Princess September

 AP/ NCERT Solutions Grade 8 Supplementary Reader

Chapter 5 Princess September

Comprehension Check (Page 38)

1. How many daughters did the royal couple have?

The royal couple of Siam had nine daughters who were named after the months of the year.

2. Why were they named after the months of the year?

The princesses were named after the months of the year because the Queen of Siam found it difficult to remember so many names. Hence, the King decided to name the princesses as per the months of the calendar year.

3. The King had a peculiar habit. What was it? Why is it called peculiar?

The King had a peculiar habit of giving gifts instead of receiving gifts on his birthday. In one such year, on his birthday, he gave each of his daughters a green parrot in a golden cage.

As a matter of fact, people receive gifts instead of giving away gifts on their birthday. But the King followed an opposite tradition, and due to this reason, his habit was peculiar.

4. (i) What was Princess September’s reaction to the loss of her parrot?

When Princess September locked her parrot in the golden cage gifted by her father, the poor bird soon died. She burst into a flood of tears and wept continuously at the loss of her dear parrot. Even her Maids of Honour couldn’t comfort her pain.

(ii) What was her mother’s reaction to it?

Her mother said that Princess September’s weeping was utter nonsense. In a heartless manner, she asked the Maids of Honour to put the girl to sleep without any supper.

(iii) What do the reactions indicate about the nature and temperament of each?

Princess September was a sensitive girl, feeling sad when her parrot died. Surprisingly, the Queen mother seemed unemotional and didn't comfort her daughter, showing a lack of sympathy.

5. What pulled the Princess out of her gloom?

The Princess was very sad about her parrot's sudden death and cried in bed. A little bird hopped in, sang a lovely song, and cheered her up, wiping away her tears.

6. How did the Maids of Honour come to know that the Princess and the bird had become intimate friends?

The next morning, the Maids of Honour found the Princess in a happy mood. They saw her feeding rice to the songbird and watching it bathe in her saucer. The little bird sang a beautiful song, and the Princess enjoyed it. The maids believed they had become good friends.

7. The new bird was full of new songs but the old parrots always repeated themselves. What did they say?

The little bird sang a new and different song each time. In contrast, the old parrots were trained to say only 'God save the King' and 'Pretty Polly' in seven Oriental languages, repeating the same phrases when prompted.

8. What is the King’s opinion about his Councillors? Why did he form that opinion?

The King observed the parrots saying 'God save the King' and 'Pretty Polly' in seven Oriental languages repeatedly. It reminded him of his Councillors who also spoke the same things differently. This led the King to think less of his Councillors who kept repeating themselves.

9. (i) The eight Princesses made an offer to Princess September. What was it?

The eight Princesses were jealous of Princess September’s singing bird. Hence, they made an offer to buy her a lovely green and yellow parrot by contributing from their pocket-money together.

(ii) Why, in your view, did they do it?

The other Princesses, unhappy with everyone praising Princess September's singing bird, offered her money out of jealousy. Their own parrots, repeating phrases sadly, prompted the offer to buy a similar parrot.

10. What did the sisters advise the Princess to do about her bird?

The sisters were very jealous of Princess September’s singing bird. With an evil intention, they advised her to keep the bird in a cage, otherwise, it would fly away forever.

Comprehension Check (Page 43)

1. In the following sentence elaborate the parts given in bold. Under the circumstances it was a very unfortunate remark for the bird to make.

Under the circumstances

After Princess September’s sisters advised her about the singing bird, she was really worried about him. She feared that the little bird might forget her and start liking someone else and that she might lose her little lovely pet.

A very unfortunate remark

When the little bird returned, he said that he would not have come back that night at all as his father-in-law was giving a party and everyone wanted him to stay. However, the bird returned as he felt that the Princess might be worried if he didn’t return on time.

2. (i) What did Princess September do to ensure the safety of her pet?

Princess September put the little bird in a cage to ensure the safety of her pet.

(ii) How did the bird react to it?

The bird didn’t like being trapped in a cage and felt like he was imprisoned. He felt that he had lost his freedom and gradually stopped singing and eating.

3. Why did the bird refuse to be taken out in her cage?

The bird said that he loves nature and he couldn’t stay happy and normal if he was kept in a cage. He would not be able to enjoy the rice fields, the lake and the willow trees as they would look quite different and dull when seen through the cage bars.

4. (i) What persuaded Princess September to give the bird his freedom again?

Princess September felt sad seeing her lifeless pet inside the cage, no longer singing or eating. This convinced her to set the little bird free in the open air, fearing he might die in captivity.

(ii) How did the bird react to it?

The bird felt joyful when Princess September freed him from the golden cage. He spread his wings, flew into the blue sky, and promised to return, singing songs for the Princess whenever she wished.

5. Princess September kept her window open day and night.

(i) How did it help the bird?

Princess September kept her window open day and night. This helped the little bird to come into her room and leave whenever he wanted.

(ii) How did it help the Princess herself?

By keeping the window open day and night, it provided the Princess with fresh wind and natural light. This contributed to her beauty as she was exposed to the beautiful benefits of nature.

6. The eight sisters kept their windows shut. How did it affect them?

The eight sisters who kept their windows shut grew up to be extremely ugly and disagreeable. They were later married off to the King’s Councillors with a pound of tea and a Siamese cat.

Exercise (Page 44)

Discuss the following questions in small groups. Write their answers later.

1. Are the sisters unkind and cruel? Find evidence in the text to support your idea.

The eight sisters of Princess September were unkind and jealous because her little bird could sing beautifully. They gave her money to buy a parrot like theirs and advised keeping him in a golden cage. They said the bird should stay inside, even if he wanted to leave. Princess September listened to them, fearing he wouldn't come back if set free.

2. Which, to you, is the most important idea in this story, and why?

  • importance of music
  • value of freedom
  • beauty of nature

(ii) Value of Freedom – The most important idea in the story is freedom. Everyone has the right to be free, just like the little bird. When he's kept in a cage, he becomes sad, stops singing, and loses his charm. The story teaches us that being free is essential for happiness and creativity.
