Reading Comprehension- Who Did Patrick's Homework

AP / NCERT Reading Comprehension for Grade 6 Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework? 

Reading Comprehension 1

PATRICK never did homework. “Too boring,” he said. He played hockey and basketball and Nintendo instead. His teachers told him, “Patrick! Do your homework or you won’t learn a thing.” And it’s true, sometimes he did feel like an ignoramus. But what could he do? He hated homework.

1. Why did Patrick never do his homework?

A) He was too busy playing sports.

B) He found it boring.

C) He didn't have enough time.

D) His teachers never assigned any homework.

2. What activities did Patrick prefer over homework?

A) Reading books

B) Playing video games

C) Studying for tests

D) Helping his friends

3. How did Patrick's teachers feel about his homework situation?

A) They didn't care

B) They encouraged him to play more sports

C) They were disappointed and advised him to do his homework

D) They understood his dislike for homework

4. How did Patrick sometimes feel about not doing his homework?

A) Proud

B) Accomplished

C) Intelligent

D) Like an ignoramus

5. What did Patrick hate?

A) Homework

B) Sports

C) Reading

D) Video games

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Reading Comprehension 2

Then one day he found his cat playing with a little doll and he grabbed it away. To his surprise, it wasn’t a doll at all, but a man of the tiniest size. He had a little wool shirt with old fashioned britches and a tall hat much like a witch’s. He yelled, “Save me! Don’t give me back to that cat. I’ll grant you a wish, I promise you that.”

1. What did Patrick find his cat playing with?

A) A toy car

B) A doll

C) A miniature man

D) A ball

2. What was the man's appearance?

A) Wearing a modern suit

B) Wearing a tall hat like a witch's

C) Wearing a superhero costume

D) Wearing a chef's uniform

3. Why did the tiny man ask Patrick not to give him back to the cat?

A) He was afraid of cats

B) He didn't like playing with dolls

C) He wanted to grant Patrick a wish

D) He wanted to play with Patrick instead

4. What did the miniature man promise Patrick?

A) A wish

B) A new toy

C) A magic spell

D) A pet cat

5. What did Patrick initially think the miniature man was?

A) A toy

B) A magical creature

C) A doll

D) A cat

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Reading Comprehension 3

Patrick couldn’t believe his luck to have the answer to all of his problems here. He said, “Only if you do all my homework till the end of the semester, that’s 35 days. If you do a good enough job, I could even get A’s.”

The little man’s face wrinkled like a dishcloth thrown in the hamper. He kicked his legs and doubled his fists and he grimaced and scowled and pursed his lips, “Oh, am I cursed! But I’ll do it.”

1. How did Patrick react upon realizing the tiny man could help him with his homework?

A) He was skeptical and refused the offer

B) He felt lucky and hopeful

C) He didn't believe the tiny man's abilities

D) He thought it was a trick and ignored the offer

2. How many days of homework did Patrick ask the tiny man to do?

A) 10 days

B) 20 days

C) 35 days

D) Until the end of the year

3. What did Patrick hope to achieve with the tiny man's help?

A) Perfect grades (A's)

B) Improved handwriting

C) Faster completion of homework

D) Extra credit assignments

4. How did the tiny man react to Patrick's request?

A) He happily agreed to do the homework

B) He became upset and frustrated

C) He offered an alternative solution

D) He ignored Patrick's request

5. How did the tiny man's face appear when Patrick made his request?

A) Happy and excited

B) Confused and uncertain

C) Angry and determined

D) Wrinkled like a dishcloth thrown in the hamper

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Reading Comprehension 4

And true to his word, that little elf began to do Patrick’s homework. Except there was one glitch. The elf didn’t always know what to do and he needed help. “Help me! Help me!” he’d say. And Patrick would have to help — in whatever way.“I don’t know this word,” the elf squeaked while reading Patrick’shomework. “Get me a dictionary. No, what’s even better, look up the word and sound it out by each letter.”

1. What did the elf need help with while doing Patrick's homework?

A) Writing neatly

B) Understanding certain words

C) Solving math problems

D) Organizing the assignments

2. How did the elf ask for help?

A) He shouted for assistance

B) He requested a dictionary

C) He asked Patrick to sound out words letter by letter

D) He consulted online resources

3. What did the elf struggle with while reading Patrick's homework?

A) Finding the answers

B) Understanding the context

C) Organizing the paragraphs

D) Typing the assignments

4. What method did Patrick use to help the elf with unfamiliar words?

A) Giving him a dictionary

B) Sounding out the words letter by letter

C) Asking the teacher for explanations

D) Providing synonyms for the difficult words

5. What was Patrick's role in helping the elf with the homework?

A) Writing the answers for him

B) Providing online resources

C) Sounding out words and explaining their meanings

D) Checking the elf's work for errors

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Reading Comprehension 5

When it came to maths, Patrick was out of luck. “What are times tables?” the elf shrieked. “We elves never need that. And addition and subtraction and division and fractions? Here, sit down beside me, you simply must guide me.” Elves know nothing of human history, to them it’s a mystery. So the little elf, already a shouter, just got louder. “Go to the library, I need books. More and more books. And you can help me read them too.”

1. What aspect of math did the elf struggle with?

A) Times tables

B) Geometry

C) Algebra

D) Calculus

2. How did the elf react when he realized he didn't know times tables?

A) He became frustrated and yelled for help

B) He asked Patrick to teach him

C) He suggested skipping math altogether

D) He decided to figure it out on his own

3. What other math concepts did the elf struggle with?

A) Addition and subtraction

B) Division and fractions

C) Algebra and geometry

D) Trigonometry and calculus

4. What subject did the elf ask Patrick to help him with at the library?

A) Math

B) Science

C) History

D) Literature

5. How did the elf feel about human history?

A) He was fascinated by it

B) He was knowledgeable about it

C) He had no understanding of it

D) He found it easy to learn

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Reading Comprehension 6

As a matter of fact, every day in every way that little elf was a nag! Patrick was working harder than ever and was it a drag! He was staying up nights, had never felt so weary, was going to school with his eyes puffed and bleary.

Finally, the last day of school arrived and the elf was free to go. As for homework, there was no more, so he quietly and slyly slipped out the back door.

1. How did Patrick feel about the little elf's constant demands for help?

A) Annoyed

B) Grateful

C) Excited

D) Indifferent

2. How did Patrick's workload change with the presence of the elf?

A) It became easier

B) It became more enjoyable

C) It became heavier and more tiring

D) It remained the same

3. How did Patrick's appearance change due to the increased workload?

A) He looked refreshed and energetic

B) He had puffed and bleary eyes

C) He had become more popular

D) He looked well-rested and relaxed

4. What happened to the little elf on the last day of school?

A) He was given a special award

B) He decided to stay with Patrick

C) He disappeared without a trace

D) He quietly left through the back door

5. What happened to the homework after the last day of school?

A) It increased in quantity

B) It became easier

C) It was no longer assigned

D) It was replaced with different assignments

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Reading Comprehension 7

Patrick got his A’s; his classmates were amazed; his teachers smiled and were full of praise. And his parents wondered what had happened to Patrick? He was now the model kid who cleaned his room, did his chores, was cheerful, never rude, like he had developed a whole new attitude.

You see, in the end, Patrick still thought he’d made that tiny man do all his homework. But I’ll share a secret, just between you and me. It wasn’t the elf; Patrick had done it himself!

1. How did Patrick's classmates react to his improved academic performance?

A) They were jealous

B) They were amazed

C) They were disappointed

D) They were indifferent

2. How did Patrick's teachers respond to his transformation?

A) They were critical

B) They were skeptical

C) They were full of praise

D) They were confused

3. How did Patrick's parents feel about his change in behavior?

A) Worried

B) Confused

C) Amused

D) Wondered what had happened to him

4. What did Patrick believe was the reason for his academic success?

A) The support of his parents

B) The influence of his classmates

C) The transformation of the tiny man

D) His own hard work

5. What was the secret revealed at the end of the passage?

A) Patrick had a newfound motivation for academic success

B) The tiny man had secretly completed Patrick's homework

C) Patrick's parents had hired a tutor for him

D) Patrick had actually done the homework himself

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