Letter Writing 1

Write a letter to your friend discussing the impact of social networking on children. 

Highlight these challenges:

  • Time management - they kill the student's time 
  • Social skills - Children get addicted to social media and not mingling with people 
  • Cyberbullying - Children especially girls are bullied and blackmailed
  • Privacy concerns -Children are affected by cyber crimes


Place: _______

Date: ________

Dear Ramu,

      I hope you're doing well. I wanted to talk to you about something important - how using the computer a lot can sometimes cause problems for kids.

     You know, spending too much time on social media and games can make it hard to get all our schoolwork done. We might end up using more time on the computer than we should.

     Also, when we only talk to our friends online, we might forget how to talk to them in person. It's good to play outside and talk face-to-face, so we don't forget how.

     Another thing is, sometimes people can be mean online and say hurtful things. This can be really sad and scary, especially for girls. We need to be careful and tell adults if something like this happens.

     And, we should always remember that not everything we do online is private. People we don't know might see our stuff, and that's not safe.

     Let's make sure we use the computer in a smart way and stay safe online. Talk to you soon!

Best wishes,

Yours Lovingly


Address on the envelope:


Mr. C. Ramu

H.No. 9/26 Srinivas Colony

