Maya Bazaar - Reading Comprehension

SSC Board-Based AP Reading Comprehension Unit: 4 Films and Theatre

B-Reading: Maya Bazar

Reading Comprehension 1

K.V. Reddy's Maya Bazaar has been voted as.. Jubilee in 2007. 

1. Why was Maya Bazar voted as the greatest Indian films?

a) as it was directed by a famous director.

b) as it depicted the culture and common activities of people. …

c) as it was so attractive.

2. When did Maya Bazaar celebrate its golden Jubilee?

a) 2009

b) 2008

c) 2007

Reading Comprehension  2

Fifty years ago, director.... .....K.V. Reddy was in full controlover every frame of it.

(TB PGNO: 130)

1. Who were the producers of Maya Bazaar? 

b) Nagireddy, K.V. Reddy

a) K.V. Reddy

c)Nagireddy, Chakrapani

2. When was Maya Bazar released?

c) in 1977

a) in 1988

b) in 1957

Reading Comprehension -3

However, the greatness of Maya Bazaar.........In their immediate vicinity and the audience still do the same now.

1. Why was Maya Bazaar watched repeatedly?

a) because of the latest technology used.

b) because people identified every character of the film with someone they knew.

c) because of its director.

2. Why is Maya Bazaar a tribute?

a) as it shows the customs and cultures of the land.

b) as it involves famous actors.

c) as people love watching

Reading Comprehension -4

The dialogues written by Pingali ……… Vivaha

Bhojanambu is yet another must.

1.What was Pingalin Nagerndra Rao known for? 

a) for his dialogue writing which people were hearing in their daily conversation.

b) for his direction.

c) for his art.

2. What is the meaning of the word 'reverberate'?

a) the area around a particular place.

b) having a strong effect on people.

c) a feeling of anger.

Reading Comprehension-5

An entire repertoire was added to telugu dictionary. No exception to hai...hai sodara and hai...hai nayaka.

1. What was the contribution of Maya Bazaar to telugu dictionary? 

a) It removed some words from dictionary.

b) It added some word like Talapam, Gilapam

c) It never contributed anything.

2. What is the meaning of Asamadiyulu and Tasamadiyulu?

al friends and enemies.

b) brothers and sisters.

c) father and mother.

Reading Comprehension -6

The story itself is woven dear to the viewer's heart.

1. What did the director use to introduce the theme?

a) a magic box

b) a weapon

c) a book

2. What did the magic box display?

a) It displayed the entire movie.

b) It displayed whatever is dear to the viewer's heart.

c) It displayed the characters in movie.

Reading Comprehension -7

Sasirekha naturally sees Abhimanyu……….. tribulations in the handsof such brothers. 

1. What did the womenfolk sigh about?

a) They sighed recalling their own tribulations in the hands of such brothers.

b) They sighed recalling the beautiful memories.

c) They laughed at themselves.

2. What is the meaning of 'confronted'?

a) supported

b) challenged

c) ignored

Reading Comprehension -8

Frame after frame impacts viewers...... imagery, adage, sarcasm and wit. 

1. How is the greatness of the director shown in the movie? 

a) he successfully reduces all characters to ordinary mortals.

b) he successfully involves his friends.

c) he completely depends on others.

2. What is the meaning of ordinary mortals'? 

a) ordinary cultures.

b) An ordinary person with little power.

c) God and Goddess.

Reading Comprehension  -9

The result- a feast for the eyes and soul. laahiri, laahirilo... ...Laahiri,

1. What is the result?

a) a feast for the eyes and soul

b) a feast for all the people

c) a feast for all the audience

2. Maya Bazaar is a story of

a) Indians

b) Pandavas and Kauravas

c) Yadavas and Chinese
