Story Writing


Story writing is the oldest form of written composition. A short story is meant to be read in a single sitting and therefore it should be as direct and brief as possible.

1. Title: The title of the story must be interesting and it should evoke curiosity.

2. Planned and logical series of events must be reflected and the events should not deviate the story from its theme.

3. There must be an interesting theme of the story which is the controlling idea of the story.

4. The depiction of the characters must be interesting and convincing.

5. The language of the story must suit the story. It should be as per the setting of the story.



A character is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story. Writers use characters to perform the actions and speak dialogue, moving the story along a plot line.


The plot is, arguably, the most important element of a story. It is literally the sequence of events and, in that sequence, we learn more about the characters, the setting, and the moral of the story.


What is the message behind this story? What lesson can be learned from the story? What does this story mean? These questions are all asking about a story’s theme. The term theme can be defined as the underlying meaning of a story. It is the message the writer is trying to convey through the story

Story writing is done in two ways:

        a. Hints of the story are given

        b. The beginning of the story is given

The title and the moral of the story are to be written.


1. Taking help from the given input, develop a story.

A woodcutter-chopping down tree-river bank-axe fell down in river- couldn’t swim- unhappy and wept- God of Forests appeared- dived- came out with an axe of gold- “not mine”-dived again- came out with silver axe- “not mine” said woodcutter- dived again- came out with woodcutter’s axe-“this is my axe-truly honest- rewarded all three axes to the woodcutter


Once on the bank of a river, a woodcutter was chopping down trees. His hands were so wet with his sweat that he lost his grip over the axe. It slipped away from his hands and fell down into the river. The poor man couldn’t even swim. He thought that his axe was lost forever. He was very sad at his misfortune and started sobbing and weeping. Suddenly there was a flash of light. The God of the Forests appeared before him. The woodcutter explained what had happened. He consoled him. “Don’t you worry. I’ll get back your axe for you”, said the God of Forests. Having said these words, he dived into the river. After a few moments he came out with an axe. It was made of gold. “Is this yours?” he asked. The woodcutter only said, “No”. A few seconds later he came out of the river with another axe. It was made of silver. “No, no, sir, this is not mine”, said the woodcutter. He dived again and came out with the third axe. The woodcutter cried loudly.looking at the axe, “Yes, yes, it’s mine- the woodcutter’s axe with an iron blade”. The God of.Forests was impressed with the woodcutter’s honesty, “Keep all these three axes as a present from me”. God uttered these words and disappeared.

Moral: Always be honest.


2.Write a story on the basis of the beginning provided.

Once a wise monkey lived on a big mango tree …….


Once a wise monkey lived on a big mango tree on a river bank. A crocodile was swimming in the river. They became intimate friends. Quite often the monkeys gave ripe mangoes to his friend.

One day the crocodile demanded some mangoes for his wife. She had never tasted mangoes in her life. The generous monkey picked a big ripe mango and gave it to the crocodile.

Mrs. Crocodile liked the delicious mango very much. She was very cunning and wicked. She thought of eating the monkey herself. “One who eats such sweet mangoes, his heart must be very sweet”, said she. The poor crocodile was upset. He told his wife clearly that he would never allow such a friend to be killed. But the wicket wife made the crocodile’s life really miserable. At last, he gave in. The next day he went to the mango tree. He invited the monkey to have lunch with them. He took the monkey on his back. When they were in the middle of the river, the crocodile revealed the truth. His wife actually wanted to eat his heart. The wise monkey was quiet for a moment. He hit upon a plan. He said, “I’ve left my heart hanging on the mango tree”. He wanted to go back and bring it. Soon they were under the tree. The monkey lost no time in climbing up on the topmost branch. He pointed to his heart and said, “My heart is inside me. Go away and never come near the mango tree again. It’s the end of our friendship”.

Moral: A quick wit can solve most problems.


3. An old lady becomes blind ............. calls in a doctor .......... agrees to pay large fees if cured .............. doctor comes daily........ Starts stealing one piece of furniture daily .......... delays the cure ......... at last cures her .......... demands his fees......... lady refuses to pay, saying cure is not complete......... doctor objects, the lady says sight not restored as she cannot see all her furniture ................ moral.

Tricky Doctor and the Old Lady's Vision

Once upon a time, there was a kind, old lady who couldn't see anymore. She wanted to get her eyesight back and called a famous doctor for help. The doctor agreed but asked for a lot of money if he could make her see again. He visited her every day, pretending to help her, but secretly, he started stealing one piece of her furniture every day. The old lady started feeling better and wanted to see the world again. But when she opened her eyes, she couldn't see everything. The doctor asked for his money, but the old lady said she wouldn't pay because her sight wasn't fully restored. She told the doctor she couldn't see all her furniture, which he had stolen. The story teaches us not to be dishonest or greedy because it can lead to trouble, just like the doctor in the story.


4. God’s promise to a disciple to visit her.............. disciple cleans her house and waits for God.............. poor old lady knocks her door .............. disciple doesn’t help her .............. tells her not to waste her time .............. Next, a beggar comes to her doorstep and she doesn’t entertain him either .............. Finally a child knocks her door .............. she sends him away too .............. dreams of God that night .............. God tells him that he had come thrice at her doorstep, but she didn’t bother .............. lady disappointed .............. moral.

The Unseen Visitor

Once, there was a devoted disciple who longed for God's visit. She cleaned her house and eagerly waited for the divine promise to come true. One day, a poor, elderly lady knocked on her door, seeking help. The disciple, impatient and lost in her dreams of God, turned her away, telling her not to waste her time.

Soon after, a beggar arrived, hoping for some kindness. The disciple ignored the beggar too. Later, a child knocked on her door, but she sent him away without a second thought. That night, she had a dream of God, who told her that He had visited her three times, but she hadn't noticed.

The disciple realized her mistake and felt disappointed. The story teaches us the importance of being kind to everyone, as sometimes, God's blessings come in unexpected forms.


5. Write a short story in  100 words, with the help of the clues given below. Give a suitable title to the story.

Satish was standing on the balcony watching the last rays of the Sun. Loud and angry voices in the street below distracted his attention. He ran down the stairs to see what had happened.

The Lost Kitten

Satish was standing on the balcony watching the last rays of the Sun. Loud and angry voices in the street below distracted his attention. He ran down the stairs to see what had happened.But his peaceful moment was shattered by loud, angry voices from the street below. Curiosity drove him downstairs. There, amidst the commotion, he spotted a tiny, frightened kitten. Satish's heart melted, and he gently picked up the trembling furball. As the neighbors argued, Satish comforted the lost kitten, promising to find its home. The simple act of kindness brought warmth to the otherwise chaotic evening, teaching everyone that sometimes, amidst the noise, a small act of compassion can make a big difference.

