The Wonder Called Sleep

AP/ NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English 
Supplementary Reader 
Unit 6 The Wonder Called Sleep

1. What is the most obvious advantage of sleep?

Sleep is great because it helps our bodies feel better after a tiring day. It relaxes our minds and gives rest to our tired bodies. After a nap, we feel ready for the day!

2. What happens to our body when we sleep?

During sleep, the muscles of our body become relaxed, our heartbeat becomes slower, and our temperature and blood pressure also go down.

3. Define a dream in your own words.

A dream is an involuntary activity of the mind in which we see a succession of pictures, sensations and emotions that usually occur during different phases of sleep.

4. Why are dreams important? Mention two reasons.

Dreams are important mainly for two reasons. 

They give us an insight into our subconscious fears and worries.
Sometimes they provide us with solutions to certain mental problems that we face.

5. Why has sleep been called a wonder?

Sleep is like a magical wonder because no one really knows why it happens. When we sleep, we enter a dream world, taking a break from reality. Getting good sleep is important for our body and mind to grow well.

6. Describe briefly to the class an improbable dream you have ever had.

One night, I dreamt I could fly like a superhero. I soared through the sky, visiting magical lands and having exciting adventures. Just when I was about to explore a hidden castle, I woke up and realized it was just a dream.
