Project 6 Grade 8

Following Projects can be assigned based on the lesson This is Jody's Fawn 

Project / Portfolio 1

Character Sketch: Draw and color pictures of Jody, Penny (Pa), and the fawn. Write a short description of each character.

1. Jody: Jody is a young boy who loves animals. He's caring, brave, and likes to help others. In the story, he finds a baby deer (fawn) and decides to take care of it.

2. Penny (Pa): Penny is Jody's dad. He's wise and strong. When he gets bitten by a snake, Jody helps him, and Penny is proud of his son.

3. The Fawn: The fawn is a little deer without a mommy. Jody becomes its friend and takes care of it, giving it milk and love.

4. Ma Baxter: Ma Baxter is Jody's mom. She cares about Jody's safety and lets him go on an adventure to help the fawn.

5. Mill-wheel: Mill-wheel is a friend who helps Jody find the fawn. He's like a guide and supports Jody on his journey.

Project / Portfolio 2

Write a paragraph describing your favorite scene from the story and draw an illustration to go along with it.

My favourite scene from the story is when Jody finds the baby deer (fawn) in the woods. The moment is magical because it shows Jody's kindness and bravery. In my illustration, I'd draw Jody with a big smile, gently holding the fawn in his arms. The sun would be shining through the trees, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere. The fawn would be looking up at Jody with trust and gratitude. It's a scene filled with love and the joy of helping others, which makes it special and heartwarming.

Project / Portfolio 3

Imagine what happens next in Jody's adventures with the fawn. Write a short story or draw a comic strip illustrating the continuation of the tale.

Jody named the fawn Bambi and cared for it every day. They explored the woods together, and Bambi grew stronger. Jody's parents, Penny and Ma Baxter, admired their bond. One day, Jody and Bambi encountered a stream, and Bambi hesitated. Courageously, Jody encouraged Bambi to cross. They faced challenges but found joy in every adventure. Bambi became a part of the family, and Jody learned valuable lessons about responsibility and friendship. The story highlights the magical connection between humans and nature, emphasizing love and compassion. The adventures of Jody and Bambi continued, creating cherished memories in their woodland haven.

Project / Portfolio 4

Word Hunt: List five words from the story that you found interesting or challenging. Look up their meanings and use them in sentences.

1. Dilated:

   - Meaning: Enlarged or expanded.

   - Sentence: The doctor noticed dilated pupils in Penny's eyes after the snakebite.

2. Hemmed:

   - Meaning: Enclosed or surrounded in a restricted space.

   - Sentence: Jody felt hemmed in by his responsibilities but remained determined to care for the fawn.

3. Precariously:

   - Meaning: In a way that is not securely held or in a dangerous position.

   - Sentence: Jody saved the milk precariously as the enthusiastic fawn tried to drink from the gourd.

4. Balked:

   - Meaning: Hesitated or refused to act.

   - Sentence: The fawn balked at climbing the steps, making Jody reconsider his plan to bring it into the house.

5. Ecstasy:

   - Meaning: Overwhelming happiness or joy.

   - Sentence: Jody experienced ecstasy as he fed the fawn, witnessing its contentment and trust in him.


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