


Prepositions are words normally placed before nouns or pronouns or noun phrases to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships or to introduce an object. A sentence would not make sense without the use of a preposition. 

Some examples of prepositions are words like in, at, on, of, to etc.,

Types of Prepositions

Based on the construction of prepositions themselves, they are of four different kinds.

  • Simple Prepositions

  • Double Prepositions

  • Compound and Phrase Prepositions

Simple Prepositions:

Simple prepositions are words like at, for, in, off, on, over and under. These common prepositions can be used to describe a location, time or place. 

  • The Sun is above the clouds.

  • She lives near her workplace.

  • I walked down the street.

Double Prepositions:

Double prepositions are two simple prepositions used together, often indicating direction. 

  • She never leaves without her phone.

  • The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.

  • I was unable to get out of the room.

Compound and Phrase Prepositions:

Compound prepositions consists of two or more words, usually a simple preposition and another word, to convey location. Some examples are in addition to, on behalf of, in the middle of.

  • I attended the meeting on behalf of my company.

  • We were in the middle of the sea.

  • I parked the car in front of the park.

  • I congratulated him on his success.

  • They will attend the wedding on time.

  • We met to discuss the project before class
