Tea From Assam- Glimpses of India - Short Answers

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Short Answers 

1. Who are the main characters in the story, and where are they traveling?

  The main characters are Rajvir and Pranjol. They are traveling to Pranjol's home in Assam during the summer vacation.

2. What did Rajvir and Pranjol do during their train journey?

  During their train journey, Pranjol read a detective book while Rajvir looked at the beautiful scenery and talked about tea.

3. How did Rajvir describe the view as the train entered tea country?

  Rajvir described the view as magnificent, with tea bushes stretching as far as the eye could see, surrounded by densely wooded hills and tall shade-trees.

4. What legends about the discovery of tea did Rajvir share with Pranjol?

  Rajvir shared a Chinese legend about an emperor who discovered tea when leaves fell into his boiling water and an Indian legend about Bodhidharma, who cut off his eyelids and from which tea plants grew.

5. What did Rajvir say about the history of tea in China and Europe?

  Rajvir mentioned that tea was first drunk in China as far back as 2700 B.C., and that tea came to Europe in the sixteenth century, where it was initially consumed more as medicine than as a beverage.

6. What did Pranjol’s father say about Rajvir’s knowledge of tea?

  Pranjol’s father was surprised by Rajvir’s knowledge and commented that he seemed to have done his homework before coming.

7. What did Rajvir hope to achieve during his visit to Assam?

  Rajvir hoped to learn much more about tea during his visit to Assam, even though he had already read a lot about it.
