The Friendly Mongoose - Reading Comprehension Passages

Reading Comprehension Passages For Grade 9 

Supplementary Reader Moments

Chapter 2 - The Friendly Mongoose

Reading Comprehension 1

ONCE a farmer and his wife lived in a village with their small son. They loved him very much. “We must have a pet,” the farmer said to his wife one day. “When our son grows up, he will need a companion. This pet will be our son’s companion.” His wife liked the idea.


     One evening, the farmer brought with him a tiny mongoose. “It’s a baby mongoose,” said his wife, “but will soon be fully grown. He will be a friend to our son.”


     Both the baby and the mongoose grew. In five or six months the mongoose had grown to its full size — a lovely animal with two shining black eyes and a bushy tail. The farmer’s son was still a baby in the cradle, sleeping and crying alternately.

1. Why did the farmer and his wife decide to have a pet? a) They wanted someone to help them on the farm. b) They wanted a companion for their small son. c) They were lonely and needed a friend. d) They wanted a guard animal for their home. 2. What kind of pet did the farmer bring for their son? a) A baby elephant b) A tiny mongoose c) A playful puppy d) A colorful parrot 3. How did the mongoose look when it was fully grown? a) It had two shining black eyes and a bushy tail. b) It had a colorful coat with stripes. c) It had long ears and a wagging tail. d) It had sharp teeth and claws. 4. How old was the farmer's son when the mongoose had grown to its full size? a) Five or six years old b) Five or six months old c) A few weeks old d) A few days old 5. What was the farmer's son doing while the mongoose was growing up? a) He was playing with the mongoose. b) He was learning to walk and talk. c) He was sleeping and crying in the cradle. d) He was helping his parents on the farm.

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Reading Comprehension 2

     One day, the farmer’s wife wanted to go to the market. She fed the baby and rocked him to sleep in his little cradle. Picking up the basket, she said to her husband, “I’m off to the bazar. The baby is sleeping. Keep an eye on him. Frankly, I don’t like to leave the child alone with the mongoose.”

     “You needn’t be afraid,” said the farmer. “The mongoose is a friendly animal. It’s as sweet as our baby and they are the best of friends, you know.”


     The wife went away, and the farmer, having nothing to do in the house, decided to go out and take a look at his fields not far away. He ran into some friends on the way back and didn’t return for quite some time.

Certainly! Here are five multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the excerpt from "The Shepherd's Treasure": 1. Where did the farmer's wife want to go? a) To the market b) To visit her friends c) To the neighboring village d) To the fields 2. What did the farmer's wife ask her husband to do while she was away? a) Rock the baby to sleep b) Feed the baby and put him to sleep c) Go to the market with her d) Take care of the mongoose 3. Why did the farmer say there was no need to be afraid of the mongoose? a) The mongoose was afraid of the baby. b) The mongoose was friendly and sweet like the baby. c) The mongoose was not interested in the baby. d) The mongoose was kept in a separate room. 4. What did the farmer decide to do while his wife was away? a) Go to the market b) Take a look at his fields c) Feed the baby and put him to sleep d) Call his friends over for a visit 5. What happened while the farmer was away? a) The baby woke up and cried. b) The mongoose and the baby played together. c) The baby crawled out of the cradle. d) The farmer's wife returned from the market.
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Reading Comprehension 3


     The farmer’s wife finished her shopping and came back home with a basketful of groceries. She saw the mongoose sitting outside as if waiting for her. On seeing her he ran to welcome her, as was customary. The farmer’s wife took one look at the mongoose and screamed. “Blood!” she cried. The face and paws of the mongoose were smeared with blood.


     “You wicked animal! You have killed my baby,” she screamed hysterically. She was blind with rage and with all her strength brought down the heavy basket full of groceries on the blood-smeared mongoose and ran inside to the child’s cradle.

Certainly! Here are five multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the excerpt from "The Shepherd's Treasure": 1. Where did the farmer's wife want to go? a) To the market b) To visit her friends c) To the neighboring village d) To the fields 2. What did the farmer's wife ask her husband to do while she was away? a) Rock the baby to sleep b) Feed the baby and put him to sleep c) Go to the market with her d) Take care of the mongoose 3. Why did the farmer say there was no need to be afraid of the mongoose? a) The mongoose was afraid of the baby. b) The mongoose was friendly and sweet like the baby. c) The mongoose was not interested in the baby. d) The mongoose was kept in a separate room. 4. What did the farmer decide to do while his wife was away? a) Go to the market b) Take a look at his fields c) Feed the baby and put him to sleep d) Call his friends over for a visit 5. What happened while the farmer was away? a) The baby woke up and cried. b) The mongoose and the baby played together. c) The baby crawled out of the cradle. d) The farmer's wife returned from the market.  
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Reading Comprehension 4


     The baby was fast asleep. But on the floor lay a black snake torn and bleeding. In a flash she realised what had happened. She ran out looking for the mongoose.


     “Oh! You saved my child! You killed the snake! What have I done?” she cried touching the mongoose, who lay dead and still, unaware of her sobbing. The farmer’s wife, who had acted hastily and rashly, stared long at the dead mongoose. Then she heard the baby crying. Wiping her tears, she went in to feed him.

1. What did the farmer's wife find on the floor when she returned? a) The baby sleeping peacefully b) A torn and bleeding black snake c) The mongoose playing with a toy d) Her husband waiting for her 2. Why did the farmer's wife run out looking for the mongoose? a) The mongoose was her favorite pet. b) She wanted to play with the mongoose. c) She suspected the mongoose had killed the snake. d) She needed the mongoose's help with the baby. 3. How did the farmer's wife react when she found the mongoose dead? a) She cried and hugged the mongoose. b) She stared at the dead mongoose without any emotion. c) She went to look for another mongoose. d) She felt angry and blamed the mongoose for the situation. 4. What happened to the snake that the farmer's wife found on the floor? a) It was sleeping peacefully. b) It was torn and bleeding, indicating it had been killed. c) It attacked the baby and mongoose. d) The farmer's wife didn't mention anything about the snake's condition. 5. What did the farmer's wife do after realizing her mistake about the mongoose? a) She went out to find a new mongoose. b) She cried and apologized to the dead mongoose. c) She called for the help of a snake charmer. d) She went to feed and comfort the crying baby.
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