Project 3 Grade 9

As you have read the story of Little Kezia, now it's time to think about the family values you  need to develop in your life. 

Create a Word Collage about "Family and Values." Find words from magazines or newspapers that represent different aspects of family and important values like love, respect, honesty, and caring. Arrange the words to make a heartwarming collage that celebrates the special bonds in families and the values that matter.

Project Steps:

1. Look for magazines or newspapers with words related to family and values.

2. Cut out words like "family," "kindness," "trust," and "togetherness."

3. Arrange the words on a big paper to create a collage that reflects family bonds and important values.

4. Glue the words down carefully.

5. Add drawings of family members and symbols that represent values.

6. Speak about a few values you have included in your word collage. Explain why these things are important to all.

Model Project 1: (To be done on a paper or a chart)

Description 1 (To speak before the class)

Hi everyone! I made a wonderful word collage about families and values. I found words like "love," "traditions," and "teamwork" in magazines. I put them on a big paper to show how much families mean to me.

"Hello everyone, today I want to talk to you about some important things that make families special. Families are like a big team where everyone works together and cares for each other. One of the most important values in a family is love. Love helps us feel close and happy, and it's like a big warm hug that never goes away. We also learn to respect each other's feelings and ideas, which means we listen and treat everyone kindly. Families have traditions that we follow, like special celebrations and activities that make us feel connected to our past. And you know, families teach us to be patient and understanding when things get tough. We help and support each other, just like a team cheering each other on. So remember, values like love, respect, traditions, and teamwork are what make families strong and full of happiness. Thank you!"

Model Project 1: (To be done on a paper or a chart)

Description 2 
(To speak before the class)

Hi everyone! I made a wonderful word collage about families and values. I found words like "responsibility," "bond," and "sharing" in magazines. I put them on a big paper to show how much families mean to me.
"Hello everyone, today I'd like to share a few more important things about families. In families, we learn about responsibility. This means we help take care of our home and each other. Just like how we look after our toys or pets, we take care of our family too. Another value is kindness. We show kindness by being gentle, helpful, and thoughtful towards each other. When we do something nice, it makes our family bond even stronger. And let's not forget about sharing! Sharing means giving and taking, like sharing toys or treats. When we share, we show that we care about making everyone happy. So, remember, responsibility, kindness, and sharing are special values that families teach us, making our family tree grow strong and beautiful. Thank you!"

Model Project 3: (To be done on a paper or a chart)

Description 3 (To speak before the class)

Hi everyone! I made a wonderful word collage about families and values. I found words like "gratitude," and "support,"  in magazines. I put them on a big paper to show how much families mean to me.
"Hello, my friends! Today, let's explore two amazing values that families teach us. First, there's gratitude. Gratitude means being thankful for all the wonderful things we have in our family and in our lives. We say 'thank you' when someone does something nice for us, like when our parents make our favorite meal or when a sibling helps us with our homework. Showing gratitude makes our family feel happy and appreciated. And speaking of help, another value is support. Families are like a safety net, always ready to catch us if we stumble. They encourage us to chase our dreams and help us when things get tough. Supporting each other shows that we're there no matter what, just like a team that sticks together. So, remember, gratitude and support are like special family superpowers that make our bonds even stronger. Thank you!"

Model Project 4: (To be done on a paper or a chart)

Description 4 (To speak before the class)

Hi everyone! I made a wonderful word collage about families and values. I found words like "honesty" and "trust" in magazines. I put them on a big paper to show how much families mean to me.
"Hello again, everyone! Today, let's talk about two important family values that are like the glue holding our family together. First, there's honesty. Honesty means telling the truth, even when it's hard. In families, we learn that being honest helps build strong relationships. When we share our thoughts and feelings truthfully, it creates trust between us. And trust is the next value we'll talk about. Trust means believing in each other and knowing that we can rely on one another. Just like a strong bridge, trust helps us cross over any challenges. When we're honest and trustworthy, it's like building a solid foundation for our family bonds. Thank you!"

Model Project 5: (To be done on a paper or a chart)

Description 5 (To speak before the class)

Hi everyone! I made a wonderful word collage about families and values. I found words like "love," "flexibility," and "empathy" in magazines. I put them on a big paper to show how much families mean to me.
"Hello, dear classmates! Let's explore two amazing family values that help us grow as caring individuals. First, there's flexibility. Families teach us that things don't always go exactly as planned, and that's okay. Being flexible means adapting to changes with a positive attitude. We learn to compromise and find solutions together, just like a team that adjusts its strategy to win the game. And speaking of working together, another important value is empathy. Empathy means understanding how someone else feels and showing that we care. In families, we learn to put ourselves in others' shoes and offer comfort when someone is sad or celebrate when they're happy. Being flexible and empathetic makes our family bonds unbreakable, like a strong rope that ties us all together. Thank you!"


  1. Bhavani. Srinivasan PadmavathyAugust 18, 2023 at 8:33 AM

    Wonderful attempt. Very useful to the students

  2. excellent masterpiece... useful


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