Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom -Short Answer Questions

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Short Answers Questions 

1. What according to Nelson Mandela is true freedom?

According to Mandela, true freedom means, not to be obstructed in leading a lawful life.

2. What did Nelson Mandela pledge when he was sworn in as President?

Nelson Mandela pledged freedom and justice for all the black and coloured people of South Africa. He promised to uphold the constitution of his country and devote himself to liberate his people from the bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination.

3. What does Mandela mean to say that the oppressor and the oppressed alike are robbed off their humanity?

Mandela says when someone oppresses another, they both lose their humanity. This means they become less kind and caring towards each other, which keeps unfair treatment going and makes them less human.

4. What are the twin obligations that Mandela talks about?

Mandela mentions two obligations that every man has in life – (i) obligations to his family, to his parents, to his wife and children; and (ii) he has an obligation to his people, his community and his country.

5. Which ‘extraordinary human disaster’ did Mr. Mandela spoke about at the beginning of his speech?

The ‘extraordinary human disaster’ Mr. Mandela mentioned at the beginning of his speech, he was referring to apartheid. It was a system prevalent in South Africa, which segregated people based on their race.

6. What did Nelson Mandela remember on the day of the inaugural ceremony?

On the inaugural day, Nelson Mandela felt the weight of history as he reflected on the birth of apartheid, its impact on his people, and the prolonged struggle for freedom against racial discrimination. He recalled the sacrifices of past freedom fighters.
