The Jungle Book

The Jungle Book

Author  : Rudyard Kipling 

Country : United Kingdom

Genre : Children's Book

Date of Publication: 1894

The Jungle Book was written by Rudyard Kipling in 1894. It was originally a collection of stories that Kipling wrote while he lived in India. The most famous of the stories were those that Kipling wrote about Mowgli, a man-cub raised by wolves in the jungle.

This is the story of a wolf pack who adopt a human child, when the tiger, Shere Khan, hunts outside of his territory against the law of the jungle. Mowgli, the boy, grows up with the animals. He learns the law of the jungle from Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther, who is his protector. But Sher Khan, the strongest of the hunters, as well as the most alone, is biding his time until he can get the prey that he thinks is rightfully his. Most people have seen the movie, but Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book is a very special story with much more in it than the film, as well as being a magically told tale.

It is a story of right and wrong and good and evil, a story of growing up and the responsibilities that come with it. It is a story of different kinds of wisdom: that of man, verses that of the jungle. Some of the most wonderful parts of the story are set in a ruined city deep in the jungle. But the ending stands apart. Mowgli must defeat Shere Khan, an animal far stronger than a puny human. Mowgli has brains, but of course the people who built the great city in the jungle had brains, but they have long disappeared, their cleverness comes with a price.

So I would recommend this as a must- read book for school children.
