Senior Intermediate Unit Test 2 English

Max Marks : 25       Time : 1Hr

I. Annotate the following statement 4M

Up! Up ! My friend, and clear your looks;

Why all this toil and trouble ?

II. Answer the following questions 4M

What does Vivekananda say about a man of character ?

III. Answer the following question 7M

What is the part played by Injun Joe in the life of Tom Sawyer?

IV. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.  5M

The next day was Sunday. Tom wore clean Sunday clothes – he hated them ! Tom, Sid and Mary always went to Sunday school on Sunday morning. But Tom was not a good student and never listened to the teacher.

After Sunday school Tom and his family went to the church. This Sunday he had a big black beetle in his pocket. When the Reverend started speaking, Tom took the black beetle out of his pocket. He put it on the floor. There was a little dog in the church. It saw the beetle and wanted to play with it. Suddenly the beetle bit the dog’s nose. The little dog barked and everyone looked at it. It jumped and ran after the black beetle. It ran all about the church barking and making a lot of noise.

The people in the church laughed silently.  Their faces were red. The Reverend continued talking but no one listened to him. 

1. Where did Tom and his family go after Sunday school ?

2. What did Tom have in his pocket ?

3. Why did Tom bring the black beetle to church?

4. Why was the little dog barking ?

5. Why were the people’s faces red ?

V. Match the following. 5M

1. Temporal       a. To judge before

2. Colloborate    b. Beautifully expressive talking

3. Egoist              c. Of time

4. Prejudice        d. Work together

5. Eloquent          e. One who thinks about self 
