Madam Rides the Bus - Short Answers

  Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Valli and what is her favourite pastime?

Valli is an eight-year-old girl who is very curious about the world around her. Her favorite pastime is standing at the front doorway of her house, watching the street outside. This activity provides her with enjoyment and new, unusual experiences, as there are no playmates her age on her street.

2. What was the most fascinating thing for Valli in the street?

The most fascinating thing for Valli was the bus that traveled between her village and the nearest town. She found joy in watching the bus filled with different passengers each time it passed, which sparked her longing to take a ride herself.

3. How did Valli save money for her bus ride?

Valli saved money by collecting stray coins and resisting the urge to spend on sweets, toys, and other items, even at the village fair. Her thrifty behavior and determination allowed her to save sixty paise, enough for a round trip on the bus.

4. Describe Valli's first interaction with the bus conductor.

Valli’s first interaction with the bus conductor was confident and independent. She demanded the bus stop for her, showed her money for the fare, and refused the conductor’s help to board. The conductor, amused by her assertiveness, jokingly called her "madam" and guided her to a seat.

5. Why did Valli stand on the seat during her bus ride?

 Valli stood on the seat to get a better view of the outside scenery, as the lower part of her window was covered by a canvas blind. Her eagerness to see everything around her reflected her curiosity and excitement about the journey.

6. What did Valli find repulsive about the elderly woman who sat next to her?

Valli found the elderly woman repulsive because of her large earlobe holes with ugly earrings and the smell of betel nut she was chewing. Valli’s aversion to these physical traits made her reluctant to engage in conversation with the woman.

7. How did Valli manage to leave the house without her mother's knowledge?

Valli managed to leave the house without her mother’s knowledge by taking advantage of her mother’s daily nap time from one to four in the afternoon. She had previously used this time to stand at the doorway or venture into the village, making it the perfect opportunity for her bus ride.

8. What dampened Valli's enthusiasm during her return journey?

Valli’s enthusiasm was dampened when she saw the dead cow by the roadside. The cow had earlier amused her by running in front of the bus. Seeing it lifeless with blood on the road saddened her, making her lose interest in the sights outside the bus window.

9. How did Valli respond when asked if her mother would be looking for her?

When asked if her mother would be looking for her, Valli confidently replied that no one would be searching for her. She was sure because she had carefully planned her trip during the hours her mother was usually napping, ensuring her absence would go unnoticed.

10. How did Valli react when her aunt casually asked where she had been?

When her aunt casually asked where she had been, Valli simply smiled and did not reply. Her aunt did not expect an answer and continued her conversation with Valli’s mother. Valli’s smile reflected her secret satisfaction about her adventure and the new experiences she had gained.
