The Rebel

AP / NCERT Board-Based Reading Comprehension 
Grade 7 Honeycomb Poem The Rebel

Reading Comprehension 1

When everybody has short hair,

The rebel lets his hair grow long.

 When everybody has long hair,

The rebel cuts his hair short.

 When everybody talks during the lesson,

The rebel doesn’t say a word.

 When nobody talks during the lesson,

The rebel creates a disturbance.

1. According to the passage, what does the rebel do when everybody has short hair?

   a) He lets his hair grow long.

   b) He cuts his hair short.

   c) He follows the crowd.

   d) He remains quiet.

2. What does the rebel do when nobody talks during the lesson?

   a) He remains silent.

   b) He starts talking.

   c) He creates a disturbance.

   d) He follows the rules.

3. What behavior characterizes the rebel in each scenario mentioned in the passage?

   a) Conformity

   b) Obedience

   c) Nonconformity

   d) Indifference

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Reading Comprehension 2

When everybody wears a uniform,

The rebel dresses in fantastic clothes.

 When everybody wears fantastic clothes,

The rebel dresses soberly.

 In the company of dog lovers,

The rebel expresses a preference for cats.

 In the company of cat lovers,

The rebel puts in a good word for dogs.

1. What does the rebel do when everybody wears a uniform?

   a) Dresses in fantastic clothes

   b) Dresses soberly

   c) Follows the dress code

   d) Expresses a preference for dogs

2. When everybody wears fantastic clothes, what does the rebel do?

   a) Dresses soberly

   b) Wears a uniform

   c) Becomes indifferent to clothing

   d) Joins the crowd

3. What does the rebel do in the company of dog lovers?

   a) Expresses a preference for dogs

   b) Expresses a preference for cats

   c) Remains silent

   d) Wears a dog costume

4. In the company of cat lovers, what does the rebel do?

   a) Expresses a preference for cats

   b) Puts in a good word for dogs

   c) Ignores the conversation

   d) Changes the topic

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Reading Comprehension 3

When everybody is praising the sun,

The rebel remarks on the need for rain.

 When everybody is greeting the rain,

The rebel regrets the absence of sun.

 When everybody goes to the meeting,

The rebel stays at home and reads a book.

 When everybody stays at home and reads a book,

The rebel goes to the meeting.

1. What does the rebel do when everybody is praising the sun?

   a) He joins in praising the sun.

   b) He remarks on the need for rain.

   c) He ignores the conversation.

   d) He stays indoors.

2. When everybody is greeting the rain, what does the rebel do?

   a) He regrets the absence of sun.

   b) He stays indoors.

   c) He goes out to enjoy the rain.

   d) He joins in greeting the rain.

3. What does the rebel do when everybody goes to the meeting?

   a) He stays at home and reads a book.

   b) He goes to the meeting as well.

   c) He organizes a different event.

   d) He calls for a meeting at his house.

4. When everybody stays at home and reads a book, what does the rebel do?

   a) He also stays at home and reads a book.

   b) He goes to the meeting.

   c) He organizes a meeting at his house.

   d) He ignores the situation.

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Reading Comprehension 4

When everybody says, Yes please,

The rebel says, No thank you.

 When everybody says, No thank you,

The rebel says, Yes please.

 It is very good that we have rebels.

You may not find it very good to be one.

1. What does the rebel say when everybody says, "Yes, please"?

   a) "Yes, please"

   b) "No thank you"

   c) "Maybe later"

   d) "I don't know"

2. When everybody says, "No thank you," what does the rebel say?

   a) "Yes please"

   b) "No thank you"

   c) "I'm not sure"

   d) "Let's wait and see"

3. According to the passage, why is it good to have rebels?

   a) Rebels are always right.

   b) Rebels challenge the status quo.

   c) Rebels make excellent leaders.

   d) Rebels are easy to get along with.

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