Key - VIII English - Term 1- 2023-24 - 1000 CBSE Schools, AP


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Term 1 Examination English 2023-24 Key

Section A

Reading Comprehension 20M

RC1 5M

1. b - without water 
2. d - More substances are soluble in it than in any other liquid 
3. c - regulate body temerature 
4. c - approximately 40 litres 
5. c - It takes more heat to raise its temperature.

RC2 5M

1 d - Mudumalai 
2 b - Central Indian 
3 c - Annamalai 
4 a - 25 
5 a - kalakad and Mundanthurai 

RC3 5M

1 b - good manners 
2 d - keeping your classroom dirty 
3 c - polite words 
4 a - quietly 
5 c - wealthy 

RC4 5M

1. Children's social and cultural environments affect the oral language of children. 
2. The amount and quality of their previous literary experiences.
3. Children who come from homes in which English is no the primary language spoken.
4. The other children who speak English at their homes. 
5. Boxes, bottles, etc. in which something can be stored or transported. 

Section B Writing 9M

5. i. 
a) iii. the
b) i..  seen 
c) ii.  highlight
d) iv. cleaning 
e) i.   Yours


Letter Writing

[Note: No marks to be awarded if only the format is given. Credit should be given to the candidate’s creativity in presentation of the ideas, appropriate use of language and skills of reasoning.]

Word limit: 50-100 words

Format– 1 1/2 marks (Sender’s address, 2. Date, 3. Receiver’s address, 4. Salutation 5. Complimentary Close)

Content– 2 marks

Expression– 1 1/2 marks (grammatical accuracy, appropriate words, spellings, coherence & relevance of ideas and style)

6. Story Writing using clues/ pictures

Word limit : 50-100 words
Format – 1/2  mark (Title)
Content and Expression – 1 1/2marks

Content - The picture provided is an important part of the story. The students mustmake sure that either the story revolves around the picture or the picture forms an intrinsic part of the story. There must be clarity of plot, logical sequence of events, well defined characters and apt conclusion.
Expression – (creativity, grammatical accuracy, appropriate words, spellings, coherence & relevance, originality of ideas and style)

7. Diary Entry 2M

Day and Date, Time— ½ mark
Salutation, Signature  — ½ mark
Content and Expression — 1 mark

Section C - Grammar 15M

i) d. Sita asked Geeta if she was happy there
ii) c. Pulkit told Rashmi that he was putting those papers in a file.
iii) b. The boys said that honesty is the best policy.
iv) b. He asked me what I was doing then.

i) I have received an email from my friend.
ii) The ball has smashed through the window
iii) The brain is situated inside the skull.

10. 1. was caught       2. had been collected

i) was
ii) met
iii) am studying
iv) have watche
v) goes

i) c - talk vaguely
ii) d - continue
iii) a - to become mentally ill
iv) e - conduct 

Section D Literature 36M

Q. 13 to 20 1M each

 13. c- roll top desk 
14. d - the narrator could not afford new roll- top desk. 
15. b - Christmas Eve 
16. a - saw 
17. a - Zulfikar Ghose 
18. a - city 
19. c - at a height of six inches to the mile 
20. c - without plan or order 

Q. 21 to 26 - Answer any 5. 5x 2 = 10

21. The central theme of the poem 'the ant and the cricket' is that "if we enjoy today then we will surely suffer tomorrow."

22. The Geography lesson of Tilly Smith made her aware of what a tsunami is and its various effects. Due to this awareness, she was able to save the lives of so many people.

23. The social and religious mal practces that prevailed during the British rule were Child marriage and untouchability.

24. Bepin Babu, a serious and hardworking man, had a responsible job in a big office. He diligently worked daily and enjoyed reading books.

25. The speaker chatted with a child playing with sea-shells at the beach. Realizing he might not earn money, it brought him immense joy and satisfaction. This makes the final bargain with the child important.

26. The poet is trying to bring out the fact that human beings have achieved a lot of knowledge about the earth and beyond.

Q. 27 to 32 - Answer any 5. 5x 2 = 10

27. The Djinn, in charge of deserts, scolded the lazy camel after complaints from the horse, ox, and dog. The Djinn gave the camel a hump on its back and ordered it to serve humans like other animals.

28. Velu is not smart because he gets scared when he leaves the train. He quickly gives up to the strange girl and ends up becoming a ragpicker.

29. The Giant really missed the boy he planted the tree for. He loved the boy the most because he had hugged and kissed him. The Giant would ask other kids when the boy would come. Even when he was old, he would sit and wait for him in his chair.

30. The dog, horse, and ox were mad because man gave them the camel's work while the camel lazed around in the desert. It meant the three had to work extra hard to cover for the lazy camel.

31. Velu came from a poor family, working hard with his sisters. Unfortunately, his father, who drank a lot, would take all their money for alcohol. Upset, the little boy ran away from home to escape his troublesome father.

32. The Giant built a high wall around the garden. He put a notice - "Tresspassers will be prosecuted".

Q. 33 Answer any one. 4M

When the narrator visited Connie to give her husband's letter, she thought he was Jim due to her old age. Connie eagerly awaited Jim's return for Christmas, considering it the best present ever. The letter mentioned Jim coming home from war on Christmas, and she read it daily to feel close to him. Learning the narrator found the letter, Connie was overjoyed, thinking it was Jim visiting her after a long time.


The Giant had a lovely garden with soft green grass. Beautiful flowers dotted the grass like stars, and there were twelve peach trees. In spring, they bloomed in pink and pearl blossoms, and in autumn, they bore delicious fruit.

Q. 34 Answer any one. 4M

The dog, the horse and the ox were very angry because man assigned them the work of the camel too as he laid lazy in the middle of the desert. This meant that the three of them would need to work doubletime in order to make up for the camel’s laziness.


Velu was from a poor family and he and his sisters would work hard for a living. But his drunkard father would snatch away all their earnings and spent it on drinking. The little boy ran away from his home as he was very annoyed with his father.


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