PWT 3 Grade 9 Key

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Grade IX English Periodic Written Test Key

Section A

1.Reading Comprehension 10 Marks

i) a) USA

ii) a) Revenge for the allies

    b) Just to see how destructive it could be

(United States used nuclear weapons against Japan instead using of against Germany. )

iii) d) Shocked

iv) Japan had already realized that the war was lost, and wanted to negotiate a Japanese surrender. 

v) influential

vi) blockade 

vii) genocide 

viii) collaborated

ix) rejected

x) Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Section B Grammar and Writing

2. Grammar  (Answer Either A or B ) 5 Marks

A) i) a) Teachers asked Suma why she was late.
A) i) b) Father asked his son if he wanted some rest.

A) ii) a) The life of the mouse was saved by the hermit.
A) ii) b) The test will be written by Hari tomorrow. 
A) ii) c) Food is being prepared by Siddhu.


B) a) invention
B) b) fly
B) c) great
B) d) The
B) e) Gujarat

3. Writing  - Answer any one of the following 5 Marks

i) Opening and conclusion 1 Mark
    Content 2.5 Marks
    Language and Ecpression 1.5 Marks

Value Points: 
  • Importance of animals on Earth.
  • Imagining a world without animals.
  • Animals contribute to the balance of nature.
  • Our responsibility to care for animals.
  • The role of animals in keeping the planet healthy.
  • Being kind to animals and being their friends.
  • Protecting animals as their guardians.
  • Helping animals helps the planet too.
  • Promising to be kind to animals and save them when needed.
  • Keeping the planet a great place for everyone.


ii) Opening and conclusion 1 Mark
    Content 2.5 Marks
    Language and Ecpression 1.5 Marks

Value Points 
  • Creation is a lengthy process.
  • Wars can destroy rapidly.
  • Harms people, cities, and nature.
  • Causes disruption, pain, and suffering.
  • Prioritize communication, understanding, cooperation.
  • Emphasize peaceful dialogue over conflict.
  • Promotes tolerance and prevents misunderstandings.
  • Encouraging empathy and unity globally.
  • Replace destructive forces with collaborative efforts.

Section C  Literature 20 Marks

4. Answer any one of the following. 3 Marks

A. i) Homeopath
    A. ii) He would have the attractive smile on his face. 
   A. iii) As he was a bachelor and doctor.


B. i) Being a helpinghand to his cousin Samsuddin to distribute newspapers.
B. ii) His place was an island.
B. iii) The suspension of train halt at Rameswaram 

5. Answer any one of the following.  2 Marks

A. i) People of Northland
A. ii) A lesson


B. i) The poet condemns the idea that men from different places are strange or foreign.
B. ii) Native

6. Answer the following questions. 6 Marks

i) a) The author describes his father as someone who had great innate wisdom and a true generosity of spirit, despite having little formal education or wealth.

The author portrays his mother as a person who possessed faith in goodness and deep kindness. 

The author describes himself as a short boy with undistinguished looks, born into a middle-class Tamil family in Rameswaram.


i) b) The homeopath's room was a small rented one. It was dark as it wasn't electrified. It had a tiled roof with long supporting gables that were supported by a beam. There were not much furniture in the room. 

ii) a) 
Possible Answer 1: Lakshmana Sastry, an orthodox Brahmin priest, warned the new teacher for spreading the poison of social inequality and communal intolerance. He taught the teacher a lesson and bridged the differences. 

Possible Answer 2: Sivasubramania lyer, an orthodox Brahmin, set an example for his conservative wife by not only serving food to Kalam but also sitting beside him to have his meal.  

Possible Answer 3: Kalam's mother and grandmother used to tell him bedtime stories from Hindu and Muslim literatures. His family was also responsible for the preparation of the boat used for Sitarama Kalyanam in Rameswaram temple. 

Note : Any one of the answers  can be considered.

ii) b) The doctor felt the presence of God suddenly. He prayed silently for protection from the snake. He was too scared to speak out loud. He begged God in his heart to save him from the danger.

7. Answer one of the following. 3 Marks

i) People are taught to separate and keep things for themselves, judging others. But it's important to know that everyone, no matter where they're from, feels the same. We're like one body on Earth. God made us to coexist peacefully, not fight. 


ii) Saint Peter asked the old lady for a piece of cake. She was very selfish and kept reducing the size of the cake as to her it seemed too big to give away.

8. Answer one of the following. 6 Marks

i) The prince was once called 'the Happy Prince' as he lived in a palace untouched by sorrow. But in death, as a statue overlooking the city's hardship, he knew no happiness. He found many people in his city were poor and not happy. Seeing the miseries of people he became unhappy. 


ii) Student's own experience. 
Content - 3 Marks
Relevancy- 1 Mark
Language and Expression - 2 Marks


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