The Midnight Visitor - Extract Based Questions

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The Midnight Visitor - Extract Based Questions

1. And then there was his accent. Though he spoke French and German passably, he had never altogether lost the American accent he had brought to Paris from Boston twenty years ago.

(a) Who is 'he' in the above extract?

'He' in the above extract is Ausable, a secret agent.

(b) Where is he at present?

At present, he is about to enter his room on the sixth floor of a French hotel.

2. "You are disillusioned", Ausable told him. "But take cheer, my young friend. Presently you will see a paper, a quite important paper for which several men and women have risked their lives, come to me. Some day soon that paper may well affect the course of history. In that thought is drama, is there not?"

(a) Who is 'my young friend' in the above extract?

'My young friend' in the above extract is Fowler, a young romantic writer.

(b) What is the 'important paper' referred to here?

The 'important paper' referred to here is a report regarding some new missiles.

(c) Find a word from the passage that means the same as 'disappointed'

The word is 'disillusioned'

3. And as the light came on, Fowler had his first authentic thrill of the day. For halfway across the room, a small automatic pistol in his hand, stood a man. Ausable blinked a few times.

1. Who was standing in the room with a pistol in his hand?


2. Ausable blinked because he ______

(A) was getting adjusted to the light ✔

(B) got afraid of the man witha pistol

(C) was thrilled to have reached his room

(D) started thinking of how to get rid of the man

3. What was the thrill of the day for Fowler?

(A) Coming of the light

(B) Opening of the main door

(C) Seeing a man with an automatic pistol in his hand ✔

(D) Ausable taking outa gun from his pocked.

4. How did Fowler really feel before entering the room?

(A) excited                 

(B) entertained

(C) relaxed 

(D) boring ✔

5. Which word in the extract means the same as ‘genuine/real’?

(A) Thrill

(B) Authentic ✔

(C) Automatic

(D) None of the above

4. Max bit his lip nervously. The knocking was repeated.
“What will you do now, Max ?” Ausable asked. “If I do not answer the door, they will enter anyway.
The door is unlocked. And they will not hesitate to shoot.”

1. Who is Max ?

(A) a spy ✔

(B) a tourist

(C) a business man

(D) a waiter

2. Max became nervous because:

(A) he got scared of Ausable.

(B) he thought the police had come. ✔

(C) the door was unlocked.

(D) Ausable did not get up to open the door.

3. Actually the door was knocked at by _____

(A) Henry, the waiter ✔

(B) The Hotel Manager

(C) The Police 

(D) Ausable’s assistant

4. Who was the third person present in the room?

(A) Max 

(B) Ausable

(C) Fowler ✔

(D) Henry

Q. 5. Which word in the extract is opposite in meaning to this word ‘confidently’?

(A) Bit 

(B) Nervously ✔

(C) Hesitate 

(D) Anyway
