Kinds of Nouns

Noun:  Names of persons, places,or things.( Eg. Gita, Delhi, money ,ball, book, pen etc.)

A. Concrete Nouns: They exist physically or materially ( Matangi, table, water, gold)

    Abstract  Nouns: These can not be touched or seen.These  have no physical existence.      

                  These express:

  • a quality :  patience, honesty

  •  a state : youth

  •  a feeling or an action: anger, happiness

  •  a general idea or thought: logic 


B. Countable Nouns:

                  Singular Nouns: boy, cat, bench

                  Plural     Nouns: boys, cats, benches

     Uncountable Nouns:  sand, dust

 C. Kinds of Nouns:

     1. Common Noun: village, animal, man, country, tree

          (The name of  anyone of a particular class of persons, places or things.)

      2. Proper Noun:  Delhi, Everest, Banyan tree, India

           (The name of a particular person, place or thing.)

      3. Collective Nouns: a crowd of people, a team of players, a flock of sheep

        (The names of groups of persons or objects of the same kind, treated as a single whole.)



  • A Collective Noun is usually singular. Except in the following Nouns of Multitude.

  1.  The jury were unable to agree on the point. 

  2. The committee were divided in their opinion.

  3. The Government have announced certain tax concessions.

  • A few collective nouns are always treated as plurals: cattle, people (except when referring to a nation). 

Material Nouns: gold, silver, sugar, cotton, iron, wool  

                        (The names of materials or substances out which things are made)

                          Example of Material noun used a Common Noun:

                          a. This is made of marble.

                          b.  They are playing with marbles.

                           a. Tin is important from Malaya.

            b.  We bought a tin of chocolate. 


           Masculine Gender: boy, king, father, lion, bull

           Feminine Gender :  girl, queen, mother, lioness, cow

           Common Gender  : child, pupil, friend, neighbour, teacher, student

           Neuter Gender     :  tree, chair, fan, room, door  

                          ( Abstract Nouns and Collective Nouns are treated as Neuter Gender)

Functions of Nouns:

They usually function as  subjects, objects ,and complements.   Nouns can be used as a    possessive  with the help of a ‘s.

 Eg. Raga and Saga are engineers. (Complement)

        Engineers construct  buildings. ( Subject )

        The Manager appoints engineers. (Object)

        Engineers’ contribution to the country is important.( Possessive)

        I went to the Engineers’ Club. (Adjective)
