Project 4 Grade 8

As you have enjoyed the story of Bepin's Lapse of  Memory, the twist at the end would have made you astonished. Can you think of any alternate ending to the story? Yes, definitely!  

Rewrite the ending of the story, exploring different possibilities. How might the story have unfolded if Bepin Babu's memory loss was real?

Model Project 1

Alternate Ending: Bepin Babu's Forgotten Adventure

Bepin Babu got worried by Parimal's words. He thought maybe he forgot something important. He started remembering stuff about Ranchi, like a movie playing in his mind. He decided to visit Ranchi to find out the truth.

In Ranchi, Bepin felt familiar places. He talked to people and heard stories about his visit. He realized he had actually been to Ranchi and had fun adventures. Parimal was right!

Back in Calcutta, Bepin felt happier and not confused anymore. He contacted friends he met in Ranchi and made new memories. He understood how memories can hide and then come back.

This story shows that sometimes we forget things, but they can come back and make us smile again.

Model Project 2

Alternate Ending : Bepin Babu's Unexpected Twist

Bepin Babu couldn't shake off the odd feeling after meeting Parimal. He decided to investigate. He searched old letters and found one from Ranchi in 1958. He had indeed been there! Shocked and amazed, he realized Parimal was right.

He called Parimal and they met. Parimal apologized for mixing up the details. They laughed about the confusion and became friends. Bepin learned that sometimes memories get fuzzy, but they can still hold surprises.

Feeling relieved, Bepin went back to his routine, cherishing his newfound connection. The encounter with Parimal taught him that even forgotten memories can bring joy and friendship.

Model Project 3

Alternate Ending : Bepin Babu's Reassuring Truth

Bepin Babu's doubts nagged at him. He decided to talk to old friends about Ranchi. They shared stories that matched Parimal's words. Bepin realized he had forgotten the trip.

With a lighter heart, he met Parimal again. They laughed about the mix-up. Bepin understood that memories can fade but can also be found again.

Back home, he told stories to his grandkids. Bepin learned that even if memories hide, they can be found with a little help and bring happiness.

Model Project 4

Alternate Ending : Bepin Babu's Memory Journey

Curious about his lost memories, Bepin Babu explored old photographs. He found a picture from Ranchi and remembered the trip. He had indeed been there with Parimal!

Excited, he met Parimal and they reminisced about their adventures. Bepin realized that sometimes we forget things, but they can come back with a nudge.

Back in Calcutta, Bepin felt grateful for the encounter. He understood that memories can be tricky, but they connect us to our past and friends. Bepin Babu's story taught him to appreciate the joy of remembering.

Model Project 5

Alternate Ending: Bepin Babu's Unveiled Past

Bepin Babu's doubts lingered, so he decided to dig deeper. He found an old diary that mentioned Ranchi in '58. He had forgotten about it! Shocked, he realized Parimal was right.

He met Parimal again and they laughed at the mix-up. Bepin felt relieved that his memories weren't lost forever. They became close friends, sharing stories from the past.

With newfound confidence, Bepin continued his routine. He learned that even if memories fade, they can be uncovered. Bepin's journey taught him that sometimes, our forgotten past holds delightful surprises.
