Key - IX English - Term 1- 2023-24 - 1000 CBSE Schools, AP

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Term 1 Examination English 2023-24 Key

Section A

1. Reading Comprehension 10M

i.   A 
ii.  C  
iii. D  
iv.  C 
v.   B 
vi.  B 
vii. C 
viii. D 
ix.    D 
x.     B

2. Reading Comprehension  10M

a. 87 countries won a total of 974 medals. 54 countries won at least one gold medal. The US topped the medal tally with 121 medals.

b. In order to improve its performance, India has to look for simple lessons, develop a strategy to win medals and execute it diligently.

c. They dominate because they have the facilities and programmes in place.

d. India has no plan in place. We blame everything.

e. The emergence of China is explained as “you know the Chinese can dictate anything, so they are not comparable.” It is often implied that wealth and size are the reasons for the success of these countries. They have the facilities and programmes in place so, they are bound to win. 

f. iv    
g. ii  
h. i  
i.  iv  
v. ii

Section B

A. Fill in the blanks
a. iii 

B. Error Correction 
a. undertaking, undertaken
b. a, the
c. for, of
d. that, and

C. Jumbled Words 
a. The cactus grows in very hot and dry places.
b. They do not have leaves but spiny needles.
c. Cactus flowers are big and some of them bloom at night.
d. Cacti can absorb water from fig in the air in the desert.

4. Writing 

Diary Entry 5M

Day and Date — ½ mark
Time — ½ mark
Salutation — ½ mark
Content — 3 marks
Signature — ½ mark


Article Writing 5M

Format – 1 mark (Heading & Writer’s Name)
Content – 2 marks
Expression – 2 marks (grammatical accuracy, appropriate words, spellings, coherence & relevance of ideas and style)

5. Developing a Story  5M

Word limit : 100 words

Format– 1 mark (Title)

Content – 2 marks (The story must start with the cue given in the question.
There must be clarity of plot, logical sequence of events, well defined characters and an apt conclusion)

Expression – 2marks (creativity, grammatical accuracy, appropriate words, spellings, coherence & relevance, originality of ideas and style)


Word limit : 100 words

Format – 1 mark (Title)

Content – 2 marks

There must be clarity of plot, logical sequence of events, well defined characters and apt conclusion.

Expression – 2 marks (creativity, grammatical accuracy, appropriate words, spellings, coherence & relevance, originality of ideas and style)

Section C

6. Reading Comprehension 5M

a. Next to her bedroom
b. Mechanical teacher 
c. Little girls learn better if they learn at regular intervals.
d. Saturday, Sunday
e. No


i.   b 
ii.  b  
iii. b 
iv. d 
v.   b

7. Reading Comprehension 5M

1. b
2. b
3. Diverge
4. a
5. a



8. Answer any four 4 x 3 = 12

a. Evelyn's message to the people is that—Strong determination and hard work with sincerely / honesty leads to success. Aim for your goal and try to reach your goal with full determination and concentration.

b. The poet chose that road because it was less travelled. He wanted to do those activities which had not been done by anyone earlier. The poet didn't seem to be interested in choosing a much-trodden path of life. 

c. The author said that Toto was not the sort of pet they could keep for long because he was very mischievous and kept destroying things at home. He would tear things to pieces. He would make every effort to tear a hole in the narrator's aunt's dresses.

d. The child lost interest in the things that he had wanted earlier because he was panic stricken on being separated from his parents. All he wanted was to be united with them. All the things that attracted him in the fair no longer tempted him and now the only thing that mattered was finding his parents.

e. The poet talks to the wind angrily. Strong winds can be harmful, causing damage on land, uprooting trees, and endangering lives. However, I disagree with the poet. Wind brings rain, cools the land, and is now used for good things like turning windmills for electricity.

9. Answer any two 2 x 3 = 6

i.  The author said that Toto was not the sort of pet they could keep for long because he was very mischievous and kept destroying things at home. He would tear things to pieces. He would make every effort to tear a hole in the narrator's aunt's dresses.

ii. The lost child loses interest in the things that he had wanted earlier because he was panic stricken on being separated from his parents. All he wanted was to be united with them. All the things that attracted him in the fair no longer tempted him and now the only thing that mattered was finding his parents.

iii. He was like an asset because he would cook for Mahendra, wash his clothes, and also chat with him at night. Iswaran was a master storyteller and could make up innumerable stories on different subjects. Another quality of Iswaran was his ability to improvise cooking material even at the remotest place.

10. Answer any one 6M 

Kezia used to fear her father because he spoke harshly. Her grandma suggested making a pin-cushion for his birthday to make him happy. Kezia happily stitched it using cotton cloth and stuffed it with her father's papers. When he discovered the torn papers, he got angry and punished Kezia, turning her attempt to please him into a big disappointment.


Albert Einstein, a brilliant scientist, changed how we understand science, especially physics. Interested in physics and math, he worked in Zurich on his theory of relativity, which revealed that time and distance aren't fixed. His famous formula, E=mc2, led to nuclear reactors and atom bombs. His General Theory of Relativity gave a new view of gravity. Honored with a Nobel Prize in 1921, Einstein's genius left a lasting impact on the world of science.

11. Answer any one 6M

Toto, a cute monkey, had bright, mischievous eyes and pearly white teeth that showed in a frightening smile. His quick and wicked fingers, though sun-dried, worked well. His tail added to his looks and acted like a third hand, helping him hang from branches and grab tasty treats.

Note: Let the student write his own opinion for the remaining part.


Iswaran recounts a day when a tusker escaped the timber yard, wreaking havoc in town. Rampaging through stalls and playgrounds, it terrified children and destroyed everything in its path. In the face of danger, the narrator, claiming bravery, grabbed a cane and struck the beast on its third toenail, bringing it to a stunned halt. Iswaran, however, may have exaggerated the tale to emphasize his own heroism.


  1. Konchem ardam kaledu ee sari inka baga rayandi super content


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