The Ball Poem - Poetic Devices

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The Ball - Poetic Devices

Poetic Device Definition Example from the Poem
Repetition of initial consonant sounds in the same line

And no one buys a ball back.
Transferred Epithet An adjective is not used with the noun which it normally qualifies but with some other noun
Shaking grief - Here the boy is shaking with grief

Symbolism Use of symbols in a literary work.
Ball symbolises the childhood of innocence of the boy

Rhyme Scheme

Pattern of rhymes at the end of each line

Free Verse
A word or phrase is repeated at the beginning of sentences

What is the boy now?
What is he to do?

Personification Using human attributes to other movable and immovable things
Ball is personified -
merrily bouncing down the street

Repetition A word or phrase is repeated at the beginning of sentences
how to stand up
- to say to accept life and move on

Refers to running lines from one to the next.
Does not use any punctuation marks in the middle
An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy ....
In this stanza the poem runs on to many lines with out any punctuation
