Reach for the Top- Part 2: Maria Sharapova

AP/ NCERT Board-Based Reading Comprehension Passages Grade 9 Beehive 

Chapter 7 Reach for the Top- Part 2: Maria Sharapova

Reading Comprehension 1

THERE is something disarming about Maria Sharapova, something at odds with her ready smile and glamorous attire. And that something in her lifted her on Monday, 22 August 2005 to the world number one position in women’s tennis. All this happened in almost no time. Poised beyond her years, the Siberian born teenager took just four years as a professional to reach the pinnacle.

1. What significant achievement did Maria Sharapova reach on August 22, 2005?

  1. Winning a tournament
  2. Becoming a professional tennis player
  3. Reaching the world number one position
  4. Wearing glamorous attire

2. How long did it take Maria Sharapova to reach the world number one position in women's tennis?

  1. Four months
  2. Four years
  3. Four weeks
  4. Four days

3. How is Maria Sharapova described in terms of her maturity?

  1. Immature
  2. Poised beyond her years
  3. Inexperienced
  4. Slow to develop

4. Where was Maria Sharapova born?

  1. United States
  2. Russia
  3. France
  4. Germany

5. Match the words their meanings.

1.Disarming     a)The most successful point
2.Attire              b)A shocking level of charm
3.Poised            c)Clothes, especially formal ones
4.Pinnacle        d)Having a composed and elegant way
  1. 1- b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d
  2. 1- b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a
  3. 1- b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a
  4. 1- c, 2-b, 3-d, 4-a
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Reading Comprehension 2

 However, the rapid ascent in a fiercely competitive world began nine years before with a level of sacrifice few children would be prepared to endure. Little Maria had not yet celebrated her tenth birthday when she was packed off to train in the United States. That trip to Florida with her father Yuri launched her on the path to success and stardom. But it also required a heart-wrenching two-year separation from her mother Yelena. The latter was compelled to stay back in Siberia because of visa restrictions. The nine-year-old girl had already learnt an important lesson in life — that tennis excellence would only come at a price.

1. At what age did Maria Sharapova start her tennis training in the United States?

  1.    10 years old
  2.    9 years old 
  3.    11 years old
  4.    8 years old

2. Who accompanied Maria Sharapova to the United States for training?

  1. Her mother Yelena
  2. Her father Yuri
  3. Both her parents
  4. Her coach

3. Why was Maria Sharapova's mother unable to accompany her to the United States?

  1. She didn't want to leave Siberia
  2. She had work commitments in Siberia
  3. Visa restrictions prevented her from traveling
  4. She was not supportive of Maria's tennis career

4. What did Maria Sharapova learn at a young age through her tennis journey?

  1. Sacrifice is necessary for success
  2. Tennis training is enjoyable
  3. Family support is crucial for success
  4. Training in the United States is the best option

5. How long was Maria Sharapova separated from her mother due to visa restrictions?

  1. One year
  2. Two years
  3. Three years
  4. Four years

6. Match the following words from the passage with their meanings:

    1.Sacrifice         A. To undergo or tolerate
    2.Fiercely          B. The highest point or peak
    3.Endure           C. Strongly or intensely
    4.Compelled      D. To force or oblige
    5.Pinnacle          E. Giving up something valuable or important

  1. 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D, 5-E
  2. 1-E, 2-C, 3-B, 4-D, 5-A
  3. 1-E, 2-B, 3-A, 4-D, 5-C
  4. 1-E, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D, 5-B

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Reading Comprehension 3

“I used to be so lonely,” Maria Sharapova recalls. “I missed my mother terribly. My father was working as much as he could to keep my tennis-training going. So, he couldn’t see me either.
 “Because I was so young, I used to go to bed at 8 p.m. The other tennis pupils would come in at 11 p.m. and wake me up and order me to tidy up the room and clean it.

“Instead of letting that depress me, I became more quietly determined and mentally tough. I learnt how to take care of myself. I never thought of quitting because I knew what I wanted. When you come from nothing and you have nothing, then it makes you very hungry and determined ... I would have put up with much more humiliation and insults than that to steadfastly pursue my dream.”

1. How did Maria Sharapova feel about missing her mother?

  1. She felt happy and content.
  2. She missed her mother terribly.
  3. She was indifferent to her absence.
  4. She was relieved to be away from her mother.

2. Why couldn't Maria Sharapova's father see her often?

  1. He was busy with work to support her tennis training.
  2. He didn't prioritize spending time with her.
  3. He lived far away from her.
  4. He had no interest in her tennis career.

3. How did Maria Sharapova deal with feeling lonely and being woken up by other tennis pupils?

  1. She became depressed and gave up.
  2. She requested to be moved to a different room.
  3. She became determined and mentally tough.
  4. She complained to her father and asked for help.

4. What did Maria Sharapova learn from her experience of taking care of herself?

  1. She learned to rely on others for support.
  2. She learned to quit when things got tough.
  3. She learned to persevere and be self-reliant.
  4. She learned to prioritize her own comfort.

5. How did Maria Sharapova's challenging upbringing affect her pursuit of her dream?

  1. It made her lose interest in her dream.
  2. It made her give up on tennis.
  3. It made her more determined and hungry for success.
  4. It made her forget what she wanted.
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Reading Comprehension 4 

4. That toughness runs through Maria even today. It was the key to her bagging the women’s singles crown at Wimbledon in 2004 and to her meteoric rise to the world number one spot the following year.
While her journey from the frozen plains of Siberia to the summit of women’s tennis has touched the hearts of tennis fans, for the youngster herself there appears to be no room for sentiment. The straight looks and the answers she gives when asked about her ambition make it amply clear that she considers the sacrifices were worth it. “I am very, very competitive. I work hard at what I do. It’s my job.” This is her mantra for success.

1. What was the key to Maria Sharapova's success in winning the women's singles crown at Wimbledon in 2004?

  1. Her sentimental approach to the game.
  2. Her competitive spirit and toughness.
  3. Her natural talent and skills.
  4. Her supportive fans.

2. What milestone did Maria Sharapova achieve the following year after winning Wimbledon in 2004?

  1. She retired from professional tennis.
  2. She reached the top spot in the world rankings.
  3. She won another Grand Slam tournament.
  4. She received a prestigious award for her achievements.

3. How does Maria Sharapova view her journey and sacrifices in her tennis career?

  1. She regrets the sacrifices she had to make.
  2. She feels sentimental about her journey.
  3. She believes the sacrifices were worth it.
  4. She considers her success a stroke of luck.

4. How does Maria Sharapova describe herself and her approach to tennis?

  1. Sentimental and laid-back.
  2. Competitive and hardworking.
  3. Relaxed and carefree.
  4. Casual and nonchalant.

5. What is Maria Sharapova's mantra for success?

  1. Taking it easy and enjoying the journey.
  2. Balancing work and personal life.
  3. Being focused and disciplined.
  4. Relying on natural talent alone.
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Reading Comprehension 5

Though Maria Sharapova speaks with a pronounced American accent, she proudly parades her Russian nationality. Clearing all doubts, she says, “I’m Russian. It’s true that the U.S. is a big part of my life. But I have Russian citizenship. My blood is totally Russian. I will play the Olympics for Russia if they want me.”
Like any number of teenaged sensations, Maria Sharapova lists fashion, singing and dancing as her hobbies. She loves reading the novels of Arthur Conan Doyle. Her fondness for sophisticated evening gowns appears at odds with her love of pancakes with chocolate spread and fizzy orange drinks.

1. Which country does Maria Sharapova proudly identify with?

  1. United States
  2. Russia
  3. Both the United States and Russia
  4. None of the above

2. What does Maria Sharapova say about her Russian nationality and citizenship?

  1. She renounced her Russian citizenship.
  2. She considers herself solely American.
  3. She has dual citizenship.
  4. She has no affiliation with Russia.

3. What hobbies does Maria Sharapova enjoy?

  1. Fashion, singing, and dancing
  2. Playing chess, painting, and cooking
  3. Playing golf, writing, and hiking
  4. Swimming, playing the piano, and gardening

4. What type of novels does Maria Sharapova enjoy reading?

  1. Romance novels
  2. Science fiction novels
  3. Mystery novels by Arthur Conan Doyle
  4. Biographies of famous athletes

5. What food and drink preferences of Maria Sharapova seem contradictory?

  1. Sophisticated evening gowns and pancakes with chocolate spread
  2. Fashion and fizzy orange drinks
  3. Singing and dancing and reading novels
  4. None of the above
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Reading Comprehension 6

Maria Sharapova cannot be pigeon-holed or categorised. Her talent, unwavering desire to succeed and readiness to sacrifice have lifted her to the top of the world. Few would grudge her the riches she is now reaping. This is what she has to say about her monetary gains from tennis: “Of course, money is a motivation. Tennis is a business and a sport, but the most important thing is to become number one in the world. That’s the dream that kept me going.”

1. What qualities have contributed to Maria Sharapova's success?

  1. Talent, determination, and sacrifice
  2. Luck, popularity, and wealth
  3. Physical strength and agility
  4. Networking and social connections

2. How does Maria Sharapova view her monetary gains from tennis?

  1. She considers them insignificant and unimportant.
  2. Money is the sole motivation for her in tennis.
  3. Money is a motivation, but not the most important thing.
  4. She believes money is the only measure of success in tennis.

3. What is Maria Sharapova's ultimate dream in tennis?

  1. To earn a significant amount of money
  2. To become a famous celebrity
  3. To win multiple Grand Slam titles
  4. To become the number one player in the world

4. How do few people feel about Maria Sharapova's financial success?

  1. They feel envious and resentful.
  2. They are indifferent to her monetary gains.
  3. They acknowledge her hard work and success.
  4. They criticize her for focusing too much on money.

5. How does Maria Sharapova view tennis?

  1. She sees it purely as a business.
  2. She sees it purely as a sport.
  3. She sees it as a combination of business and sport.
  4. She sees it as a platform for fame and recognition.

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