Modal Auxiliaries

Modal Auxiliaries 

Modals (also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries) are special verbs that behave irregularly. 

They are different from normal verbs like "work, play, visit..." 

They give additional information about the function of the main verb that follows it. 

They have a great variety of communicative functions. 

Modal Verb Functions
  • Simple future actions for the first person- with emphasis
  • To denote definiteness about a future action
  • Simple future actions for the second and third person- without emphasis
  • Decisions made or intentions expressed at the time of speaking
  • Desire or willingness for something or someone
  • Facts about the future
  • Prediction regarding a future action or event
  • Formal announcements regarding some future event
  • A request/ a suggestion/ an order/ seeking an opinion
  • Habits and characteristics behaviour

  • A simple future action for the first person- without emphasis
  • Polite question
  • An offer
  • A suggestion
  • Asking for advice
  • Simple future actions for the second and third person- with emphasis
  • Higher degree of formality- legal documents, minutes of the meeting 
  • Obligation

  • Past tense of will
  • Past habits or characteristics
  • Past refusal
  • Polite request
  • Conditional for other verbs

  • Obligation or duty
  •  Logical deduction
  • Suggestion or advice
  • Probability
  • Conditional for the first person

Can and

  • Denote ability, knowledge or skill
  • Seek and grant permission
  • Make a request
  • Make an offer/ suggestion to help

May and

  • Chance Permission
  • Refusal to permission sought
  • Wishes, hopes and prayers
  • Requests Suggestions
  • Weak possibility (might)

  • Strong obligation
  • Compulsion Necessity

Ought to
  • Moral duty
  • Obligation (moral/ recommendation)
  • Logical deduction

  • Obligation (in question)
  • Not afraid of doing something
          (used mostly in questions and negative sentences)

  • Absence of obligation
  • Afraid of doing something
  • Strong prohibition
  • Prohibition
