The Midnight Visitor - Long Answers

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The Midnight Visitor - Long Answers

1. Can you explain how this story shows that looks can be deceiving?

Sometimes, people aren't what they seem at first. In this story, Fowler, a writer who loves adventure, felt disappointed when he met Ausable, a secret agent, in a dull hotel. But Ausable surprised him by handling a dangerous situation with Max, another secret agent, using clever tricks. This shows that you can't always judge someone by how they look.

2. Describe in detail the two false stories planted by Ausable to get rid of Max, the secret agent of the rival organisation. Did the false stories have the desired effect? 

Ausable, though fat and clumsy, proved his intelligence and quick thinking. He tricked Max by talking about a balcony below his window, making it seem like a real problem. This convinced Max to jump out of the window in panic. Ausable then made up a story about the police being there to protect him, scaring Max even more. In the end, it was just the waiter at the door. Ausable's clever thinking outsmarted Max, showing that brains can beat brawn.

3. How did Ausable outsmart and outwit the crafty Max and got rid of him?

It was a showdown between two secret agents from different groups over a vital report on new missiles. Max, armed with a gun, aimed to snatch it from Ausable. The report's importance was evident as many risked their lives for it. When Ausable turned on the light, he faced Max holding a gun. Using his wit, Ausable crafted stories about a balcony and police to deceive Max. Though there was no balcony, Max fell for it. Panicked, he jumped out the window. Ausable's cleverness prevailed as he outsmarted his rival for good.

4. Give a character-sketch of Ausable highlighting his presence of mind and intelligence.

Ausable breaks the stereotype of suave secret agents seen in books and movies. Despite being overweight and living in a modest room, he's sharp and quick-thinking. He surprises even Max with his cleverness, convincing him of a non-existent balcony and police presence. This traps Max, leading to his downfall. Ausable's ability to manipulate situations helps him outsmart his rivals. By pretending the knocks at the door are from the police, he tricks Max into a fatal mistake. Though Ausable doesn't fit the typical image of a spy, his intellect proves more powerful than appearances suggest.

5. Describe the incident leading to the death of Max.

Ausable, a secret agent, stayed in a French hotel's top floor. When writer Fowler visited, they found Max with a gun. Max wanted an important report from Ausable. Ausable, calm but irritated about a balcony issue, hinted the knocking could be police he called. Max, panicking, jumped out the window, thinking there was a balcony. But there wasn't, so he fell and died. Ausable's clever trick led to Max's downfall, showing appearances can deceive. Despite the chaos, Ausable stayed composed, revealing his resourcefulness in handling tricky situations.
