The Road Not Taken - Reading Comprehension

AP/ NCERT Board- Based Reading Comprehension

Grade  9 Beehive Poem 1 The Road Not Taken

Reading Comprehension 1

 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

1. In the poem, what does the speaker encounter in the yellow wood?

   a) Two roads

   b) Undergrowth

   c) Travelers

   d) Yellow trees


2. Why does the speaker feel sorry in the poem?

   a) Because the woods are yellow

   b) Because he is alone

   c) Because he cannot travel both roads

   d) Because the roads are diverging


3. How long does the speaker stand and look at one of the roads?

   a) A few seconds

   b) A few minutes

   c) A long time

   d) He doesn't mention the duration


4. How far could the speaker look at the road?

  a) To the end of the road.

   b) To where it bent into undergrowth .

   c)  To the point where the speaker stood.

   d) To the place where the road got diverged       into two.


5. What is the speaker's dilemma in the poem?

   a) Choosing between two roads

   b) Finding his way through the woods

   c) Standing for a long time

   d) Traveling alone


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Reading Comprehension 2

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

1. Why does the speaker choose the second road?

   a) Because it is fairer than the first road

   b) Because it is grassy and less traveled

   c) Because it leads to a better destination

   d) Because it is the shorter route


2. What does the second road lack?

   a) Yellow trees

   b) Undergrowth

   c) Wear from frequent use

   d) Travelers


3. How does the speaker describe the two roads?

   a) The second road is much better than the first road

   b) The first road is more appealing than the second road

   c) Both roads are equally worn and traveled

   d) The speaker does not describe the roads directly


4. What does the phrase "the passing there" refer to?

   a) The passing of time

   b) The movement of travelers on the roads

   c) The bending of the road

   d) The wear on the roads


5. What does the second road claim to have?

   a) A better view of the surroundings

   b) A smoother surface

   c) Less undergrowth

   d) Equal wear as the first road


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Reading Comprehension 3

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

1. How do the two roads appear in the morning?

   a) Equally worn and traveled

   b) Covered in leaves without any footprints

   c) Blackened by frequent use

   d) Hidden by undergrowth


2. Why does the speaker decide to keep the first road for another day?

   a) It is the more appealing road

   b) It leads to a familiar destination

   c) The speaker wants to explore the second road first

   d) The speaker believes there will be another opportunity to choose the first road


3. What does the speaker realize about the nature of paths?

   a) They are always straight and clear

   b) They lead to different destinations

   c) They intertwine and create confusion

   d) They eventually loop back to the starting point


4. Why does the speaker doubt if they will ever come back to the first road?

   a) The first road is less traveled and may be forgotten

   b) The second road is more enticing and may lead to new experiences

   c) The speaker is unsure of their future choices and opportunities

   d) The first road may become inaccessible or overgrown with time


5. What does the phrase "way leads on to way" suggest?

   a) Every road leads to a new beginning

   b) One decision leads to many more choices

   c) Paths always converge at a certain point

   d) The destination is more important than the journey


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Reading Comprehension 4

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

1. How does the speaker feel while recounting this experience in the future?

   a) Excited

   b) Regretful

   c) Indifferent

   d) Reflective


2. What is the significance of the speaker's choice to take the road less traveled?

   a) It led to a better destination

   b) It made the speaker unique and different

   c) It was the easier path to follow

   d) It was a mistake in hindsight


3. What does the phrase "somewhere ages and ages hence" suggest?

   a) The speaker is unsure of the exact time in the future

   b) The event happened a long time ago

   c) The speaker will share this story with others in the future

   d) The speaker is reminiscing about their youth


4. How does the speaker describe the road they took?

   a) The road less traveled by

   b) The road covered in undergrowth

   c) The road with the yellow wood

   d) The road frequently traveled


5. What impact did taking the road less traveled have on the speaker's life?

   a) It made no difference

   b) It led to regret and disappointment

   c) It brought about significant changes

   d) It caused confusion and uncertainty


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