On Killing A Tree - Reading Comprehension

AP/ NCERT Board-Based Reading Comprehension Passages Grade 9 Beehive 
Poem - On Killing A Tree

Reading Comprehension 1

It takes much time to kill a tree,

Not a simple jab of the knife

Will do it. It has grown

Slowly consuming the earth,

Rising out of it, feeding

Upon its crust, absorbing

Years of sunlight, air, water,

And out of its leprous hide

Sprouting leaves.

1.What is the main theme of the passage?

  1. The beauty of trees
  2. The process of tree growth
  3. The difficulty of killing a tree 
  4. The importance of sunlight for trees

2. What is the significance of the phrase "out of its leprous hide"?

  1. It describes the tree as healthy and vibrant.
  2. It suggests that the tree is infected or diseased.
  3. It emphasizes the tree's ability to grow leaves.
  4. It highlights the tree's ability to withstand harsh conditions.

3. How does the tree consume the earth?

  1. By absorbing sunlight and water
  2. By feeding on its crust 
  3. By growing leaves
  4. By cutting through its roots

4. Which poetic device is used in the line "Not a simple jab of the knife"?

  1. Simile
  2. Metaphor
  3. Personification
  4. Hyperbole

5. The poetic device employed in the title of the poem is 

  1. Personification 
  2. Simile
  3. Metaphor
  4. Alliteration 

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Reading Comprehension 2


So hack and chop

But this alone won’t do it.

Not so much pain will do it.

The bleeding bark will heal

And from close to the ground

Will rise curled green twigs,

Miniature boughs

Which if unchecked will expand again

To former size.

1.What does the poet emphasize in the lines "So hack and chop / But this alone won't do it"?

  1. The need for aggressive action to kill the tree
  2. The futility of attempting to kill the tree 
  3. The importance of precision in cutting the tree
  4. The potential harm caused by tree removal

2. What is the poet suggesting about causing pain to the tree?

  1. It is necessary for the tree's growth
  2. It will lead to the tree's demise
  3. It is ineffective in killing the tree 
  4. It should be done carefully and skillfully

3. What does the phrase "the bleeding bark will heal" imply?

  1. The tree will regenerate new bark
  2. The tree will experience pain and suffering
  3. The tree will eventually die from the wounds
  4. The tree has a natural healing ability 

4. What will happen if the "curled green twigs" are left unchecked?

  1. They will wither and die.
  2. They will remain miniature in size.
  3. They will continue to grow and expand.
  4. They will transform into boughs.

5. What is the overall message conveyed in this passage?

  1. Trees have a remarkable ability to heal and regenerate.
  2. Killing a tree requires persistent effort and strategy. 
  3. Pain and harm inflicted on a tree will eventually subside.
  4. Tree growth cannot be controlled or prevented.

6. What poetic devices are employed in the line "The bleeding bark will heal"?

  1. Hyperbole and Personification 
  2. Metaphor and Simile 
  3. Personification and Alliteration 
  4. Simile and Alliteration 

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Reading Comprehension 3


The root is to be pulled out –

One of the anchoring earth;

It is to be roped, tied,

And pulled out – snapped out

Or pulled out entirely,

Out from the earth-cave,

And the strength of the tree exposed

The source, white and wet,

The most sensitive, hidden

For years inside the earth.

1. What action does the poet suggest should be taken regarding the tree?

  1. Prune it carefully
  2. Cut off the branches
  3. Pull out the root entirely 
  4. Water it regularly

2. How does the poet describe the root of the tree?

  1.  Anchoring and strong
  2.  White and wet
  3.  Hidden and sensitive 
  4.  Earth-cave and exposed

3. What does the word "anchoring" mean in the given context?

  1.  Tying with ropes
  2.  Providing stability and support 
  3.  Removing forcefully
  4.  Digging deep into the earth

4. What does the word "exposed" mean in the given context?

  1. Uncovered or revealed 
  2. Protected or shielded
  3. Buried or hidden
  4. Growing vigorously

5. What poetic device is used in the line "And the strength of the tree exposed"?

  1.    Personification 
  2.    Alliteration
  3.    Metaphor
  4.    Simile

6. Which poetic device is employed in the line "The most sensitive, hidden / For years inside the earth"?

  1.  Repetition
  2.  Imagery 
  3.  Alliteration 
  4.  Hyperbole

7. The phrase "pulled out" has been repeated through out the stanza. This poetic device is called Repetition. Why do you think the poet has used Repetition?

  1. The poet emphasizes that the roots are very strong and that we need to uproot the whole tree by pulling it out entirely. 
  2. The poet is fascinated to use the phrase.
  3. The poet insists the woodcutter pull out the tree thrice.
  4. The poet does not like the tree. 

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Reading Comprehension 4

Then the matter

Of scorching and choking

In sun and air,

Browning, hardening,

Twisting, withering,

And then it is done.

1. How does the tree respond to the scorching and choking mentioned in the passage?

  1. It flourishes and grows stronger
  2. It adapts and thrives in harsh conditions
  3. It undergoes physical changes like browning and hardening 
  4. It remains unaffected and unchanged

2. What does the word "withering" mean in the given context?

  1. Blossoming or thriving
  2. Softening or becoming supple
  3. Shrinking or deteriorating 
  4. Adapting or evolving

3. What is the overall message conveyed in this passage?

  1. The tree undergoes a natural cycle of growth and decay.
  2. The tree is resilient and can withstand harsh conditions.
  3. The process of dying is a slow and gradual one.
  4. The destructive forces of sun and air lead to the tree's demise. 

4. Choose the theme of the poem On Killing A Tree.

  1. We are inseparable from earth. We get everything from earth. Once we are separated from earth, we won't be able to live.
  2. If we want to do a job, we have to do it completely.  We should not leave the job half done.
  3. A Tree which gives life to us. Even if we want to kill it, it doesn't miss a chance to survive and helps us. So it's our responsibility to save trees.
  4. All the above. 

5. What is the overall tone or mood conveyed by the passage?

  1. Hopeful and optimistic
  2. Melancholic and somber 
  3. Joyful and exuberant
  4. Calm and serene

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