PWT 3 Grade 8 Key Grade

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Grade VIII English 

Section A

1.Reading Comprehension 10 Marks

i) They guess the meaning.
ii) No
iii) collect words from books, newspapers, make definitions
iv) figure out 
v) From scratch
vi) To collect examples in which words are actually used
vii) It is collection of people's opinions about what words mean as other people use them.
viii) c- verb
ix) b - simplify
x) b- situation

Section B Grammar and Writing 

Grammar 5 Marks

Answer any five

i) Penny asked Jody if he would be back before dinner.
ii) Jody asked his father how he was feeling.
iii) Penny asked his son if he really wanted it.
iv) Intransitive
v) Transitive
vi) close, parted, scrawny, wonder

Writing 5 Marks

Answer any one

A) Heading and format - 1 Mark
     Content - 2 Marks
     Language and Expression- 2 Marks


B) Heading and Format - 1 Mark
     Content - 2 Marks
     Language and Expression- 2 Marks

Section C Literature 20 Marks

4. Answer any one 3 Marks

i) d - bitten by a rattlesnake 
ii) d - go back to
iii) because he felt that they had killed the doe for their purpose and the fawn had been orphaned for no fault of its own. 


i) d- sitting around the carcass of doe
ii) c - hissed at him
iii) Buzzard is a  large bird like vulture. It eats the flesh of dead animals.

5. Answer any one  2 Marks

i) b- crying alone
ii) the first finger of Princess September's right hand.


i) To visit his home
ii) They were jealous.

6. Answer any Two 6 Marks

i) Jody’s father was bitten by a rattlesnake. When Jody’s father, Penny, was bitten by a rattlesnake, he quickly killed a doe and used its heart and liver to draw out the poison as a home remedy to save his life.

ii) Jody didn’t want Mill-wheel to join him in the search for the fawn. The reason was that he was not sure about the fawn’s safety. He didn’t want Mill-wheel to see his disappointment.

iii) Jody’s mother turned her nose when she heard that he was going to bring back the fawn. She gasped with surprise because she didn’t want to see an animal in her home.

7. Answer any one 3 Marks

i) Jody was conscience-stricken for the damage he had done. But he need not bring it home. He could have sent it to a zoo, where it could be given care. He can be said to be compassionate as  he avoided the route where the carcass of the doe was lying

ii) Jody bravely took care of a young deer to keep it safe from bushes and birds. It was hard to feed the fawn with pumpkins, so they used their fingers. Because of this, Penny told his son that he was smarter, cleverer, and more responsible than other kids.

8. Answer any one 6 Marks

i) a) When Princess September locked her parrot in the golden cage gifted by her father, the poor bird soon died. She burst into a flood of tears and wept continuously at the loss of her dear parrot. Even her Maids of Honour couldn’t comfort her pain.

b) Her mother said that Princess September’s weeping was utter nonsense. In a heartless manner, she asked the Maids of Honour to put the girl to sleep without any supper.

c) Princess September was a sensitive girl, feeling sad when her parrot died. Surprisingly, the Queen mother seemed unemotional and didn't comfort her daughter, showing a lack of sympathy.


ii) a) Princess September felt sad seeing her lifeless pet inside the cage, no longer singing or eating. This convinced her to set the little bird free in the open air, fearing he might die in captivity.

b) The bird felt joyful when Princess September freed him from the golden cage. He spread his wings, flew into the blue sky, and promised to return, singing songs for the Princess whenever she wished.


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