PWT 4 Grade 9 Key

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Grade IX English Periodic Written Test Key

Section A

1.Reading Comprehension 10 Marks

1. The ice formation continues for 3-4 months.

2. Accumulation

3. Mr. Norphel designed over 15 artificial glaciers in Leh.

4. Mr. Norphel was conferred the Padma Shri by President Pranab Mukherjee in 2015.

5. (b) Ladakh is a cold desert.

6. (d) Chewang Norphel was a retired civil engineer.

7. (b) Mr. Norphel received the Padma Shri award in 2015.

8. (c) Ladakh is at an altitude of 3,000-3,500 meters above sea level.

9. (c) Ladakh has a low average annual rainfall rate of 50 mm.

10. (b) animal rearing.

Section B Grammar and Writing

2. Grammar  (Answer Either A or B ) 5 Marks

1. is1. got
2. is2. looked
3. attracts3. said
4. spreads4. is
5. includes5. pay

3. Writing  - Answer any one of the following 5 Marks

A. Diary Entry 

Day and Date — ½ mark
Time — ½ mark
Salutation — ½ mark
Content — 3 marks
Signature — ½ mark

Value Points

  • Description of kids with bowls
  • Expression of feeling sad and not knowing what to do
  • Recognition of the kids looking small and lonely
  • Identification of hopeful eyes and the sense that they've been through a lot
  • Expression of feeling sorry and a desire to help
  • Reflection on the unfairness of life
  • Questioning why some kids have a tough life
  • Realization of personal luck and the need for appreciation
  • Pledge or promise to be kinder

B. Paragraph 

Format – 1 mark (Heading & Topic Sentence)
Content – 2 marks
Expression – 2 marks (grammatical accuracy, appropriate words, spellings, coherence & relevance of ideas and style)

Value Points 

  • Description of the event as really nice.
  • Mention of the good vibe and friendly atmosphere.
  • Highlight of people being happy and excited.
  • Emphasis on the organizers doing a good job planning.
  • Recognition of people making the event enjoyable.
  • Appreciation for the shared laughs and being together.

Section C  Literature 20 Marks

4. Answer any one of the following. 3 Marks


i) Home 
ii) On flight  
iii) In a corner of the square near the hotel; a pole with an attachment at the top from which fifty or sixty bansuris



i) Entrance for the Hindus only  
ii) The policeman is not convinced that they are ‘the Hindus’.  
iii) When the shrine protrudes fully, goddess comes out of it and that is the end of kaliyug.

5. Answer any one of the following.  2 Marks


i) Deep sleep   
ii) His soul has been sealed due to his loved one’s death so he does not have any human fears. 



i) She was suffering from pneumonia and she felt she would die soon.
ii) She realised that it was a sin to want to die.

6. Answer any one of the following questions. 3 Marks

i) The poet says that his soul has been sealed due to his loved one’s death and that he does not have any human fears. He talks about how his loved one seemed now- motionless and beyond the passage of time. The poet imagines her to be immersed in the earth. He feels that she has become a part of the earth’s daily course and rolled along with the rocks, stones and trees.

ii) Bherman painted a leaf on the wall. He drenched in heavy rain the whole night. He was attacked with Pneumonia. He did not survive. He died. 

7. Answer any two of the following questions. 6 Marks

i) The atmosphere at the Baudhnath temple is calm and quiet. The temple has a huge white dome with an outer ring road. The place is relaxing as there are no noises or crowds around. On the contrary, the atmosphere at the Pashupatinath temple is chaotic. There is a lot of confusion and noise as tourists, pilgrims, priests and animals roam around. 

ii) When Johnsy's body wouldn't get better with the doctor's help, Sue brought in warmth and care. She decorated the room with drawings and made Johnsy focus on getting well. Sue's love and positive attention became the medicine that helped Johnsy recover.

iii) The author could not move from the square because of the flute music. He liked it very much. It is one of the most universal and most particular of sounds. So he could not take himself away from the square.

iv) The author's mother ran again into the burning house to collect the pictures, and other memories of her husband that were present in the house.

8. Answer one of the following. 6 Marks

i) Kathmandu’s busiest streets are lined with shops and stalls selling different things. There are small temples having deities adorned with flowers. The vendors scream to attract buyers. There.are shops selling various things, namely, chocolates, camera film rolls, imported cosmetics, postcards, utensils and antiques. There are hawkers selling fruits, flutes, postcards for the tourists.

ii) The belief at the Pashupatinath temple about the end of Kaliyug is that when the small shrine will protrude completely, then the goddess will emerge out of it. The goddess will bring an end to the evil period of Kaliyug.


  1. Wonderful effort in the interest of English teacher welfare amid this stressful drudgery with unacademic affairs

  2. Good service Sir 👍


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