Key - IX English - Term 2- 2023-24 - 1000 CBSE Schools, AP

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Grade 9 Term 2 Examination English 2023-24 Key

Section A Reading Skills 20 Marks

1. Reading Comprehension 10M

i) a   

ii) Add score 

iii) b 

iv) Spontaneously/ serendipitously

v) Foster 

vi) Wrung out 

vii) Stultifying / disruptive

viii) Creativity is the province of great individual geniuses. 

ix) Swiftly 

x) Creativity

2. Reading Comprehension 10M

i) b 

ii) b 

iii) c 

iv) d 

v) a 

vi) Columbus and Megallan 

vii) Christian Maps 

viii) Understanding where you are in the world
ix) Tempting 

x) Muslims favoured the south; Christian the favoured east. 

Section B Writing and Grammar 20 Marks

Grammar 10 Marks

I. Punctuation 2 Marks

A. At the age of the recital, Ustad Faiyaz Khan patted the young boy's back and said, "Work hard and you shall make it. "


B. Indira Krishnamurthy Nooyi, Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo, is one of the world's most powerful women. 

II. A. If or Unless 5 Marks

a) unless 

b) if 

c) If 

d) Unless  

e) Unless


II. B. Fill in the blanks with suitable Adverbs 

a) initially 

b) gradually 

c) exclusively  

d) consequently  

e) geographically 

III. Identity te reporting verb 1 Mark 

A) apologized   or    B) replied 

IV. Fill in the blanks with right form of the verb 1 Mark

A) goes    or   B) Visits 

V. Change in to passive voice 1 Mark

A) The poet.Gitanjali was written by Rabindranath Tagore.


B) The field was plugged by the farmer.

Writing 10 Marks

4. A. Letter Writing 5 Marks

[Note: No marks to be awarded if only the format is given. Credit should be given to the candidate’s creativity in presentation of the ideas, appropriate use of language and skills of reasoning.]

Word limit: 50-100 words

Format– 1 1/2 marks (Sender’s address, 2. Date, 3. Receiver’s address, 4. Salutation 5. Complimentary Close)

Content– 2 marks

Expression– 1 1/2 marks (grammatical accuracy, appropriate words, spellings, coherence & relevance of ideas and style)


4. B . Diary Entry 5 Marks 

Day and Date — ½ mark
Time — ½ mark
Salutation — ½ mark
Content — 3 marks
Signature — ½ mark

5. A. Report Writing 5 Marks 

Format – 1 mark (Heading & Writer’s Name)
Content – 2 marks
Expression – 2 marks (grammatical accuracy, appropriate words, spellings, coherence & relevance of ideas and style)


5. B. Conversation Writing

Opening and Closing Greetings - 1 mark
Content - 2 marks
Relevancy,  Grammatical accuracy,  coherence,  idea and style - 2 marks

Section C Literature 40 Marks 

6. A. Reading Comprehension 5 Marks

i) General Theory of Relativity

ii) A scientific revolution

iii) As Nazis came to power

iv) An eclipse of the sun in 1919

v) Nuclear fission


6. B. Reading Comprehension 

i) Orthodox Brahmin 

ii) Segregation of different social groups

iii) The way he ate his rice  drank water and cleaned the floor after eating.

iv) Once we decide to change the system, such probles have to be confronted.

v) She took him inside her kitchen and served food with her own hands.

7. A. Reading Comprehension 5 Marks 

i) The poet  

ii) by, difference  

iii) His choice of road 

iv) He wanted to do things which others had not done. 

v) More travelled and less travelled roads


7. B. Reading Comprehension 

i) Iswaran 

ii) Elephant 

iii) Broke the fences down like matchsticks 

iv) Teachers climbed up to the terrace and boys shut themselves in the classrooms.  

v) Everybody hid themselves in a safer place.

8. Answer any four 4 x 3 = 12 Marks

i) Evelyn could feel music with her fingers on the xylophone, against drums, and even through her feet on wooden floors when she took off her shoes.

ii) Kezia began to see her father as a human being when he sympathised and cared for her during a nightmare. She realised his "soft side" and  the fact that he too comforted and supported her. This led her to realise her father's love for her.

iii) When he looked himself in the mirror, thinking about being a single doctor, he decided to shave every day, grow a small mustache, and always wear a charming smile to look more handsome.

iv) Abdul Kalam's ancestral house was situated on Mosque Street in Rameshwaram. It had been built in the middle of the nineteenth century and was a fairly large, pucca house made of limestone and brick.

v) Kathmandu’s busiest streets have shops and stalls selling chocolates, camera film rolls, imported cosmetics, postcards, utensils and antiques. There are small temples having deities adorned with flowers. The vendors scream to attract buyers. There are hawkers selling fruits, flutes, postcards for the tourists.

9. Answer any two 2 x 3 = 6 Marks

i) The poet wants to build a small cabin of clay and wattles. He wants to plant nine rows of beans. He wants to have a hive of honey bees.

ii) The poet suggests that all men are same, all men are equal. He wants to promote the concept of universal brotherhood. The poet wants to tell us that everyone in this world is same.

iii) Any relevant response with apt vocabulary and grammatical accuracy. 

10. Answer any one 1 x 6 = 6 Marks

i)  Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor beneath sue and Jonsy. He was old and past sixty and failure in art. He had a dream of creating a masterpiece. It came true when he painted a leaf such that it looked extremely natural. He painted the last leaf on the creeper that helped save Jonsy’s life.

ii) The author's schoolmates cared about him after the fire, collecting school things and being friends. Even those who never spoke to him before started helping and inviting him. Feeling their genuine concern, his loneliness disappeared. He saw that his new school and friends were good, and his fear faded away. Finally, he felt life would be okay and began enjoying it again.

11. Answer any one 1 x 6 = 6 Marks

i) People all around the world remember Einstein as a "world citizen" because he really wanted everyone to stop making weapons and work together for peace and democracy. He wasn't just a great scientist; he also spoke up a lot about making the world a better and more peaceful place for everyone.

ii) Once, Saint Peter was feeling very hungry and he asked for alms from an old lady. He asked if she could give him a piece of cake to eat. The lady was very selfish. She kept reducing the size of the cake as she felt that the size of the cake was too big to be given away as alms. At last she did not give him any cake. Saint Peter grew angry and cursed her to become a woodpecker. He said that from then on, she would have to bore dry, hard wood in order to get food. All her clothes got burnt in the chimney and till this day, woodpeckers bore all day long for food and water.
