Meadow Surprises - Reading Comprehension

AP / NCERT Board-Based Reading Comprehension 

Grade 7 Honeycomb

Poem Meadow Surprises

Reading Comprehension 1

Meadows have surprises,

You can find them if you look;

Walk softly through the velvet grass,

And listen by the brook.


You may see a butterfly

Rest upon a buttercup

And unfold its drinking straws

To sip the nectar up.

1. What is the setting of the poem?

A. Mountains

B. Meadows

C. Deserts

D. Oceans

2. What is the advice given in the poem?

A. Walk loudly

B. Walk softly

C. Run through the meadows

D. Skip along the brook

3. What might you find by the brook?

A. Fish

B. Butterflies

C. Birds

D. Snakes

4. What does the butterfly do on the buttercup?

A. Rests

B. Dances

C. Sings

D. Flies away

5. What does the butterfly unfold to sip nectar?

A. Wings

B. Legs

C. Drinking straws

D. Eyes

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Reading Comprehension 2

You may scare a rabbit

Who is sitting very still;

Though at first you may not see him,

When he hops you will.


A dandelion whose fuzzy head

Was golden days ago

Has turned to airy parachutes

That flutter when you blow.

1. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?





2. What imagery is used in the first stanza?

A. Visual imagery

B. Auditory imagery

C. Olfactory imagery

D. Tactile imagery

3. Which poetic device is used in "airy parachutes that flutter"?

A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C. Alliteration

D. Personification

4. What is the main theme of the poem?

A. Urban life

B. Wildlife

C. Technology

D. Adventure

5. What does the word "fuzzy" contribute to the vocabulary of the poem?

A. Descriptive of texture

B. Descriptive of taste

C. Descriptive of sound

D. Descriptive of colour


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Reading Comprehension 3

Explore the meadow houses,

The burrows in the ground,

A nest beneath tall grasses,

The ant’s amazing mound.


Oh! Meadows have surprises

And many things to tell;

You may discover these yourself,

If you look and listen well.

1. What is the main focus of the poem?

A. Birds in the sky

B. Meadows and their surprises

C. Underwater life

D. Nighttime in the meadow

2. What poetic device is used in the line "A nest beneath tall grasses"?

A. Metaphor

B. Simile

C. Alliteration

D. Personification

3. Which of the following phrases suggests an element of personification?

A. "The ant’s amazing mound"

B. "A nest beneath tall grasses"

C. "You may discover these yourself"

D. "Oh! Meadows have surprises"

4. What is the tone of the poem?

A. Sad

B. Joyful

C. Angry

D. Frightening

5. What does the poet encourage the reader to do in the last stanza?

A. Run away from meadows

B. Listen to music

C. Explore and observe the meadows

D. Close their eyes

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