The Kite - Reading Comprehension

 AP / NCERT Board-Based Reading Comprehension Passages 

Grade 6  Honeysuckle Poem 

The Kite

Reading Comprehension 1

How bright on the blue

Is a kite when it’s new!

With a dive and a dip

It snaps its tail

Then soars like a ship

With only a sail

As over tides

Of wind it rides,

1. How does the kite appear when it's new?

   a) Bright and colorful

   b) Dull and faded

   c) Invisible and transparent

   d) Large and heavy


2. What does the kite do with its tail?

   a) It snaps its tail

   b) It wraps its tail around the string

   c) It lets its tail drag on the ground

   d) It ties its tail to another kite


3. How does the kite soar in the air?

   a) It flaps its wings

   b) It uses its propellers

   c) It rides on the wind

   d) It jumps and hops


4. What is the kite compared to when it soars in the air?

   a) A ship

   b) A bird

   c) A cloud

   d) A fish


5. What does the kite ride over as it flies?

   a) Mountains

   b) Fields

   c) Waves

   d) Tides of wind   

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Reading Comprehension 2

Climbs to the crest

Of a gust and pulls,

Then seems to rest

As wind falls.

When string goes slack

You wind it back

And run until

A new breeze blows

1. What does the kite do when it climbs to the crest of a gust?

   a) It dives down

   b) It pulls the string

   c) It rests on the ground

   d) It flies in circles


2. How does the kite appear when the wind falls?

   a) It continues to soar

   b) It rests in the air

   c) It dives to the ground

   d) It seems to rest


3. What do you do when the string goes slack?

   a) Let the kite fly freely

   b) Hold the string tightly

   c) Wind the string back

   d) Cut the string


4. What do you do when a new breeze blows?

   a) Hold the kite still

   b) Release the string

   c) Run until the kite flies higher

   d) Retrieve the kite


5. What is the main activity involved in flying a kite?

   a) Climbing mountains

   b) Swimming in the sea

   c) Riding a bike

   d) Running with the kite   

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Reading Comprehension 3

And its wings fill

And up it goes!

How bright on the blue

Is a kite when it’s new!

But a raggeder thing

You never will see

When it flaps on a string

In the top of a tree.

1. How does the kite appear when it fills its wings and goes up?

   a) Bright and colorful

   b) Dull and faded

   c) Ragged and worn

   d) Invisible and transparent


2. What does the speaker say about a kite that gets stuck in a tree?

   a) It looks even more beautiful

   b) It becomes ragged and worn

   c) It magically disappears

   d) It transforms into a bird


3. What does the speaker compare the kite to when it is stuck in a tree?

   a) A bird

   b) A cloud

   c) A flag

   d) A ragged thing


4. Where does the ragged kite usually end up?

   a) Flying high in the sky

   b) Resting on the ground

   c) Hanging from a string

   d) Stuck in the top of a tree


5. How does the speaker describe the kite when it is stuck in a tree?

   a) Beautiful and majestic

   b) Free and lively

   c) Ragged and worn

   d) Invisible and transparent


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