PWT2 Grade 9 Key

 Grade IX English 

Section A

1.Reading Comprehension 

i) C) Only two percent of the sunlight filters through it.

ii) B) They allow water to flow off the leaves that prevent mosses, fungi, and lichens.

iii) Bromeliads are cut-like plants that provide drinking pools for animals.

iv) True - The Amazon is the world’s largest tropical rainforest.

v) The Amazon rainforest gets its life from the Amazon river.

vi) False - Plants rely on insects and animals to pollinate their flowers.

vii) B) four

viii) True

ix) B) The layer above the forest floor is the canopy.

x) Drip tips allow water to flow off the leaves.

Section B (Answer any five )



  1.  i) delighted       ii) pleased

  2. iii) ordered        iv) suggested

  3. v) Having not bathed for two days, ….

vi) Working round the clock,  …..

Writing : Answer any one  5M

3. a) Writing a paragraph 

    b) Report Writing

Section C 

4. Answer any one 3M

     A. i) To continue his education in German speaking Switzerland. 

        ii) c - his relatives

        iii) d- Milan

    B. i) False      ii) Kezia      iii) A- to stuff her case

5. Answer any one 2M

    A.i) Ere                    ii) D-  The poet is child now

    B. i) A- peaceful      ii) C- Nine 

6. Answer any two 2 x3 = 6

i) He hated school regimentation because of its extreme sense of discipline. He felt tired and suffocated with this atmosphere. He often clashed with his teacher.

ii) The single major memory that comes to the poet is of his mother and her fond look on the poet.Darling dreamers that the poet refers to are the poet and his siblings who were sent to sleep by the poet’s mother every day.

iii) Kezia’s grandmother asked her to improve communication between her parents. She asked her to talk with them in the drawing-room and suggested she make a beautiful pincushion from yellow silk as a gift for her father’s birthday.

7. Answer any one 3M (Outline has been given)

i) Yes, Innisfree is a real place the poet yearns for. He fondly recalls its serene beauty, the lake's gentle sounds, and the inner peace it once provided.

ii) Iswaran illustrates the scene of a fallen tree on the empty highway. He describes the eerie sight of a sprawling, bushy form, initially evoking hesitation before revealing the mundane reality, aiming to grip his listeners in suspense.

8. Answer any one 6M ( Outline has been given)

i) Einstein wrote a letter to Franklin Roosevelt because he wanted to warn America that Germany had the ability to build and use an atomic bomb, which if exploded in a port, would destroy the entire port as well as some of the surrounding territory.
The world remembers Einstein as a “world citizen” because he agitated for an end to the arms buildup and campaigned for peace and democracy in the world.

ii) Toto's mischievous nature and destructive behavior make it difficult for the family to keep him as a pet. His constant tearing of things and causing havoc leads Grandfather to sell him back to the tonga-driver.


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