Reading Comprehension- Grade 6 Chapter 1 A Tale of Two Birds

AP/ NCERT Grade 6 Reading Comprehension Supplementary Reader Chapter 1 - A Tale of Two Birds

Reading Comprehension 1

THERE once lived a bird and her two new-born babies in a forest. They had a nest in a tall, shady tree and there the mother bird took care of her little ones day and night.

     One day, there was a big storm. There was thunder, lightning and rain, and the wind blew down many trees. The tall tree in which the birds lived also came down. A big, heavy branch hit the nest and killed the bird. Fortunately for the baby birds, the strong wind blew them away to the other side of the forest. One of them came down near a cave where a gang of robbers lived. The other landed outside a rishi's ashram a little distance away.

1. What happened to the mother bird and her babies during the storm?

   a) They found shelter in a cave.

   b) They were blown away to different locations.

   c) They were struck by lightning.

   d) They managed to survive in the tall tree.

  2. Where did one of the baby birds land after being blown away by the storm?

   a) In a cave where robbers lived.

   b) In a rishi's ashram.

   c) Near the tall, shady tree.

   d) Outside the forest.

   3. What happened to the mother bird?

   a) She found shelter in the rishi's ashram.

   b) She flew away to safety.

   c) She was killed by a falling tree branch.

   d) She was rescued by the robbers.

   4. What was the cause of the bird's displacement?

   a) Thunder and lightning.

   b) Heavy rainfall.

   c) The wind blowing down trees.

   d) The destruction of the nest.

   5. Where did the other baby bird land after being blown away by the storm?

   a) In the same cave as the first bird.

   b) In the rishi's ashram.

   c) Near the tall, shady tree.

   d) Outside the forest.

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Reading Comprehension 2

Days passed and the baby birds became big birds. One day, the king of the country came to the forest to hunt. He saw a deer and rode after it. It ran deep into the forest followed by the king. Soon the king lost his way and didn’t know where he was.

     He rode on for a long time till he came to the other side of the forest. Very tired by now, he got off his horse and sat down under a tree that stood near a cave. Suddenly he heard a voice cry out, “Quick! Hurry up! There’s someone under the tree. Come and take his jewels and his horse. Hurry, or else he’ll slip away.” The king was amazed. He looked up and saw a big, brown bird on the tree under which he was sitting. He also heard faint noises issuing from the cave. He quickly got on to his horse and rode away as fast as he could.

1. What happened when the king of the country entered the forest?

   a) He encountered a group of robbers.

   b) He found a cave with treasures.

   c) He lost his way while chasing a deer.

   d) He discovered a hidden treasure under a tree.

   2. Where did the king find himself after riding deep into the forest?

   a) Near a cave where a brown bird was perched.

   b) At the other side of the forest.

   c) In a hidden treasure room.

   d) Under a tree where the deer took shelter.

   3. What did the king hear while resting under the tree?

   a) The cries of a wounded deer.

   b) Faint noises coming from the cave.

   c) The sound of his horse galloping away.

   d) A voice warning him about an approaching storm.

   4. Who or what alerted the king about a potential threat under the tree?

   a) The king's horse.

   b) A group of robbers.

   c) The brown bird perched on the tree.

   d) The voice of a nearby rishi.

   5. How did the king react to the warning?

   a) He stayed under the tree and confronted the threat.

   b) He quickly got on his horse and fled.

   c) He climbed up the tree to investigate.

   d) He called for his guards to come to his aid.

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Reading Comprehension 3

The king was amazed to hear a similar voice again.

He came to know the birds’ true story.

He met the rishi who explained the behaviour of each bird.

Soon, he came to a clearing which looked like an ashram. It was the rishi’s ashram. The king tied his horse to a tree and sat down in its shade. Suddenly he heard a gentle voice announce, “Welcome to the ashram, Sir. Please go inside and rest. The rishi will be back soon. There’s some cold water in the pot. Please make yourself comfortable.” The king looked up and saw a big, brown bird in the tree. He was amazed. ‘This one looks like the other bird outside the cave,’ he said to himself loudly.

     “You are right, Sir,” answered the bird. “He is my brother but he has made friends with robbers. He now talks as they do. He doesn’t talk to me any more.” Just then the rishi entered the ashram.

     “Welcome, Sir,” he said to the king. “Please come inside and make yourself at home. You look tired. Rest for a while. Then you can share my food.”

1. Where did the king find himself after reaching the clearing in the forest?

   a) Near the cave where the robbers lived.

   b) Inside the rishi's ashram.

   c) Under a tree where the brown bird was perched.

   d) In a hidden treasure room.

  2. How did the king realize the similarity between the bird in the ashram and the one near the cave?

   a) The birds had identical markings.

   b) The bird in the ashram greeted him with the same words.

   c) The birds communicated with each other.

   d) The king heard the birds' voices in his head.

   3. What did the bird in the tree reveal about his brother?

   a) He had become friends with the rishi.

   b) He had learned to talk like the robbers.

   c) He no longer recognized his own brother.

   d) He had transformed into a different bird species.

   4. Who entered the ashram while the king was talking to the bird?

   a) The robbers from the cave.

   b) Another brown bird.

   c) The king's guards.

   d) The rishi.

   5. How did the rishi welcome the king into the ashram?

   a) He offered him a meal and asked him to leave.

   b) He asked the king to wait outside while he finished his work.

   c) He invited the king to rest and offered him food.

   d) He didn't acknowledge the king's presence.


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Reading Comprehension 4

The king told the rishi the story of the two birds and how each had behaved so differently though they looked so alike. “The forest is full of surprises,'' he said.

     The holy man smiled and said, “After all, one is known by the company one keeps. That bird has always heard the talk of robbers. He imitates them and talks about robbing people. This one has repeated what he has always heard. He welcomes people to the ashram. Now, come inside and rest. I’ll tell you more about this place and these birds.”

1. How did the king describe the behavior of the two birds to the rishi?

   a) They looked alike but behaved differently.

   b) They imitated the talk of robbers.

   c) They welcomed people to the ashram.

   d) They were known by the company they kept.

   2. What did the king say about the forest?

   a) It was full of surprises.

   b) It was a dangerous place.

   c) It was home to many holy men.

   d) It was a peaceful and serene environment.

   3. How did the rishi explain the behavior of the bird associated with the robbers?

   a) The bird had learned to imitate robbers' talk.

   b) The bird was naturally inclined to rob people.

   c) The bird had been influenced by its surroundings.

   d) The bird was seeking attention and recognition.

   4. What did the rishi invite the king to do?

   a) Leave the ashram and continue his journey.

   b) Rest inside the ashram and learn more about the place.

   c) Help the bird associated with the robbers change its behavior.

   d) Share his own experiences with the king.

   5. What did the rishi imply about the nature of individuals?

   a) People can change their behavior easily.

   b) Birds have the ability to mimic human speech.

   c) One's behavior is influenced by their surroundings.

   d) The appearance of birds can be deceiving.


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