The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Author : Mark Twain

Country : America

Genre : Satire, Adventure fiction, Folklore, Bildungsroman

Date of Publication : June 1876

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was written by the renowned American Novelist Mark Twain. It's a 19th century novel yet every reader can relate the novel to himself.

It is a great book for any classic novel readers.

It is the story of Tom who is very mischievous and  naughty and  who plays tricks on his aunt Polly, cousin Sid , his teachers and friends.

Right from running away from school, visiting the graveyard in the midnight, witnessing a murder,  becoming  a pirate, taking care of Becky in the cave, exploring for the treasure... everything he does is out of his teenage curiosity and adventurous mindset.

Tom Sawyer like every child just wants to be free, adventurous, moral, and intelligent. Tom is unforgettable.

We have a lesson  Tom paints the fence in class 7 and the abriged novel in class 12 as non- detailed text.

The novel is truly classic that elementary,  upper primary,  high school students  ... and even adult readers get fascinated with Tom and his adventures.

Haven't you read the novel .. ? Then , Why late ? 

Get it and read it soon !!!!

 Happy Reading !!
