Two Stories About Flying - The Black Aeroplane - Long Answers

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Two Stories About Flying - The Black Aeroplane - Long Answers

1. How did the writer get out of the storm in the night to land safely?

In the dark night, the writer flew his aeroplane into a storm with heavy clouds. He lost contact with the control room and his important instruments stopped working. Everything became scary and uncertain. But then, out of nowhere, a mysterious black plane appeared. Its pilot signaled for the writer to follow. Trusting the unknown pilot, the writer trailed behind through the storm. Miraculously, the black plane guided him out of the dangerous clouds to safety. With relief, the writer spotted lights from a runway and landed his plane securely, grateful for the mysterious help that led him through the frightening storm.

2. Why was the writer happy when he decided to fly in the night?

The writer felt happy to fly at night because he was heading back home to England in his aeroplane. He looked forward to reuniting with his family and enjoying a holiday. When he started his journey, the sky was clear, the stars were shining, and there were no clouds, which made him feel excited and content. Flying high above the quiet countryside of Paris, he felt a sense of peace and freedom. Despite the late hour, he felt optimistic about reaching his destination safely. The prospect of returning home and being with loved ones filled him with happiness and anticipation, making the night flight a joyful experience.

3. The pilot wanted to thank the other pilot after his safe landing. Why? What values of the writer are reflected from his action?

The pilot wanted to express gratitude to the other pilot for guiding him safely through the storm and ensuring his landing. This reflects the writer's value of appreciation and thankfulness. By acknowledging the help he received, the pilot shows that he values kindness and recognizes the importance of showing gratitude when someone helps us in a time of need. Additionally, his desire to thank the other pilot demonstrates humility and humility, as he acknowledges that he couldn't have made it safely without assistance. Overall, his actions reflect a sense of gratitude and humility, highlighting his appreciation for the kindness shown to him during a challenging situation.

4. From the beginning to the end of the lesson the black aeroplane is a mystery. How?

Throughout the story, the black aeroplane remains a mystery. At first, the sky is clear, but suddenly, the pilot encounters ominous storm clouds. In the midst of the turmoil, the black plane appears without warning, guiding the pilot through the darkness. He safely landed at the airport. He went to the control centre to ask who the other pilot was. To his horror, his was the only flight that could be seen on the radar. The sudden appearance and disappearance of the black aeroplane and its pilot leave the narrator and readers puzzled, creating a mystery that lingers from start to finish. 

5. Describe the narrator’s experience as he flew the aeroplane into the storm.

As the narrator flew the aeroplane into the storm, everything became scary and dark. The sky turned black, and he couldn't see anything outside the plane. It felt like the plane was jumping and twisting in the air because of the strong winds. The compass and other instruments stopped working, making him feel lost and worried. He tried to use the radio to call for help, but it didn't work. Suddenly, a mysterious black plane appeared and signaled for him to follow. Feeling scared but hopeful, he followed the black plane through the storm until they reached safety.

6.How did the author come out safely from the black clouds?

The author safely emerged from the black clouds with the help of a mysterious black plane. When he was lost and scared inside the storm, the black plane appeared and signaled for him to follow. Trusting the unknown pilot, the author followed the black plane through the dark clouds. Eventually, they flew out of the storm, and the author saw lights from a runway below. With the black plane guiding him, he landed his aeroplane safely at the airport. Even though he was frightened at first, the black plane led him to safety, showing that sometimes help can come from unexpected places.
