Slogans and Stories

Collect any three slogans which were popular during freedom struggle and find out the stories behind them. Write them down and share it with your class.

1. Jai Hind!

Story: "Jai Hind" was popularized by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, who formed the Indian National Army (INA) to fight alongside the Axis powers during World War II, with the aim of freeing India from British rule. This slogan became the war cry of the INA and symbolized their determination to achieve independence.

2. Inquilab Zindabad! (Long Live the Revolution!)

Story: This powerful slogan was championed by Bhagat Singh during the 1920s. It became synonymous with his revolutionary spirit and his call for a social and political revolution in India. Bhagat Singh's commitment to the cause of independence made this slogan iconic.

3. Quit India Movement: Do or Die!

 Story: Mahatma Gandhi launched the Quit India Movement in 1942, demanding an immediate end to British colonial rule. The slogan "Do or Die" meant that Indians should be prepared to give their all for the cause of freedom, even if it meant risking their lives. It reflected the urgency and determination of the movement.

4. Sarfaroshi Ki Tamanna, Ab Hamare Dil Mein Hai!  (The Desire for Sacrifice is Now in Our Hearts!)

Story: This slogan was coined by Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaqulla Khan, and other revolutionaries during the Kakori Conspiracy of 1925. It expressed their willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice for the country. Bismil and Khan were later hanged for their involvement in the freedom struggle.

5. Dilli Chalo! (March to Delhi!)

Story: During the Salt Satyagraha in 1930, Mahatma Gandhi gave the call for "Dilli Chalo" to protest the British monopoly on salt production and sales. This slogan inspired thousands to march to Delhi in a nonviolent protest, symbolizing the unity and determination of Indians.

6. Vande Mataram! (I Bow to Thee, Mother!)

Story: "Vande Mataram" is a patriotic song from Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay's novel "Anandamath." It became a rallying cry for the freedom movement. The song's lyrics evoke love and reverence for the motherland, and it was sung passionately by freedom fighters.

7. Swaraj is My Birthright, and I Shall Have It!

Story: This slogan was coined by Bal Gangadhar Tilak, a prominent freedom fighter. He used it to assert that self-rule (Swaraj) was not a privilege but the birthright of every Indian. Tilak's powerful words ignited a sense of entitlement to freedom among the masses.

8. Satyameva Jayate!" (Truth Alone Triumphs!)

Story: "Satyameva Jayate" is India's national motto, taken from the ancient Indian scripture, the Mundaka Upanishad. It was adopted as the national motto to emphasize the importance of truth and righteousness in the quest for freedom. Mahatma Gandhi often invoked this motto to inspire people to adhere to the path of nonviolence and truth.


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