No Men Are Foreign - Reading Comprehension

AP/ NCERT Board-Based Reading Comprehension Passages Grade 9 Beehive 

Poem - No Men Are Foreign

Reading Comprehension 1

Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign

Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes

Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon

Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie.

1. What is the main theme conveyed in the first line of the poem?

  1. Unity and understanding
  2. Diversity and acceptance 
  3. Strangeness of men
  4. Foreignness of countries

2. Which poetic device is used in the line "Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes"?

  1. Simile
  2. Personification
  3. Hyperbole
  4. Metaphor 

3. What does the phrase "a single body breathes" represent?

  1. Unity 
  2. Conformity
  3. Loneliness
  4. Authority

4. Why do you think the poet starts the poem with the word 'remember'?

  1. The poet gently reminding us to remember the past experiences of World War - II
  2. The poet gently reminds us of the human emotion and oneness of a living being.
  3. Both A and B
  4. Neither A nor B.

5. What is the overall message of the stanza?

  1. We should fear strangers.
  2. Uniforms divide us, but we are all the same underneath. 
  3. The land is sacred and should be preserved.
  4. Death unites us.

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Reading Comprehension 2

They, too, aware of sun and air and water,

Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d.

Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read

A labour not different from our own.

1. Who does ‘they’ refer to?

  1. The people of the poet’s own country.
  2. People who work in the Military.
  3. People who are neighbours.
  4. Citizens of the world 

2. What is the figure of speech used in the second line of this stanza?

  1. Simile
  2. Personification
  3. Hyperbole
  4. Metaphor 

3. What is the contrast between "peaceful harvests" and "war's long winter" in the stanza?

  1. Peaceful harvests bring abundance, while war's winter brings scarcity. 
  2. Peaceful harvests occur in summer, while war's winter occurs in the colder months.
  3. Peaceful harvests are associated with war, while winter brings peace.
  4. Peaceful harvests are forgotten during war's winter.

4. What does the stanza suggest about the similarity between their labour and "our own"?

  1. Their labour is harder than ours.
  2. Their labour is different from ours.
  3. Their labour is the same as ours. 
  4. Their labour is irrelevant to ours.

5. "Fed by peaceful harvests, by war's long winter starv'd"? Find the alliterative pain in the given line.

  1. Harvest and war
  2. Fed and long
  3. War's and strav'd 
  4. War's and winter 

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Reading Comprehension 3

Remember they have eyes like ours that wake

Or sleep, and strength that can be won

By love. In every land is common life

That all can recognise and understand.

1. What is the suggested way to win their strength, as mentioned in the stanza?

  1. Through power and dominance
  2. Through empathy and understanding 
  3. Through wealth
  4. Through force 

2. What does the phrase "common life" refer to in the stanza?

  1. Similar physical appearances
  2. Shared experiences and  struggles 
  3. Common goals
  4. Uncommon goals

3. What does the stanza suggest about the nature of love?

  1. Love is exclusive.
  2. Love is manipulative.
  3. Love is universal. 
  4. Love is insignificant. 

4. What is the overall message conveyed in the stanza?

  1. People are fundamentally different in every land.
  2. Common life and understanding exist across all cultures. 
  3. Love is a superficial and meaningless concept.
  4. Recognition and understanding are impossible to achieve.

5. What is the meaning of the word "common" as used in the stanza?

  1. Unusual or extraordinary
  2. Separate or individual
  3. Shared or widespread
  4. Complex or intricate

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Reading Comprehension 4

Let us remember, whenever we are told

To hate our brothers, it is ourselves

That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn.

Remember, we who take arms against each other

1. What is the speaker urging the readers to remember in the given stanza?

  1. The importance of loving and accepting one another 
  2. The need to fight against their brothers.
  3. The significance of dispossessing and betraying others.
  4. The consequences of hatred and betrayal.

2. According to the stanza, who will be dispossessed, betrayed and condemned? 

  1. The speaker and the reader 
  2. Brothers and sisters of the world
  3. The whole society
  4. Above all 

3. What is the poet’s stance on taking arms against each other?

  1. The poet supports.
  2. The poet is neutral.
  3. The poet opposes.
  4. The poet does not express his thoughts.

4. What could be the consequences of betrayal, condemnation and dispossession?

  1. Peace and harmony
  2. Purity of land
  3. Conflict and division 
  4. Unity and brotherhood

5. What is the underlying theme of the given stanza?

  1. Betrayal is inevitable.
  2. Taking arms against each other is always justified.
  3. Striving  for materialistic pursuits with greed  is emphasized  
  4. Hatred leads to self-destruction. 

6. Match the words with their meanings.

1.Betray               a. Weapons 

2.Condemn          b. Rob

3.Dispossess       c. Cheat

4.Arms                 d. Blame

  1. 1- a, 2-d, 3-b, 4-c
  2. 1- c, 2-b, 3-d, 4-a
  3. 1- c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a
  4. 1- c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d

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Reading Comprehension 5

It is the human earth that we defile.

Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence

Of air that is everywhere our own,

Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange.

1. What is the main theme of the poem?

  1. The destruction of the earth
  2. The importance of innocence
  3. The interconnectedness of humanity 
  4. The exploration of foreign lands

2. According to the poem, who does the air belong to?

  1. Foreign countries
  2. Innocent beings
  3. Humanity
  4. No one in particular

3. What is the poet's message about foreign countries?

  1. They should be avoided due to their strangeness
  2. They should be explored and understood
  3. They are responsible for the pollution on earth
  4. They are hostile to the innocence of air

4. What does the line "no men are foreign" imply?

  1. All men are strange and should be avoided
  2. All men are interconnected and should be treated equally
  3. Foreign men are responsible for defiling the earth
  4. Men from foreign countries are innocent beings

5. What does the word "defile" mean in the given context?

  1. Beautify
  2. Destroy
  3. Contaminate 
  4. Heal

6. Choose the TRUE statements 

1.The speaker suggests that humans are responsible for the pollution and destruction of the Earth. 

2.The phrase "no men are foreign" implies that all humans are connected and should be treated as equals. 

3. The poet says that the whole world is connected and all people are equal.

  1. Statements 1 and 2
  2. Statements 2 and 3
  3. Statements 1 and 3
  4. Statements 1, 2 and 3 

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