopped, the young seagull was surprised. He was so hungry that he lunged at the fish, falling outward and downward into space.

8. How did the young seagull enjoy his first flight? Or How did the young seagull express his joy during his first flight?

The young seagull had a blast during his first flight. He happily screamed as his mother flew by, impressed by him. He soon forgot that he was once afraid to fly. He had a great time diving, soaring, curving, and shouting loudly in excitement.

9. How did the sea appear to the young seagull during his first flight? What was his reaction?

On his first flight, the sea appeared interesting to the young seagull. He saw its vast green stretch beneath him, with little ridges moving over it. This amused him and he reacted by turning his beak sideways and cawing.

10. Why did the young seagull feel terrified when he landed on the sea? How did he try to overcome this feeling?

The young seagull felt terrified because when he tried to stand on the sea, his legs sank into the water. 
To overcome his fear, he tried to fly again by flapping his wings. However, he couldn't fly because he was tired and weak from hunger. As he sank further, his belly touched the sea, and he started floating naturally.

11. What do you think motivated the young seagull to make his first flight?

I think hunger was the main motivation for the young seagull to make his first flight. He was tempted by the fish his mother had in her beak. Even though she stopped just before the fish was within his reach, he couldn't resist his strong urge to eat and ended up diving at the fish.

12. "He had made his first flight." How was the flight important to the seagull?

The flight was important for the seagull as it made him find his self-confidence. He had now overcome
his fear and had the courage to soar upwards and outwards like his brothers and little sister.
