The Shepherd's Treasure - Reading Comprehension Passages

Reading Comprehension Passages For Grade 9 

Supplementary Reader Moments

Chapter 3 - The Shepherd's Treasure

Reading Comprehension 1

IN a village in Iran there once lived a shepherd. He was very poor. He did not have even a small cottage of his own. He had never been to school or learnt to read and write, for there were very few schools in those days.


     Though poor and uneducated, this shepherd was very wise. He understood people’s sorrows and troubles, and helped them face their problems with courage and common sense. Many people came to him for advice. Soon he became famous for his wisdom and friendly nature. The king of that country heard about him, and thought of meeting him.

1. Where did the shepherd live? a) India b) Iran c) Egypt d) Iraq 2. What was the shepherd's financial situation? a) He was very wealthy. b) He had a small cottage of his own. c) He was poor and didn't own a cottage. d) He had a large herd of sheep. 3. Why had the shepherd never been to school or learned to read and write? a) He was too lazy to go to school. b) There were no schools in the village. c) His parents didn't want him to study. d) He couldn't afford the school fees. 4. What made the shepherd famous in the village? a) His wealth and luxurious lifestyle. b) His kindness towards animals. c) His wisdom, friendly nature, and ability to help people with their problems. d) His musical talents and singing skills. 5. Who heard about the shepherd's wisdom and wanted to meet him? a) The village chief b) The village doctor c) The king of the country d) The neighboring shepherds

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Reading Comprehension 2

  Disguised as a shepherd and riding on a mule, one day the king came to the cave where the wise shepherd lived. As soon as the shepherd saw the traveller coming towards the cave, he rose to welcome him. He took the tired traveller inside the cave, gave him water to drink and a share of his own meagre meal. The king rested for the night in the cave and was greatly impressed by the shepherd’s hospitality and wise conversation.


     Though still tired, the king decided to depart the next morning. He said, “Many thanks for your kindness to a poor traveller. I have a long way to go. Permit me to leave.”


     Looking straight into the eyes of his guest, the shepherd replied, “Thank you, Your Majesty, for paying me the compliment of a visit.”

1. How did the king disguise himself while visiting the wise shepherd?

   a) As a beggar

   b) As a merchant

   c) As a shepherd

   d) As a traveler riding on a mule

2. How did the shepherd greet the disguised king when he approached the cave?

   a) He ignored the traveler.

   b) He offered the traveler some water to drink.

   c) He chased the traveler away from the cave.

   d) He asked the traveler for money.

3. How did the king feel about the shepherd's hospitality and wise conversation?

   a) He was unimpressed and left immediately.

   b) He was angry and scolded the shepherd.

   c) He was greatly impressed by the shepherd.

   d) He felt the shepherd was too talkative.

4. Why did the king decide to depart the next morning?

   a) He was tired and wanted to rest at his palace.

   b) He wanted to continue his journey to another destination.

   c) He realized the shepherd was not as wise as he seemed.

   d) He wanted to teach the shepherd a lesson.

5. How did the shepherd respond when the king expressed gratitude and asked to leave?

   a) He asked the king to stay longer.

   b) He ignored the king's request and continued talking.

   c) He thanked the king for visiting him.

   d) He demanded a reward from the king.

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Reading Comprehension 3


     The king was astonished as well as pleased. ‘He is indeed very wise.’ he thought to himself. ‘I need people like him to work for me.’ And the king appointed this humble shepherd the governor of a small district.


     Although he rose to power and dignity, the shepherd remained as humble as ever. People loved and honoured him for his wisdom, sympathy and goodness. He was kind and just to one and all. His fame as a fair and wise governor soon spread throughout the country.

1. Why was the king astonished and pleased after meeting the wise shepherd? a) The shepherd had a great army. b) The shepherd was very wealthy. c) The shepherd showed great wisdom and hospitality. d) The shepherd was already a governor of a small district. 2. How did the king reward the humble shepherd for his wisdom? a) The king gave him a small farm. b) The king appointed him as a governor of a small district. c) The king offered him a place in the royal court. d) The king gave him a bag of gold coins. 3. How did the shepherd behave after becoming a governor? a) He became arrogant and proud. b) He remained as humble as ever. c) He demanded more power and privileges. d) He started mistreating the people in his district. 4. What qualities made the shepherd loved and honored by the people? a) His wealth and power as a governor. b) His intelligence and cunningness. c) His wisdom, sympathy, and goodness. d) His ability to control and manipulate people. 5. What happened to the shepherd's fame as a governor? a) It remained limited to his small district. b) It spread throughout the country. c) It was overshadowed by other governors. d) It was forgotten by the people.

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Reading Comprehension 4

     Now the governors of other provinces grew terribly jealous of him and began to talk to the king against him. They said, “He is very dishonest, and keeps for himself part of the money that he collects as tax from the people.” Why did he always carry with him, they added, an iron chest? Perhaps he carried in it the treasure that he had secretly collected. After all, they said mockingly, he was an ordinary shepherd and could behave no better.


     At first the king did not pay attention to these reports, but how long could he ignore these governors and their endless stories about the shepherd? One thing was certain, the king discovered. The new governor did carry an iron chest with him all the time.


     So, one day, the new governor was summoned to the palace. He came riding on his camel, and to everyone’s delight, the famous iron chest was there fastened securely behind him on the camel’s back.


     Now the king was angry. He thundered, “Why do you always carry that iron chest with you? What does it contain?”

1. Why did the governors of other provinces grow jealous of the new governor? a) He was more powerful and wealthy than them. b) He was dishonest and kept part of the tax money for himself. c) He was related to the king and received special treatment. d) He was an ordinary shepherd and they believed he didn't deserve the position. 2. What did the jealous governors mockingly suggest the new governor carried in the iron chest? a) Tax money collected from the people b) Secret documents from the king c) His personal belongings and clothes d) Precious jewels and treasures 3. Initially, how did the king react to the reports against the new governor? a) He paid attention and took immediate action. b) He ignored the governors' reports completely. c) He grew jealous of the new governor's success. d) He believed the reports and removed the new governor from his position. 4. How did the new governor arrive at the palace when summoned by the king? a) Riding on his horse b) Riding on his camel c) Carrying the iron chest in his hands d) Walking on foot 5. What was the king's initial reaction when he saw the iron chest with the new governor? a) He was delighted to see it. b) He was amused by it. c) He was curious and wanted to know its contents. d) He was angry and demanded an explanation.

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Reading Comprehension 5

     The governor smiled. He asked his servant to bring in the chest. How eagerly the people standing around waited for the shepherd to be found out! But how great was their astonishment, and even of the king himself, when the chest was opened! No gold or silver or jewels but an old blanket was all that came out. Holding it up proudly, the shepherd said, “This, my dear master, is my only treasure. I always carry it with me.”


     “But why do you carry such an ordinary blanket with you? Surely, you are the governor of a district?” the king asked. To which the shepherd replied with quiet dignity, “This blanket is my oldest friend. It will still protect me if, at any time, Your Majesty should wish to take away my new cloaks.”


     How pleased the king was, and how embarrassed the jealous governors became to hear the wise man’s reply! Now they knew that the shepherd was indeed the humblest and the wisest man in the land. The king made him the governor of a much bigger district that very day.

1. What did the governor ask his servant to do when the king questioned the contents of the iron chest? a) Bring in more treasure to impress the king. b) Open the chest to reveal its contents. c) Take the chest away and hide it. d) Bring a new chest with better treasures. 2. What did the people and even the king expect to find in the iron chest? a) Gold, silver, and jewels b) Secret documents and letters c) A collection of weapons d) An old blanket 3. What was the shepherd's response when the chest was opened and an old blanket came out? a) He looked disappointed and upset. b) He explained that the blanket was his only treasure. c) He laughed and mocked the jealous governors. d) He promised to bring more valuable items later. 4. Why did the shepherd carry the old blanket with him all the time? a) To use it as a cloak during cold weather. b) To show off his wealth and possessions. c) To use it as a sleeping mat at night. d) To remind himself of his humble origins and true values. 5. How did the king and the jealous governors react to the shepherd's explanation about the old blanket? a) The king was pleased, and the governors were embarrassed. b) The king was angry, and the governors were amused. c) The king was disappointed, and the governors were indifferent. d) The king was confused, and the governors were impressed.

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