Two Stories About Flying - His First Flight - Long Answers

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Two Stories About Flying - His First Flight - Long Answers

1. How did the little seagull overcome his fear and  make his first flight?

The little seagull overcame his fear and made his first flight because he was very hungry. When his mother brought a fish close to him, he couldn't resist and tried to grab it. This made him forget his fear. Even though he was scared at first, his hunger pushed him to try flying. He flapped his wings and leaped off the ledge, diving toward the fish. Though he couldn't fly for long because he was weak from hunger, he managed to glide and float on the sea. His desire for food helped him conquer his fear and take that important first flight.

2. Why was the young seagull afraid to fly? Do you think all young birds are afraid to make their first flight or are some birds more timid than others? Do you think a human baby also finds it a challenge to take its first step?

The young seagull was afraid to fly because he lacked confidence and felt scared of the unknown. Just like humans, animals can feel fear, especially when faced with something new or unfamiliar. While some young birds may be more timid than others, it's common for many birds to feel nervous before making their first flight. Similarly, human babies may find it challenging to take their first steps because it's a new experience that requires balance and coordination. However, with time and practice, both birds and babies gain confidence and overcome their fears to explore the world around them.

3. "The sight of the food maddened him." What does this suggest? What compelled the young seagull to finally fly?

When it says, "The sight of the food maddened him," it suggests that the young seagull became extremely excited or driven by hunger upon seeing the food. The word "maddened" indicates that he was overwhelmed by his desire to eat. The young seagull was compelled to finally fly because of his intense hunger. When his mother brought the fish close to him, he couldn't resist the temptation. Even though he was afraid, his strong desire for food overcame his fear. He saw the opportunity to satisfy his hunger and took the chance, diving towards the fish. His need for food was so strong that it pushed him to overcome his fear and make his first flight.

4. What role did the family of the young seagull play in overcoming his fear of flying?

The family of the young seagull played a big part in helping him overcome his fear of flying. Like all parents, they wanted to teach him important skills for survival. They used different ways like showing love, encouragement, scolding, and even threats. Flying was very important for a seagull's life, so his parents tried everything to make him fly. They called out to him, wanting him to lose his fear and learn to fly. His mother even tempted him with food to encourage him. And it worked! When he dived for the fish, he learned how to fly. After that, his father and siblings celebrated his effort and encouraged him more. The whole family cheered him on as he learned to fly successfully.

5. "Necessity is the mother of invention." How does this saying stand true in context of the story "His First Flight"?

In the story "His First Flight," the saying "Necessity is the mother of invention" is very true. The young seagull only learned to fly when he had to find food to eat. His parents tried to encourage him in many ways, but he was too scared to fly and would run back to his safe spot. Flying was something he could naturally do as a bird, but fear held him back. It was only when he was really hungry that he ignored his fear and went for the fish his mother had. He only truly learned to fly when he had no choice but to flap his wings after falling off the ledge. Fear of falling into the sea below pushed him to discover his ability. So, for the young seagull, necessity was the reason he learned to fly, overcoming his fear of falling into the vast sea below his ledge.
