PWT 4 Grade 8 Key

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Grade VIII English 

Section A

1.Reading Comprehension 10 Marks

(i) Every moment of life is considered precious because time is the essence of our existence, a gift from nature, and once it passes, it cannot be regained.

(ii) The concept of time is related to the essence of life as it acts as a constraint that affects everyone. Wise use of time leads to success, while wasting time results in repeated failures.

(iii) Spent time and words cannot be regained.

(iv) Careful time management requires careful planning of time and sincere execution of the plan.

(v) People who wisely utilize every moment of their time open the doors of success in their lives.

(vi) Spent time and words cannot be regained.

(vii) The work loses its importance and value once the deadline passes, much like rain that arrives after the crops have dried up, serving no purpose.

(viii) (a) wise men.

(ix) (c) William Shakespeare.

(x) (d) wise utilization of time.

Section B Grammar and Writing 

Grammar 5 Marks

Answer any five

i) colourful enough 
ii) brave enough 
iii) anxious enough 
iv) fair enough 
v) went, were buying, were playing 
vi) saw, was narrating, was listening 

Writing 5 Marks

Answer any one

A. Paragraph 

     Heading and Topic Sentence- 1 Mark
     Content - 2 Marks
     Language and Expression- 2 Marks

Value Points 

  • Mention of native flora and fauna.
  • Acknowledgment of seasonal impact on agriculture.
  • Recognition of weather influencing outdoor activities.
  • Adaptation of clothing choices to weather conditions.
  • Emphasis on the importance of appreciating local nature.
  • Reflection on the overall influence of weather on daily routines.

B. Letter Writing 

Word limit: 50-100 words

Format– 1 1/2 marks (Sender’s address, 2. Date, 3. Receiver’s address, 4. Salutation 5. Complimentary Close)

Content– 2 marks

Expression– 1 1/2 marks (grammatical accuracy, appropriate words, spellings, coherence & relevance of ideas and style)

Value Points 

  • Warm greeting and well-wishing.
  • Importance of Nature
  • Beauty of Nature
  • Personal Connection
  • Responsibility
  • Closing

Section C Literature 20 Marks

4. Answer any one 3 Marks

i) The sounds due to rain did not allow the author to sleep. 
ii) It rained all the night. The roof was corrugated.
iii) 'Me' refers to the author. The steady drumming sound on the roof made by the rain kept the author awake. 


i) Moussoorie 
ii) The monsoon began at Moussoorie and it ended after half an hour. 
iii) A rainbow

5. Answer any one  2 Marks

i) The cricket's song increases the warmth.
ii) never - ever


i) In summer
ii) He rest under a weed / He rests at ease.

6. Answer any Two 6 Marks

i) The mist covered Mussoorie's hills like a thick white blanket, making the author unable to see or hear Bijju. The hills were completely concealed by the mist.

ii) It rained continuously for eight to nine days. As the weather was damp and soggy outside and he could not go outside, he kept pacing his room and looked out of the window at a few bobbing umbrellas.

iii) Nature's poetry isn't just words but rhythmic songs from its creatures. The changing seasons, like summer and winter, bring joy, sorrow, and excitement to creatures like grasshoppers and crickets. In summer, the grasshopper joyfully hops around and rests under a weed. In winter, the cricket sings with a shrill voice on dark, lonely nights.

iv) Earth's poetry lasts all year, in summer, the grasshopper joyfully hops, showcasing the beauty of earth's poetry. In winter, the cricket's song is like a mesmerizing verse. The poem cleverly uses these creatures to illustrate the contrast between the two seasons.

7. Answer any one 3 Marks

i) When Ranji reached home, he found it difficult to explain the cuts and bruises that showed on his face, leg and arms. It was difficult to conceal the fact that he had been in an unusually violent fight with Suraj. Therefore, his mother insisted on him staying at home for the rest of the day.

ii) Ranji was a good swimmer, but Suraj teased him, asking if he could swim across the pool. Ranji dove in and quickly reached the other side. Suraj was amazed and asked Ranji to teach him. In return, Suraj promised to help Ranji become a wrestler.

8. Answer any one 6 Marks

i) The poet says that nature's music, like songs and poetry, never stops. It keeps going without a break, even when the weather changes. In summer, when songbirds take a break, other sounds, like the Grasshopper, continue the music. In winter, when it's silent and cold, the Cricket's cry breaks the quietness. So, nature's poetry never stops, whether it's hot summer or a frosty winter evening. The connection between nature and its music is strong and keeps evolving.

ii) Continuous rain makes everything damp and soggy. Going out becomes hard. Hills turn lush green with late-monsoon flowers like balsam, dahlias, begonias, and ground orchids. Snake and rodent homes flood, and they seek shelter in roofs and attics. 
When the monsoon season starts setting in, the first cobra lily appears from the ferns. However, when the seeds of the cobra lily slowly start turning red, that signifies the monsoon is coming to an end.


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