Grade 10- Project 3 / Portfolio 3

Two Stories About Flying

Project / Portfolio 1

Create a chart tracking the development of the young seagull's character throughout the story.  Identify key moments that contribute to his growth and analyze how he changes over time. 




Initial Fear
The young seagull is afraid to fly and feels overwhelmed by the vast expanse below him.

This moment establishes the young seagull's fear and reluctance to take risks. It sets the stage for his journey towards overcoming his fears.
Mother's Encouragement                  
His mother encourages him to fly by bringing him food, but stops short, prompting him to take the plunge himself.

This moment highlights the role of parental guidance and support in encouraging the young seagull to step out of his comfort zone.
First Flight
The young seagull takes his first flight after initially falling towards the sea. 
This moment marks a significant turning point in the young seagull's character development, as he conquers his fear and discovers his innate ability to fly.
Overcoming Fear    
After his initial terror, the young seagull begins to enjoy flying and forgets his previous fear.

This moment showcases the young seagull's resilience and adaptability as he quickly adjusts to his newfound freedom and begins to revel in his ability to soar through the sky.
Family Reunion
The young seagull reunites with his family on the ground, where they offer him food and praise.

This moment symbolizes the young seagull's acceptance into the flock and reinforces the bond between family members.
The young seagull reflects on his journey and realizes he has made his first flight.

This moment allows the young seagull to process his experiences and appreciate his growth, marking a moment of self-awareness and accomplishment.

Project / Portfolio 2

Create character profiles for the young seagull and his family members. Include details about their personalities, motivations, and growth throughout the story.

Character Personality Motivations Growth

Young Seagull             

Timid, curious, eager to please Overcoming fear, gaining acceptance. Learns to fly, gains confidence.

Mother Seagull

Protective, nurturing, authoritative. Offspring's success and well-being Demonstrates patience, support, and encouragement

Father Seagull

Assertive, proud, skilled Offspring's development and independence Guides and celebrates offspring's accomplishments

Sibling Seagull

Energetic, competitive, supportive. Supporting and challenging the young seagull. Evolve from teasing to supporting the young seagull's growth.

Project / Portfolio 3

Write a key scene from the story from a different character's point of view. How might the events unfold differently if told from the perspective of the mother, father, or one of the siblings?

Mother's Perspective:

With tender concern, I approached my youngest chick on the ledge, bearing a morsel of fish. As he lunged forward, I halted, watching his plunge with bated breath. Relief flooded me as he spread his wings, embracing the sky. In that moment, I saw not just his flight, but his courage to conquer fear.

Father's Perspective:

Proudly, I watched from afar as my youngest chick teetered on the edge, bearing a piece of fish as encouragement. His leap into the abyss filled me with exhilaration, his wings unfurling to catch the wind. In that moment, I saw not just his flight, but the strength of his spirit.

Sibling Seagull's Perspective:

From the plateau, I watched my youngest sibling hesitate on the ledge. Mocking laughter filled the air as we teased him about his fear. But when Mother offered food and he took the plunge, we held our breath. As he spread his wings and soared, our laughter turned to cheers. In that moment, pride swelled within us as we witnessed his brave first flight.

Young Seagull's Perspective:

Sitting on the edge, I was scared to fly. When Mom came with food, I felt a little hopeful but also nervous. When I jumped and fell towards the sea, I got really scared. But then, when I started flying with my wings catching the wind, I felt so excited! Right then, I learned how amazing it feels to fly.

Other Portfolio / Projects Ideas 

Vocabulary Exploration: 

Identify key vocabulary words from the story and have students create flashcards or vocabulary journals. Encourage them to define each word, use it in a sentence, and draw a picture to represent its meaning.

Character Interview: 

Students can imagine interviewing the young seagull or one of his family members after the events of the story. They should prepare a list of questions about their experiences, emotions, and lessons learned.

Map Making: 

Create a map of the seagull's environment, including the cliff ledge, the plateau, and the sea below. Students can add labels and illustrations to depict important locations mentioned in the story.


Have students create a storyboard outlining the sequence of events in the story. Each panel should feature a sketch and brief description of a scene, highlighting important actions, emotions, and dialogue.
