Life of Pi

 Life of Pi

Author : Yann Martel 

Country : Canada

Genre : Adventure, Fiction 

Date of Publication: 11 September 2001

The book Life of Pi is the third book by the Canadian author Yann Martel, and was published in 2001. It has sold seven million copies worldwide, won several prizes and been translated into 41 languages.

It is about a boy, Piscine Patel, who lives with his family in Pondicherry, and owns a zoo where there are all kinds of people. 

Once, they decide to shift to Canada and start living there. They commute from Pondicherry to Canada through a cargo ship. 

They have their animals, luggage and themselves on the ship. 

Unfortunately due to high tides, the ship sinks and is ruined. 

Pi Patel finds a lifeboat and swims with all his might in it. In the lifeboat there is a Zebra, hyena, rat and a BENGAL TIGER(RICHARD PARKER). 

The story commences forward and the writer tells its readers his experience with Richard Parker and all that he had done in the 227 days in the Pacific ocean. 

The story ends when Pi finds an island with green trees which sooths his eyes after so much blue from the sea.

Life of Pi serves a great lesson– to have faith in the toughest of times. In Yann Martel’s Life of Pi, he does an exceptional job of carrying the theme through to the reader. Chapter after chapter, Pi finds himself with new problems, but it’s the way he deals with these problems that’s extraordinary.

The book will be a great read and fills hope in the reader.
